Archived GuestBook
Catherine Smith
Hello Mr. Faruk
I am a huge fan of your music. I think that you sing with so much soul, and when you play the ney it is most beautiful. Your music is completely engaging and I am so happy that I am able to tell you this.
Tuesday, 06 August 2013
hi mr,omar faruk,same name you & me
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
Yоu hаve onе of the best web siteѕ.
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
I love looking through your website. Thanks!
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
I value the information on your web sites. Many thanks!
Monday, 22 July 2013
Neyzen Abdullah Enes EKİM
Hocaların hocası büyük üstadım. Bursadaki konserinizden sonra sizinle muhabbetimiz kısa sürdü ama benim için inanılmaz birşeydi. Çünkü sizi görebileceğime hiç inanmıyordum.Rabbime hamdolsun sizi bana gösterdi.Sizin gibi büyük bir üstadla konuşmak sizden feyz almak benim için mükemmel birşey. Üstadım sizinle tekrar görüşebilmeyi çok istiyorum. Sizden ders almak benim için bir şereftir. Üstadım beni yanınıza alır mısınız ? Sizden ve diğer Üstadlardan birşeyler öğrenebilmek için canımı vermeye hazırım. Ne olur bu isteğimi geri çevirmeyin.
Gmail adresim :
Hocam sizi ve diğer üstadlarımın ellerinden öpüyorum. Allah’a emanet olun. Allah müzik şevkinize şevk katsın. Sizi çok seviyorum. Allah hayırlı ömürler versin. Hayırlı Ramazanlar…
Monday, 15 July 2013
cemile ildeş
tasavvufun özüne hitaben insan ruhuna bir su gibi akan neyin sesiyle gönülleri serinletecek bildğimiz alemden öte başka bir alemin dilini dinlemek için bir albüm arıyordum ama ne bir isim ne de bir adres biliyordum 13,07,2013 bursa merinos parkta o adresi bulduğumu düşünüyorum sesinize nefesinize sağlık Allah yolunuzu açık etsin…
Monday, 15 July 2013
Theodor Ivanov
Magic does exist!
Greetings from Bulgaria.
Thank you, Mr Faruk!
Friday, 19 April 2013
m krishnachandra rao
listened few songs especially pasage into mid night……….and rest is divine, nothing can be said further.
his music takes you into another world where peace, mercy prevail.
some time I feel great peace and trans with eyes filled with tears.
A great benevolance done by them..
with regards
Friday, 12 April 2013
Nurhan Julia Giampaolo
Mr. Omer.. we accidentaly found you and your site.. we listen you every single day.. too bad we can’t download or order your CD’s, we don’t do internet orders, it is dangerous..
We loved every one of your music, some we enjoy with tears!! I’m away from Turkey 33 years and don’t have anyone there so they can send me your CD’s, but we will continue to listen you on your site.
Tanri sizi ve muziginizi korusun.
Friday, 05 April 2013
Koray Güngör
Tuesday, 05 February 2013
selçuk ocak
merhaba sayın üstad
ben sizin iyi bir dinleyicinizim.size ulaşmak ve sizin gibi muhterem bir insanla tanışmak istiyorum.umarım beni ciddiye alır ve bana dönüş yaparsınız.
Bursa’dan sevgilerle.
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Hasan Oka
Hocam İlk önce kendimi şu şekilde açıklıyayım.Ben Eskişehir de oturuyorum.Liseyi Türk Telekom Anadolu Teknik ‘te okudum ve elektrik elektronik bölümünden mezun oldum.Üniversiteyi ne yazık kı 2 senelik okusamda Anadolu Ünİversitesi uçak teknolojileri bölümünde okuyorum.Size Olan hayranlığım 2 3 sene evvel televizyonda sizin yapmış olduğunuz müzikten ve I Love You Parçasını dinlemekle oldu.Sürekli Sizi Araştırdım Hayatınızı Yapmış olduğunuz çalışmaları okudum. Sizin Enstrümanlara özellikle benim kendi açımdan neye olan hayranlığım ve sizin bu işteki üstatlığınız beni gerçekten onurlandırdı.Hocam ney üflemeye başladım.Daha yeni biri sayılırım.Ama sizinle Tanışmak Sizden Ders almak ve sizin hayat görüşünüzle beraber yükselmek en istediğim hayallerimden birisidir.Hocam Beni Kırmayın.Neye Olan bağlılığım sizi görmemle başladı.Lütfen Bana En ince ayrıntısı ile yardımcı olabilirseniz çok memnun olurum hocam.Sizin Öğrenciniz olmaktan büyük gurur ve mutluluk duyarım.
Esenlikle kalın.Allaha Emanet Olun Hocam.
Hasan Oka
Friday, 14 December 2012
Hope to see you soon in AthensSmile
Friday, 16 November 2012
Halil-Ibrahim, Yalman
Selamun Aleykum Hocam,
hocam ben Almanyadan genc bir hayraninizim.
Üc aydir Ney üflüyorum (Türkiyede, Kayseri Mustafa (Demir Üstad’dan ögrenmeye calisdim).
Bu enstrüman beni üflemek icin deyil, icimde olan Tasavvufu uyandirmak icin yapiyorum. – Hocam, biz Almanyada Genc bir nesiliz, Tasavvuf hayrani Gencler, ve size sorum – Nasib olurza, bizim buraya gelebilirmisiniz?
Hocam, bunu okumaniz bana yeter Allah sizden razi olsun
Allahima Emanet olun Hocam, Vesselâm
Tuesday, 25 September 2012
Mohammad Ali
Sir what can i say for u. I am a pakistani and a very very very big fan of your music. My country is also a land of sufi saints and mystics. I believe a saint is a person who helps people to relax there souls rather then their bodies. Music is a very important source to relax your mind and in this context you are a mystic and sufi yourself. May ALLAH give you a long and healthy life. INSHALLA
Monday, 17 September 2012
erhan günay
Ey sevgılı allahın kulu allahın keremı lutfu bereketı sızın ve tum insanların ustunuze olsun sızı zevkle sevkle dınlıyor ve sevıyoruz sızı boyle ekranlarda goropte gonlunuze ve gonlume onur verıyorsunuz sızı dınlerken ben aglıyorum sızın yasdıgınız duyguları paylasıyorum ekranda sızı aglarken gorunce goz yaslarımı tutamıyorum sızın ben cırağınız olayı dılerım sızın tunelınızde sızlerle bu guzellıklerı paylasmak ısterım sızın manevatınız ve aile sadetınızle gurur duyorum esinızın ve cocuklarınızın adını bahsederken gozlerınız doluyor ya ıste ben o anda sızıle aynı kalpteyım allahım gonul gozu acık olanlardan eylesın rabbım onların acılarını gostermesın sızınle omrum olurda tanısırsam rabbım kısmet ederse gorusmeyı dılerım yasım 48 ama ben sıze yınede yanınızda cırak olmayı sızınle bu yolda yurumeyı dılerdım rabbım cümlenın kalbıne gore versın sıze ve sızın gıbı rabımın yolunda gıdenlere uzun ve saglıklı omur hayırlı çalısmalar dılerım allahın keremı lutfu bereketi ustünuze olsun sızı rabbıme emanet edıyorum saygı ve sevgılerımle Erhan günay BURSA GEMLIK
Sunday, 09 September 2012
Merhaba ! Ben sadece web sitenizin sevilen söylemek istiyorum Teşekkürler !
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Ugur Ünal
Sayin Ömer Faruk Bey
Müziginiz Muhtesem. Ben bir Türk ve Müslüman olarak sizin gibi insanlarla gurur duyuyorum. Bizleri Dünyaya tanittiginiz icin. Allahim daima yaninizda olup sizin gibi insanlarin basarisini artirsin.
Insallah yakin zamanlarda Almanyayada gelirsiniz ve burdada Muhtesem eserlerinizi Canli dinlemek nasib olur.
Saygilar Dilerim
Sunday, 05 August 2012
Üstadım selamlar olsun.
İzmir’de bizlerin sana olan özlemini böyle harika bir akşamla sonlandırdığın ve ruhlarımıza işlediğin o harika müziğin ve nefesin için ne kadar teşekkür etsem azdır.
İnşallah bir daha bu kadar özlemek zorunda kalmayız sizleri Smile
Sevgiler, saygılar.
Thursday, 02 August 2012
Ömer Bey, müziklerinizi çok beğeniyorum.Ben de bir neyzenim.Gittiğim kursta sizin eserleriniz mutlaka söz konusu oluyor.Okuduğuz için teşekkür eder, başarılarınızın devamını dilerim.
Monday, 02 July 2012
Selçuk Akdağ
Parçalarınızı dinlemek insana haz veriyor. Neyden çıkan notalar insanın ruhunun derinliklerine giriyor. yüreğinize sağlık. İstanbul konserlerinizi heyecanla bekliyoruz. Sizinle tanışmayı ve muhabbet etmeyi çok arzu ederim. Teşekkürler
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Omar bey,your music is heals my soul.i’ll try to save some money to buy all your cd’s.and please come to Romania one day,there is a large comunity of turkish ppl here also,and also romanians who love your music like i will be an honour to hear your music live.
Monday, 11 June 2012
Sayın Ömer Faruk Bey,
Yaptığınız müzikler çok harika. İlerde sizin gibi bir neyzen olmak isterim. Şuan da kaval çalıyorum ama neyde üflüyorum. Sizce hangisini tercih etmeliyim? Saygılarla…
Saturday, 02 June 2012
Edin Jahic
Esselamu Aleykum!
I love your music very much. Congratulations.
May Allah reward you!
Sunday, 27 May 2012
Ismail Topuz
Mr Faruk,
Thanks for your wonderful Concert in Valanica this week, the sound was excellent, the pieces you played was great and sensitive, a really plesent moment.
Why not a concert in France in the Lyon Auditorium one day ?
Thursday, 10 May 2012
adnan harman
hocam saygılarımı sunuyorum. ney üflemeye yeni başlayan birisi olarak sizi hayranlıkla takip ediyorum.müzik adına bütün övgülere layıksınız. Allah a emanet olun. saygı ve sevgilerimle
Tuesday, 01 May 2012
Aleksander Pershin
Dear Omar! With deep respect and admiration for your gift of the composer, Alexander Pershin. By the will of the Almighty to me, a Russian man, had the honor to shoot a documentary about the mosque being built in the small town of Beloretsk in Bashkortostan. Your three brilliant songs fit perfectly for the movie soundtrack. I ask for your permission to use them in the film for non-commercial purposes. The working title of the movie “Little Europe”, duration – 45 minutes. Trailer will be posted on “You Tube” later. I’ll send a link later. I remain a fan of your talent. Alexander.
Wednesday, 18 April 2012
Dear Mr.Farouk
We enjoy your concert in oman realy realy it was awsem.
thank you been accepted to perform In royal House at muscat we hope to see you again and again.
Amin Ahmed
Tuesday, 17 April 2012
Umaima Baqer
Wonderful concert tonight!!! Omar Faruk Tekbilek.. it was wonderful to hear you live again.. Thank you for coming to Oman!
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Elizabeth A
My family and I love your music. You have inspired us to begin playing the ney. What a beautiful instrument and you play it so wonderfuly. Laughing Some favorites are Ask, Last Moments of Love, Kolaymi, Magic of the Evening, and Zeyneps Romance etc….
Tuesday, 10 April 2012
Eugene Hare
Merhaba .Beautiful music. I am from Canada but Vist Turkey a lot. Wonderful CultureSmile
Sunday, 08 April 2012
Jamshid Maramkhah
Dear Mr. Omar Faruk Tekbilek;
I heard your music and really enjoyed, your music comes from the bottom of hearth therefore goes straight into the hearth it was wonderful.
I also play Ney and tried to play the ney in the piece of “I love you” Then I found surprisingly the flute part (I also play flute) here in your website.
Now I have a request from you: Do you have orchestral performance minus ney for this piece and if the answer is yes please let me know how can I have it for playing myself.
Jamshid Maramkhah from Tehran
Tuesday, 03 April 2012
Ecio D.
Your music is wonderful and very inspiring. Continue composing, performing and releasing your music. You are loved across the world.
Saturday, 17 March 2012
Omar’s music is pleasant, joyfull and rich. And some works as Last moments of love, Ghizemli and others, are just heavenly.
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
raef rabadi
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Dear Omar, thank you for your beautiful music. A music which transports me into a world of peace
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Mary Phillips
Truly enjoyed you at the Strathmore with Yasmine Levy.
Thursday, 16 February 2012
Harika bir insansiniz …sizi cok seviyorum
Sunday, 12 February 2012
shahnoza muzaffarova
so beautifuls musics , very love
May Allah Bless you
and waiting new others
from Tashkent
Friday, 04 November 2011
My friend, you do make some beautiful music. I can only hope to see you again in the future.
Monday, 31 October 2011
We Saw you in Nave Zohar last Sunday, Great Great Great!!! Full of beauty and talent.
All the best from Israel
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Abdullah Özen
Türkiyedem Bir Karadeniz sevdalısı Memleketi Trabzon Uzungöl olan bir gençden selamlar.
Bursadan yazıyorum. Küçük yaşlarımda belki bir tv programında belki TRT radyolarından belki bir aracın veya herhangi bir radyonun teyip radyo frekansından bu parça benim içime işliyor evet ben bu parçaya hasta oldum, ben bu parçayı sevdim dediğim ve acaba bu parçayı icra eden kimdir dediğim insan! Yaşım ilerledikçe ve teknolojinin imkanları sayesinde o kulağıma hoş gelen o seslerin o icraların OMAR FARUK TEKBILEK olduğunu öğrenmek benim için devasa bir sevinç idi. İsminiz şahsınız duruşunuz herşey tamamlayıcı gibiydi. Beni benden alıp giden o güzel icralarınız için gönül dünyamdan size şükranlarımı sunarım.Her bağlamamın mızrabına vurduğumda sizdeki ruhla çalacakmış gibi esinlenerek hayata devam ediyoruz.Bir gün aynı sahnede bir eser beraber çalmak arzusu ve temennisi ile yüce rabbime emanetsiniz.Selam.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Ahmed Tasbir Gaffar
Assalamu Aliekum Sir
I’m Tasbir from Bangladesh.i listening a sound track your official website today.Believe sir,What i’m feelings!!! Its make me Cry.Sir i can’t share feelings with any one only Allah knows what i’m feeling.
Thank you sir for your great creation.
my mail id :
Thank you onec again.
Ahmed Tasbir
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Good job
Great website, keep up the good work!
Tuesday, 20 September 2011
Mary Ed
Dear Omar,
I love your music.. you are geniues!! your music brings Love, Peace of mind, Meditation, Just like Heaven really!
Waiting for you to perform in Egypt one day!
Love, Peace..
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Giselle Habibi
Ömer, I beg you: come to Mexico for a performance. You have so many fans here, we are all dying to see you play live. Please share your sublime art with us!
Here, I share with you a blog entry I wrote about your art, based on Alya Nuraï’s interview. It is in Spanish, because it is aimed for a Latin American audience:
Allah emanet ol,
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Evgeny Sorokin
Dear Omar,
I like your fantastic music a lot. It is really World Music – for all of us.
I wish you happiness.
From Russia with love!
Wednesday, 24 August 2011
Many, many thanks for Your music! Your music has nice feelings and deep humanity.
Tuesday, 23 August 2011
Your website is definitively lovely! Lots of great information and inspiration, both of that we all need! Keep ’em going…
Regards, Riverside
Saturday, 13 August 2011
vefa efendi
Hayatı; ‘iyiler’ gibi algılamayı başarıp, kuruntulardan, kibirden ve kirden uzak hislerle onu gözlemleyip ikindi vaktine sığıp sığmayacağını düşünmeksizin küheylanlar gibi inandıklarına sarılan insanlar, kırmızı gül bahçesinin içindeki beyaz bir gül gibi nasıl da güzel dikkat çekiyorlar. Müzik, hikmetten bir parça, bir damla… Uzakdoğu’daki pirinç tarlalarının kenarlarında yetişen yemyeşil ağaçların en temiz yapraklarından berrak mı berrak nehre düşen bir damla… Kulak vermesini bilmek, tek şartı bu nazlı dergahın. Ancak dinlemek var, dinlemek var. Tüm duyuların mâhı olan gönül ile dinlemeyi başarabilmek elzem… Sayın Ömer Faruk Tekbilek; müziklerinizi dinlemekten zevk alıyorum. Kutlu bir insanın dediği gibi, ikindi vakti kadar hayatta, sizin müziklerinizi dinlerken yararlı bir şeylerle meşgul olduğumu düşünüyorum. Zira müzikleriniz beni içime yönlendiriyor. Bu, sizin başarınız. Sizi tebrik ediyorum…
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Thank you so much. Your music is absolutely awsome. My all time favourite for relaxing and meditation. I wish you well always. Carolyn (Cemile)
Sunday, 03 July 2011
Amir Barui
We should be proud of the human race,that connect us in one common phase of tolerance and coexistence and harmony, conquering the hearts of millions, You´re a Human treasure,
God be with you and your family
Monday, 27 June 2011
Salameh Salameh
When I listen to your music I smell the fragrance of heaven.. I feel happy and sad.. I want to smile and cry.. I want to live forever and die now..
Dear Omar Faruk… Thank you.
Saturday, 21 May 2011
nihat erim
cok degerli pasam ellerinden oper rabbimden size ve ailenize arkadaslariniza uzun omur niyaz ederim ki muziginiz kalplere insirahta devam bulsun ve bizlere rabbimizi hatirlatsin opuyorum o guzel gozlerinden yengeminde ellerinden oglunuz sizi gececek gibi duruyor 🙂 selametleen derin sevgi ve muhabbetle dualarda bulusalim
Atlanta, USA
Tuesday, 10 May 2011
Wednesday, 04 May 2011
we were at Aya Irini last night.I have no words to say. the music we listened,the atmosphere of the place,the show we watched, all of them were gorgeous. thank you being with us.thank you sharing your music and soul with us. i hope we will listen you again as soon as possible.God bless you…
Wednesday, 04 May 2011
We are waiting for you in Murcia (Spain). We need a piece of your spirit, Omar, after all this time.
We love you!
Monday, 02 May 2011
Ali Aykaş
İzmir konserinizin iptal edildiğini gördüm. Oysa heyecanla beklemekteydik 4 Mayıs’ı. İnşallah en kısa sürede yeni bir tarih belirlenir de, o harika müziğinizi, biz İzmirli sevenlerinizden mahrum bırakmazsınız. Saygılar, sevgiler.
Monday, 02 May 2011
After attending workshops in whirling under Postneshin Jelaluddin Loras I found myselfr practicsng each evening to the one music that I found most conducive for the turns. These were songs by Tekbilek-Yunus, Ghizemli and Whirling Dervish.
Most grateful
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
“dulger” parçası cok güzel. ve diğerleri de..
“dulger” parçasının sözlerini yayınlarsanız sevinirim.
başarılarınızın devamını dilerim.
Thursday, 14 April 2011
Rani Bosna
Wherever I go, your music is on “repeat”; whatever I do calming sounds are maiking my day; I dance with you, I cry with you and write with you, my eternal inspiration!
Best of luck and inspiration!
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Faruk Işık
ilk önce başarılarınızın devamını diler,güzel ülkemizi en iyi şekilde temsil ettiğiniz için çok teşekkür ederim.Ney üfleme sizi örnek alarak başladım.Kız ney ile başladım ve daha sonra bana öyle ilham verdiniz ki şu an evimde 4 tane neyim var ancak asla pes etmicem.Sizin gibi muhteşem ve nadir insanlar Dünya ya tek bir defa gelirler ve bizim onlara sahip çıkmamız gerekir.En büyük hayranlarınızdan biri olarak,başarılarınızın devamını diler,en içten dileklerimle hayatta hep mutlu olmanızı dilerim.
Thursday, 17 February 2011
I can travel anywhere I want to listening to your music…
Friday, 11 February 2011
Said nuri Tetik
uzun zamandır ilgi duyuyordum ney e ama bir türlü başlamak nasip olmamıştı. Bir gün bir konserinizden bir parça dinledim ve ney e başlamaya karar verdim. Hemen bir ney aldım.Müzikleriniz muhteşem..Gönülden tebrik ederim..
Friday, 11 February 2011
Lea Taylor
Omar is going to be in Chicago for Valentines day! If you or someone you know lives in the area check out the All Need Love Festival. It should be an amazing time!
Tuesday, 08 February 2011
Salim Erdem
I have never seen a person that lives life so fully.
Every moment is what he is living and he expresses this with his music.
I am glad to have been a friend of your sons, and to have been able to meet a father that rules his time.
May Allah guide us all
Tuesday, 08 February 2011
Bailey Grueff
I am looking forward to seeing you at the All Need Love festival! I am telling everyone to visit the site and check you and the entire night out!! It will be a great night of music and to top it off YOU will be performing!! Lets get the word out about you at this festival!! 🙂
Monday, 07 February 2011
öncelikle şunu söylemek isterim
Last Moments Of Love! eserinizi nasıl bir ruh haliyle yazdınızki tek kelime söz olmamasına rağmen insanı buralardan alıp başka dünyalara götürüyor.yüreğinize sağlık.başarılarınızın devamını dilerim..
Wednesday, 02 February 2011
burak and sinan
essalamun aleykum.bu güzel parçaları kazandırdığınız için çok teşekkür ederiz.parçalarınızı dinlerken bu dünyadan kopup ebediyete doğru ilerlediğimizi hissediyoruz.yüreğinize sağlık
Monday, 31 January 2011
Ellerinize saglik! Al Fatiha eseriniz buara beni kanatlarinin altinda tasiyor.
Berlin’den saygilarimla
Tuesday, 25 January 2011
Kemal Koeksal / Munich / Germany
just by coincidence I bought a cd on my way to Cairo for a business trip that had your “I love you” piece on it. Fantastic work and thanks for taking the music of the an entire region to the world.
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Alia Hindawi
Mr. Omar,
as i listen to your brilliant music words fail me. i can’t think of anything that makes me feel even close to how your music does.
i long for people i never met, places i never visited and times i nevre lived when i listen to your music!
sheer joy!
Monday, 17 January 2011
khalil alhaiky
we love you here in bahrain
woundel when you are coming to have a concert here you wil be surpized
here is my e mai if you planing to host a concert in the part of the world
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Ali Han ARAS
Kıymetli Abim
Bugüne kadar yapmış olduğunuz bütün eserlere sahip olmak istiyorum ama maalesef bir türlü almak nasip olmadı bu eserleri nereden alacağım konusunda bana yardımcı olursanız sevinirim
Ali Han ARAS Denizli / TÜRKİYE
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
Edem Gulbeniz
I liked the site, thank you for great sharing!
Thursday, 06 January 2011
christos manavis
Tuesday, 04 January 2011
“Oldukça başarılı buluyorum sizleri, bu güzel eserleri bizlere sunduğunuz için çok teşekkürler.
Monday, 27 December 2010
Akın Deniz
Boyle bir muzikle boyle bir yetenekle bu kadar gec tanistigim icim kendime cok kizginim.
Saturday, 25 December 2010
Mohammed Khuran
I just need to share that I really enjoy your music. It fills me with love, a greater love in a universal understanding. The acknowledgment of connection, that we all are interwoven and the remembrance of our greater purpose with life.
Hope to see you in Jordan-Amman during your 2011 tour 🙂
Friday, 24 December 2010
I just heard your music while in a holistic bookstore. It is so beautiful!
Thursday, 23 December 2010
Siteniz gerçekten çok hoş bir Türk tarafından böylesi güzel içerikli ingilizce site oluşturulması gurur verici başarılarınızın devamını diliyorum. Google ile sorgulama yaparak sitenize ulaştım.
Monday, 20 December 2010
Mehmet Mustafa
Günde en az bir kere dinlediğim “I Love You” benim için dünyanın yapmacıklığından bir uzaklaşma,Allah’la bir bütünleşme oldu.Bize bu duyguları yaşattığın için teşekkürler.
“I Love You” that i listen everyday at least became my evasion from world’s material/superficial face, and became a path,integration to Allah.Thank you for all these.
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Muchísimas gracias por el concierto del día 4. Su música toca directamente el corazón de quien la escucha. No hace falta comprender el texto, hay una parte en nosotros que siente su profundidad más allá de las palabras.
Un fuerte abrazo
Thank you for the concert on 4. Your music goes to the heart of the listener. No need to understand the words, it is a part of us that feel the depth beyond words.
A big hug
Wednesday, 08 December 2010
Boyle bir muzikle boyle bir yetenekle bu kadar gec tanistigim icim kendime cok kizginim.
Basarilarinizin devamini diliyorum umarim en kisa zamanda Ingilterede bir konser verirsiniz.
Wednesday, 01 December 2010
You are a great artist. Thanks for sharing your talent and music with us Laughing
Friday, 19 November 2010
TEL:0536 921 61 71
0506 368 86 85
Friday, 12 November 2010
Amir Barui
Dear sir, I wondering if you can help me with a Ney ( the same as you playing in the I LOVE YOU)which is to a freind of mine. just want to surprice him. Will you help me Please!!!!
Monday, 08 November 2010
Emre Koral
Çok güzel site yapmışsın kardeşim. Müziklerin de çok güzel.
Friday, 05 November 2010
Fuat Cirit
Saygideger Agabeyim
Bize muziginle verdigin tatli ve güzel zamanlar icin tesekkür ederim
Saadece Türkiye hasretini gidermeye el uzatmadin.
Icimizde olan duygularimizi, hislerimizi Ulu Tanrimizin sevgisiyle ve senin sayende var olup, hayata acilmasini sagladin.
Duamiz, Allah seni sevgisinden hic bir zaman mahrum brakmasin.
Isvicreden Saygilar ver Selamlar yolluyorum
Monday, 25 October 2010
Bulent Gaygusuz
Kiymetli Agabey,
insallah sizi londrada gormek nasip olur.ben sizin muziklerinizle 3 sene once taniztim .(acizane )mimarlik egitimi gordugum zamanlar .uzun gecelerde sizin muziklerinizle cizimlerimi yaptim sabahlara kadar .bana cok iyi geldi .sabri ve sebati ogretti.
tasarimini yaptigim ilk resturanta da sizin muziklerinizi tavsiye ettim .cok iyi bir konsept oldu .
lutfen bana eger bir gun londrada konser verirseniz email atarsaniz sevinirim
Bulent Gaygusuz
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Haci Muhammed Sahin
I love your work and pieces of art. I hope you will give a concert in the Netherlands, so i can see you in live!! Rabbim daima arkanizda olsun sizi seviyoruz rabbim sevdigi kullarindan eylesin, insana bambaska bir huzur veriyorsunuz, ömrünüz hayirli ve uzun, nefesiniz daima bol olsun :))
Thursday, 14 October 2010
Timucin Özgül
Merhabalar Sayin Ömer Faruk Tekbilek Beyfendi,
Inseallah iysinizdir. Benim Adim Timucin Özgül, 18 yasindayim, ve Köln de oturuyorum. 2005 den beli, magalesef 2,5 sene aralikla, Ney üflüyorum. Inanilmaz bir Ney hayraniyim ve Nex üflemeyi cok seviyor ve ilerletmek istiyorum. Sizi takdir ediyorum ve idolum olarak görüyorum. Size sormak istedigim bir soru var. Merak etdim´de siz I Love You parcasini hangi ( Mansur´mu, Sah´mi..) Neyi kulandiniz?
Timucin Özgül
Monday, 11 October 2010
Keep up the good work! I liked the site. alesum
Saturday, 09 October 2010Edin
Please come to Bosnia.You have more fans here then many domestic musician. I do not know is there anyone contact you regarding concert in Bosnia, if not I offer to do that.
Wednesday, 06 October 2010
Apdullah Sis
Ömer agbi,tebrik ederim. Bukadar gereksiz müziklerin arasinda gercek müzik yapmaya devam etdigin icin kutluyorum seni.
Allah yardimcin olsun,gölün hep müzikle dolsun
Sevgilerimle, Neyzen Apdullah Sis
Tuesday, 05 October 2010
Keep up the good work
Monday, 04 October 2010
Gökhan ATALI
Gönüllerimize kattığınız bu şifa namelerle gönül kuşlarımıza bir nefes hayat oldunuz vesselam. Allah sizden razı olsun.
Sunday, 03 October 2010
I just need to share that I really enjoy your music. It filles me with love, a greater love in a universal understanding. The acknowledgement of connection, that we all are interwoven and the remembrance of our greater purpose with life.
May peace always be with you.
With respect Serap
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Antonio zazo
6 years ago I met your music, since then I have another concept of what we live, I learned to appreciate the small details of every day that helps us walk, thanks to the sound of your music, I learned to give thanks to the dawn of each day thanks to songs like Sufi, namely that each small daily sacrifice is rewarded by the positive influence rests on other people learning from them, and know that respect and tolerance is possible with anyone. And above all that beauty and harmony, is in us in the most simple and beautiful, which is the music. Thanks for teaching me the most beautiful way, thanks for your music. THANKS
Monday, 16 August 2010
I hope to see you in Belgium.
Tuesday, 10 August 2010
Nadia Al-Ansary
You are the BEST 🙂
Sunday, 01 August 2010
Hi Omer, im from London, i am huge fan of yours and your music ofcourse. i would love to see you perform live in London, i am leaving my email address, if i get the dates for your tour to the United Kingdom (UK). i feel quite connected to your music, your music definitely have some kind of magic. My most favourite track is ‘I Love You’. its really relaxing, your music dont require any words,it speaks itself. you are an amazing composer. God Bless You.
Kind Regards
Friday, 23 July 2010
Monday, 19 July 2010
I recently saw your concert this past Saturday at Eisenhower Park and I was so happy to see you live. Finally!! Your music is beautiful there are no words to explain it, you just have to listen and literally your in a trance. It was an honor to see you. Please continue to perform in NY.
Monday, 19 July 2010
Fatma Aciksöz-Tavasli
sizi ve sanatinizi tesadüfen yeni kesfettim, ve gercekten hayran kaldim. Ve su soruyu sordum kendi kendime: simdi ye kadar neden tanimamisim, nicin duymamisim Ömer Faruk Tekbilek ismini? Birbirinden muhtesem parcalariniz icin tesekkürler, hangisini dinleyecegini sasiriyor insan. Ellerinize, dilinize, yüreginize saglik. Allah sanatinizi ve basarinizi daim etsin insallah.
Almanya da yasiyorum, 2010 yili icin almanyada programiniz varmi aceba? Beni bilgilendirirseniz cok ama cok sevinirim.
Saglicakla kalin, basarilariniz devamini diliyorum.
Berlin’den Fatma …
Thursday, 15 July 2010
Monday, 12 July 2010
Paschalis from Greece
Your music uplifts the heart.
I am listening to Alif right now.
Great great music
May Allah-God always praise you with inspiration
Monday, 05 July 2010
mustafa özkan
Selam, birbirinden güzel melodiler için te?ekkür eder sa?l?k ve huzur ile devam?n? dilerim.
Friday, 04 June 2010
Tahsin Özyamak
Üstadýmýzýn ellerine dillerine yüreðine saðlýk. Türkiye’deki 2010 yýlý programlarýnýzý öðrenebilirsem memnun olacaðým.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Sherry: from Phoenix, AZ
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Catherina: Catherina from Turkey
Even though my name is not Turkish, half of my family is and I’ve been living in Turkey for my whole life so I consider my self Turkish. Omar Faruk Tekbilek has always given me inspiration and support with his music in every situation, including exams. I’m in love with his music and hope he will come this summer to Çe?me, Izmir for a concert!! Thank you for giving us such inspiration! God bless you! 🙂
Name: maryam
Country: egypt Date: Sun Dec 27 14:49:07 2009
Comment: i used to hear alot of his work never knew it is him , he is a jenius ,his music touches my heart and ther are certin pieces that expreses what i realy feel. GOD pless you omer.
Name: gölnur
Country: turkey Date: Wed Nov 25 09:45:18 2009
Comment: hüznü ve huzuru garip bir düzlemde buluþturan inanýlmaz bir melodi “I love you”… yýllardýr günde en az bir kez dinlediðim bir tutku. yüreðinize saðlýk 🙂
Name: Marco (Homepage)
Country: Portugal Date: Fri Nov 20 21:13:28 2009
Comment: Lá está, chegar até aqui tem uma estória gira…
Name: meral kirca (Homepage)
Country: Salzburg Date: Thu Nov 19 16:13:14 2009
Comment: Selam
Sizin hayranlarinizdan biriyim gönülden dinliyor ve hissediyorum.. saygi ve sevgilerimle…
Name: Nurdan & Ahmet Ali
Country: US Date: Mon Oct 19 22:29:06 2009
Comment: Tekbilek & his ensemble had given a great concert perhaps the greatest I have ever been. It was truly amazing and a great concert for our friends and guests in Atlanta.Please keep us informed of your upcoming events. We do not want to miss them. THANKS
Name: Vickie
Country: USA Date: Sun Oct 18 00:09:36 2009
Comment: What an amazing concert in Atlanta tonight! I wasn’t sure what to expect, as I had never heard of you or your group, but I was surprisingly & pleasantly taken to another world with your beautiful music! Thank you for sharing your love!
Name: kamil öz
Country: turkey Date: Wed Oct 7 06:41:26 2009
Comment: Alif albümü dont’cry my love’da eþlik eden bayan kimdir? tþk.
Name: barýþ
Country: Date: Sat Oct 3 18:56:51 2009
Comment: kelebek isimli son albümünüzü dinledim. özellikle zeynep’s romance parçasý çok hoþuma gitti. fakat parça bir noktadan sonra baþka yöne doðru gidiyor. tuhaf bir hal alýyor. tüm insicamý bozuluyor. acaba o kýsmýna brain keane mi müdahele etti diye düþünmüyor deðil insan 🙂
Name: Ana Carneiro
Country: Portugal Date: Fri Oct 2 07:28:34 2009
Comment: Your music is LIGHT! We love you!
Name: gülay
Country: türkiye Date: Tue Sep 29 09:15:51 2009
Comment: Nasýl hissediyorunuz bu kadar güzel naðmeleri? Tebrik ediyorum tüm kalbimle.. Kendimden geçiyorum dinlerken.. O kadar güzelki.. Allah razý olsun..
Name: Ahmed
Country: Bosnia Date: Sat Sep 19 05:04:59 2009
Comment: Allah razi olsun!
Name: artesekhem (Homepage)
Country: Chile Date: Fri Sep 18 15:32:57 2009
Comment: Blessings for you Omar Faruk !! I´m happy that one of my students finally got touched by your magic and she found out herself that your music comes from another sphere.. And it was very important for both of us,because thanks to your music and Sekhem iniciation she finally could dance from the spirit !! thanks for helping me to fullfil my path !!! You have to come over chile I would love to sell your music over here!!
Rosemarie Domke G
Name: viki
Country: HELLAS Date: Thu Sep 17 15:19:58 2009
Name: Gabriel
Country: Romania Date: Wed Aug 19 08:57:29 2009
Comment: Please, please, please come to ROMANIA! Turkish and Romanian music have many similar backgrounds…
Name: ahmad baghdadi
Country: syria Date: Sat Aug 15 16:39:20 2009
Comment: i have heard a lot of Oriental music since more than ten years ago, but believe me your music is not the same to any other, it is full of passion and emotion, and the most important it is heartfelt.
Name: Ann-Marie
Country: USA Date: Fri Aug 14 17:45:45 2009
Comment: AMAZING Awesome concert at the Skirball Center last nite. Wow! I love your music and we are all big fans from now on. I plan to collect all your CD’s!! Keep it up — you and the rest of the band are all so wonderful! thank you!
Name: Alen Zak
Country: USA Date: Fri Aug 14 10:00:40 2009
Comment: Wounderfull show at the Skirball Center in Los Angeles.
Name: Ioanna
Country: Romania Date: Sun Aug 2 17:45:20 2009
Comment: Your music is the best music I could hear in my life! It’s just amazing!!I just don’t have words to express my feelings. I see that you have concerts in Turkey, Greece, Spain…Please come to Romania and give us the magic of your music!!!
Name: Felice (Homepage)
Country: United States Date: Wed Jul 29 21:04:20 2009
Comment: Would Love to see you in the Connecticut area awesome music that inspired the soul to dance truly beautiful
Name: jehad
Country: syria Date: Wed Jul 29 06:59:55 2009
Comment: actually it is the first time that i heared ur musice was yesterday and it was my surprise to hear agiant musician that he owned my soul
Name: Juan Carlos Rica (Homepage)
Country: Spain Date: Tue Jul 21 10:14:17 2009
Comment: AMAZING concert yesterday at Malaga…more than two hours of pure pleasure for mind and heart. I saw you on the train from Madrid to Malaga but was a bit shy to talk to you. Last time I was in a concert was in Madrid more than 8 years ago, just before publish and article on Rythm Magazine about you. Hope to see you soon again.
Name: Ana
Country: Spain Date: Sun Jul 19 13:26:12 2009
Comment: OLE, BROTHERS. Thanks for coming to Jerez, we all enjoyed like long time ago… Magic night! Love and respect. OLE Y OLE
Name: faseropa
Country: Spain Date: Thu Jul 16 20:36:53 2009
Comment: I just have heard you (and friends/brothers)in Jerez de la Frontera(Spain). Thanks for your present. You made me flying throw your music. And I saw how music is an excellent vehicle of comunication.
Name: Melita
Country: Bosnia and Herz Date: Sat Jun 27 05:51:20 2009
Comment: Dear Mr.Tekbilek,maybe you will never read this message and is so much to say about your music. Not space enough here. Let me say, for years am not listening your music, but AM LIVING IT. It influenced my life in best possible way, helped me to face bad things in life, as helped me to get closer to divine secrets and miracle of creation, universe and life itself. Your music is endless beauty for me. Thesekkur ederim , be blessed and you already are-with this gifts-talent and ability of love.
Name: orçun arat
Country: Turkey Date: Thu Jun 25 03:31:29 2009
Comment: ÞArkýlarýn bir þurup bir ilaç gibi bende Ömer Faruk abi. Nasýl ki saðlýklý bir insana þurup anlamsýzdýr, iþte yüreðinin bir yerinde acýyan bir tarafý olmayan insanlara da senin o sihirli þarkýlarýn nafile. Gönülden yapýlan þarkýlar ancak gönüllere ulaþýr diyorum. Ýnþaallah okursun bu yazýmý.. Allah ‘a emanet ol sevgili Ömer Faruk Tekbilek
Name: Filiz&Mustafa
Country: Turkiye Date: Fri Jun 19 05:22:11 2009
Comment: Dün akþam sizi ve arkadaþlarinizi Bursa’da zevkle dinledik ve izledik..Sizin gibi müzigi müzik için yapan,müzikte kaliteyi arayan kiþilere müzigimizin hep ihtiyacý olacak..Fýrsati olup da gelmeyenler inanýn çok þey kaçýrdý..Sizi tekrar izlemek ümidi ile..
Name: Alev
Country: TURKEY Date: Thu Jun 18 08:20:31 2009
Comment: Dearest Faruk agbicim, All I could say that myself & my family are honored to know such a wonderful & amazing person!! Also, for sure the luckiest person to know a great family since my childhood…Iyki varsininiz Faruk agbicim & for sure your music is amazing!! We love you all dearly!! Alev-Murat Cengiz & Family :-))
Name: Takis
Country: greece Date: Sat Jun 13 16:23:32 2009
Comment: Thank you for your music. We will be expecting you soon. Take care
Name: Sarandos
Country: Greece Date: Wed Jun 3 16:44:11 2009
Comment: It was a gift to come from Mytilene to Athens last Saturday to listen to your divine music and meet a great musician and person as well.Your concert was an unforgettable experience. Thank you so much! Hope to meet again. Insallah!!
Name: Antonis
Country: GR-Thessaloniki Date: Sun May 31 07:14:21 2009
Comment: Thank you for coming here. I enjoyed it although the rain. Thank you again. Hope to see you again.
Name: Tunca Kulahci
Country: IstanbulTurkiye Date: Mon May 25 12:02:42 2009
Comment: Sevgili Usta,
2004 ve 2006da San Diego, California’da sizi dinleme ve konser sonrasi siz ve sevgili esinizle- resim cekme 🙂 sohbet etme imkanim olmustu. Dun sizin sufi parcanizi tekrar tekrar dinledim ama doyamadim. Eser uretmek boyle oluyor demek ki. Eskiden de devamli I love you’yu dinlerdim. Neyse, sevgi ve saygilarimi sunmak istedim. Artik memlekete dondum, insallah Istanbul’da da konser calismaniz olur. Saygilar
Name: Roberto Karadakovski
Country: Macedonia Date: Sun May 24 17:43:45 2009
Comment: Thank you for the most beautiful music from Macedonia. Finali I’ve got all your albums and it is vonderful. It is music for ala people for all world.
Thank you again and I hope that you Will come in Macedonia ever.
Name: Dr. D. Badea (Homepage)
Country: France/Morocco Date: Sun May 24 09:59:14 2009
Comment: As a sound research company, we took your music as the greatest possible challenge – for its exquisite beauty and complexity and emotional content. The challenge was to overcome the poor quality of the original master and offer to your music the flavor and touch it deserves.We have (succeeded!) remastered “Firedance” and “Mystical Gardens” and we’d be delighted to present you the result someday, if God permits.
As Salam Aleykum
Have a good and long life
Dr. D. Badea
Name: Hulya Kocak
Country: Australia Date: Thu May 21 02:39:42 2009
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful gift of music – that you have given to the world – not just for the Turkish people – but to all the people from different backgrounds that know of you and appreciate your music. I envy those whom have had the pleasure of attending your concerts. Will you be touring Australia anytime soon? Hope to see you DOWN-UNDER!
Name: ismail
Country: istanbul Date: Tue May 19 23:52:35 2009
Comment: üstad yunanistan’a kadar zahmet etmiþken istanbul’a da bi’ selam verseniz…
Name: Farah
Country: Belgium Date: Sat May 16 23:41:00 2009
Comment: HiI become a big fan and I hope to see you in Belgium !
Name: papaspyrou eleanna
Country: greece Date: Thu May 14 20:00:23 2009
Comment: see you soon
Name: Trista Haggerty
Country: USA Date: Fri May 8 13:33:56 2009
Comment: magical and mystical – I love your music!!
Name: tezcan ozler
Country: USA Date: Wed May 6 21:42:26 2009
Comment: There are few people who understand the importance of music and its relation to faith. When there is love there is purity, when there is love there is GOD.
thank you for sharing with us your gift.
Name: Sage Hoban
Country: Calif.U.S.A. Date: Wed Apr 29 00:40:26 2009
Comment: Greetings,I live in grass valley,Cal. Ihave been a middle easstern dancer for 30 years ,in recent years we have been so inspired by your music,and we are so looking forward to your upcoming concert here on may 2 at the center for the arts in grass valley…what can I say besides see you all there…much love and creative blessing Sage
Name: Arslan ,Erkan
Country: Germany Date: Thu Apr 16 16:51:04 2009
Comment: when is your next concert in germany or central europa, i miss the opportunity in munich
Name: Eray
Country: TURKEY Date: Sun Apr 5 23:07:39 2009
Comment: Eserleriniz tek kelime ile harika. Ulkemizi dunya capinda cok iyi bir sekilde temsil ediyorsunuz. Tabiri caiz ise ADAM GIBI ADAM TURK GIBI TURK sunuz. Sitenizin Turkce versiyonunuda gormek istedim. Tesekkurler
Name: Habibe
Country: Turkiye Date: Thu Apr 2 18:32:13 2009
Comment: in my opinion if god has predistine a person to produce something like this, it means that he feels this kind of things at least one time in his life. congratulations for all of your works but especially for your feelings that you give us some belief about our world has been livable even in this century.
Name: Mehmet
Country: Germany Date: Sat Mar 28 12:12:58 2009
Comment: Omar abi, bende münich konserindeydim, cok beyendim gercekten cok etkilendim. Insallah birdaha almanyaya gelirsin.Herkes hayran kaldi senin müzigine.
Mehmet (münih)
Name: Bijen
Country: Germany Date: Wed Mar 25 18:15:14 2009
Comment: Greetings from Munich
Your concert was one of the best things that I have experienced in my life. Please include ‘Sweet trouble’ on your next concert to Germany
My greatest respect to you and all your group members.
See you next time
Name: nihal
Country: GERMANY Date: Wed Mar 25 12:56:00 2009
Name: Ali Sait
Country: Turkey Date: Fri Mar 13 21:47:26 2009
Comment: Sevgili Omer abi, Binlerce kilometre uzaktan sizin müziðinizin nefesi, yüzyýllardýr hasta düþmüþ bir medeniyete huzur veriyor. Ayný zamanda þunu da kanýtlýyor ki insanlýðýn evrensel mirasý olan deðerler belki de sadece müzikle en güçlü þekilde ifade edilebilinyor. Selam ve sevgiler…
Name: moulay driss el idrissi
Country: moroco Date: Tue Mar 10 16:25:52 2009
Comment: i like your musique
Name: christos martsios
Country: greece Date: Sun Mar 8 19:50:43 2009
Comment: waiting for your performance in athens
Name: ikram
Country: spain Date: Fri Feb 27 20:46:35 2009
Comment: great musician..realy..
Name: Ammar Cicak
Country: Bosnia and Herz Date: Sun Feb 22 20:59:24 2009
Name: Esra
Country: Türkiye Date: Tue Feb 17 08:42:59 2009
Comment: I attended your concert in Aya Ýrini last night. It was great. Thank you and your ensemble for being here and making us live that mystical environment…
Name: Yahya
Country: Turkey Date: Fri Feb 13 15:35:55 2009
Comment: Listening Why, Hasret, and I Love You is always a positive contribution to the state of my soul. Thank you very much. I expect your success to continue increasingly. I wish to listen to your music live and hope to meet the person behind this excellent sufi music one day.
Name: Erman Aktan (Homepage)
Country: Türkiye Date: Thu Feb 12 09:55:21 2009
Comment: I can only applause your work! Because there is no way to tell what I feel…
I’m glad I heard your melodies before my last day 🙂 I’m lucky in that!
Name: Mohamed Seif
Country: Egypt Date: Mon Feb 2 18:37:29 2009
Comment: With no doubt, Omar Faruk if one of the top musicians in the history of man kind
Thanks to you !!
Name: Vere Pahulu (Homepage)
Country: Australia Date: Tue Jan 27 02:23:56 2009
Comment: I love your music it’s deep and soulful. I have watch your perfomance in Melbourne and I would love to watch you live again. Thanks for sharing your amazing gift of music. Vere
Country: Turkiye Date: Tue Jan 20 17:03:38 2009
Comment: Dear MR. Tekbilek,
I m one of the biggest fan of yours.In Turkiye You have lots of fans..I wish and dream,one day you will come here for a Concert.
Thanks for the pure art…
Name: kareen
Country: egypt Date: Sat Jan 17 06:34:03 2009
Comment: i love you and your music your amazing my dream is to attend concert for you here in egypt plese mr omar please make concert here in egypt
Name: myself
Country: Kuwait Date: Sat Jan 3 22:09:43 2009
Comment: Hello, with your melodies i learned how to love and feel as well as I’m hearing it now with broken heart, life is odd, what you want so much always runs out of your hand, thanks.
Name: Pedro
Country: spain Date: Tue Dec 30 16:31:37 2008
Comment: I like the music of Omar.I saw a concert in Cartagena, Spain, -La mar de musicas- in 2005.I liked very much.I´d like to see another concert in spain.Very sincerey from Cartagena,Spain.I play the spain bandolin.
Name: Octavio Nava
Country: Mexico Date: Fri Dec 12 21:46:44 2008
Comment: thank’s for your music
Name: Jawad
Country: Pakistan Date: Thu Dec 11 20:09:12 2008
Comment: YOu are awesome…..hope u do well in future…
Name: Linda Latham
Country: USA Date: Wed Dec 10 13:30:25 2008
Comment: I lived in Turkey for 5 years. Your music takes me back to those days. The morning sky colored red and orange by the rising sun. Hot summer winds carrying the smell of fresh baked breads through the air. The haunting call to the Mosque. Your music takes me back to those wonderful days. Thank you.
Name: ali (Homepage)
Country: abdbed-2008 Date: Sun Dec 7 21:23:03 2008
Name: adem
Country: germany Date: Thu Nov 27 18:00:10 2008
Name: Ali Hashim
Country: Egypt Date: Thu Nov 20 02:19:54 2008
Comment: Hesert & I love you Is My favorites Music. Thank’s For Omar Farouk
Name: hatice mert
Country: Düsseldorf Date: Wed Nov 19 16:37:21 2008
Comment: Bütün parçalarýnýzý dinledikçe ruhum,bedenim huzur doluyor..Gönlünüze,nefesinize saðlýk,Allah size uzun ömürler versin ki bizlerde o güzel nefesinizi,sesinizi uzun yýllarca dinleyebilelim..Düzzeldorf’ta konserinizi bekliyorum büyük bir heyecanla….
Name: raulchami
Country: Argentina Date: Mon Nov 17 17:23:47 2008
Comment: I`M a fan`s mos from OMAR FARUK I `ve all`s `d musixcs
My parents were born In GALATA Istambul also I`m veteran and legendary musisian of etnic music Ilike to play guitar I hope you reply add me as member THANKSD RAUL
Name: kamal masri
Country: jordan-amman Date: Sun Nov 16 08:27:12 2008
Comment: I love your music very much,,, Your works are wonderful specialy (( i love u & why)) I will be always one of your fans
Name: Ernesto
Country: Serbia Date: Wed Nov 12 00:16:01 2008
Comment: Mr. Omar,
I’m very like your music, have to all collection your albums.Charm of this music is in what the sufi music, almost to Mevlevi Order.Throu this sounds I see the God, and hear his voice in my heart.Thank you Mr. Omar, for the beautiful music what was give the world and will give yet.Wish you to success in future works, with deep respects:)
Name: haitam garzozi
Country: israel Date: Sat Nov 8 09:25:20 2008
Comment: omer ……. you are the best musician ever ….. i just want to see you playing the ney in alive concert
Name: Roberto Karadakovski
Country: Macedonia Date: Wed Nov 5 21:13:23 2008
Comment: Omar thank you for this music. Its magical. I have five yours CD and simply it;s magical.
Thank you.
Name: zinar cizery
Country: syria/alqamishl Date: Wed Oct 15 04:00:56 2008
Comment: hi am zinr ilike the music so much exactly your music and when your playing by baglama keep away good bye
Name: egemen atkaya
Country: turkey Date: Fri Oct 10 15:42:54 2008
Comment: merhaba ömer amca ben egemen suzan teyzenin teyzesinin en büyük oðlu selçuK’ un oðluyum
türkiyeye gelmiomusunuz bn sennle tanýþmayý ve dinlemeyi çok istiorum.Bende gitar -çalýorum ve senden mutlaka birþeyler öðrenebileceðimi düþünüorum
Name: Ömer (Homepage)
Country: Türkiye Date: Fri Sep 26 19:03:39 2008
Comment: Hocam merhaba. müziðinizle yeni tanýþmýþ olsam da sýcaklýðýyla beni oldukça etkiledi ve kendimden utandým sizin gibi bi deðerimizi þimdi tanýmýþ olmaktan. keþke daha önce olsaydý… muðlanýn köyceðiz ilçesine bekleriz. baþarýlar
Name: Micheilne
Country: Canada and Japa Date: Mon Sep 22 02:41:12 2008
Comment: Hello Faruk, I saw you performing last night in Tokyo (september 21,2008). It was an amazing experience. I felt your music and your voice really touch me. I totally agree with you about what one of the roles of music is. That is to bring us all together no matter what our religious beliefs are or our cultural background.
I wish I could take some singing lessons with you. Of course I would have to start learning Turkish and also how to read the maqam. thank you Micheline
Name: gabi
Country: israel Date: Sun Sep 21 19:28:07 2008
Comment: thank you for your open heart and your wonderful music
it will be a honor to see you again in israel !
Name: Engin
Country: Switzerland Date: Fri Sep 19 07:31:59 2008
Comment: If only the culture-blocking and destructive politics would not stop us, we would have so much love and peace to share with the world. Omar’s incredible contribution to the world is opening doors and freeing locked souls. May Allah bless him.
Name: Dénis (Homepage)
Country: Netherlands Date: Sat Sep 13 11:06:19 2008
Comment: Dear Omar, your songs are often too short for me. The beauty ends so soon. For instance; I could easily listen for half an hour at your song ‘One Truth’ from the album ‘One Truth’. Take it as a compliment please.
Name: Margarita Dodd
Country: USA Date: Fri Sep 12 14:19:14 2008
Comment: DEar FAruk: I would love you to come to Florida.
Please notice that in north Florida you have a lot of followers that are looking for your concert. Margarita-The Belly Dancer
Name: sanja
Country: Macedonia Date: Wed Sep 10 15:40:04 2008
Comment: Omar,
Thank you for this beautiful music. I love u
Name: Nikos Charalabous
Country: Greece Date: Mon Sep 1 21:05:59 2008
Comment: Thank you for the inspiration, thank you for all that great music. Be blessed.
Name: Tunca
Country: Date: Mon Aug 25 09:53:27 2008
Comment: Usta, bu sene San Diego, CA’ya gelmediniz, bizi uzdunuz. Umarim guney California’yadaki sevenlerinizi cok bekletmezsiniz. Saygilar 🙂
2007 < BR>
? 🙂
Name: munir assaf
Country: usa Date: Mon Aug 25 06:58:48 2008
Comment: greet site great music. A touch of the middleastern music smiplicity brings the imagination w/ the reality, keep it up munir
Name: Suhaib Issa Al-Khazali
Country: Jordan Date: Fri Aug 15 07:00:57 2008
Comment: When I hear your music I back to life. I forgot any music I heared before. God may protect you
Name: Karolina
Country: Czech republic Date: Tue Aug 12 18:10:42 2008
Comment: Dear Omar, you make really beautiful, inspiring and mystical music. I´m honnored every time I danced on it, tessekür ederim…
Hope to see you soon at some concert in the middle of Europe;-)
Wish you lot of health, happiness and succes…
Name: Dursun Þahin (Homepage)
Country: Türkiye Date: Mon Jul 28 13:27:31 2008
Comment: Ellerinize saðlýk.Bir de sitenizde Türkçe bir ara yüz bulmayý isterdim. Teþekkürlerimle…
Name: Nathália Zúniga
Country: Brasil Date: Fri Jul 25 15:59:35 2008
Comment: Beautiful and inspiring music you make.
Name: Burhan
Country: Isvicre Date: Sun Jun 15 19:31:22 2008
Comment: sizinle oglumun bana heiye olarak Türkiyeden getirdigi bir cd vasitasi ile tanistim. keske bu tanisma cok uzun yillar önce olsaydi…
Saygilar efendim
Name: Iván
Country: Spain Date: Sat Jun 14 15:11:45 2008
Comment: Wonderful concert in A Coruña.
Name: sule
Country: TÜRKÝYE Date: Fri Jun 13 16:16:27 2008
Comment: slmn alykm hocam,üstadým,pîrim…slmn alykm ey güzel ey kutlu insan.ben tasavvuf,sufizm derinliðinde yanan ,rahatlayan hem de acý çeken âciz bir kuldan fazlasý deðilim.derin derin gönlümüz sýzlýyor durmadan bu tasavvuf gibi bir ne umman sanki her þeyin yaradýlýþýn,varoluþun,varlýðýn,zerrenin kýsacasý her þeyin sanki derin anlamý bu ummanda.sanki gönlün Allah aþkýyla yanmasýderindenkavrulmasý,sýzým sýzým sýzlamasý.böyle bir ummana girebilmemize yardýmlarýnýz için gönüldenAllah razýolsn
Name: sule
Country: TÜRKÝYE Date: Fri Jun 13 16:15:12 2008
Comment: slmn alykm hocam,üstadým,pîrim…slmn alykm ey güzel ey kutlu insan.ben tasavvuf,sufizm derinliðinde yanan ,rahatlayan hem de acý çeken âciz bir kuldan fazlasý deðilim.derin derin gönlümüz sýzlýyor durmadan bu tasavvuf gibi bir ne umman sanki her þeyin yaradýlýþýn,varoluþun,varlýðýn,zerrenin kýsacasý her þeyin sanki derin anlamý bu ummanda.sanki gönlün Allah aþkýyla yanmasýderindenkavrulmasý,sýzým sýzým sýzlamasý.böyle bir ummana girebilmemize yardýmlarýnýz için gönüldenAllah razýolsn
Name: Umut
Country: Türkiye Date: Fri Jun 13 16:08:14 2008
Comment: Bizim öz müziðimizin öz sanatçýlardan sayýn Omer Faruk Tekbilek ayakta alkýþlýyorum. Bizler müziðimizin kýymetini bilmiyoruz ve özümüze bakmak yerine dýþarýya bakýyoruz. Bu anlamda sayýn Tekbilek gibi sanatçýlarýmýz bize aslýnda dünyanýn en güzel müziðini Türk müziði olduðunu bir kez daha ispatlýyor. Saygýlar ve sevgiler.
Name: Rebecka
Country: United Kingdom Date: Thu Jun 12 14:14:31 2008
Comment: Merhaba Amca!
How are you and the rest of the family? Was great seeing you at the Barbican, really enjoyed the concert. Will you be giving a concert in London again anytime soon? How was Spain? Let me know your schedule for the Summer.
Big hug
Name: juan oria sal
Country: gijon- españa Date: Tue Jun 3 09:37:11 2008
Comment: peace and harmony….´listening to your music and your voice in Gijón.PEACE ana LOVE FOREVER.thank you very much and please,come back as soon asa possible
Name: alan rambel
Country: usa Date: Wed May 28 22:48:48 2008
Comment: loved your music for years. I live near Asheville but work weekends, so was unable to attend in April. Saw you in NYC in ’96?
Mystical Garden is my favorite all-time album.
Name: Onur Ekinci (Homepage)
Country: türkiye Date: Fri May 23 22:47:37 2008
Comment: Eline yüreðine saðlýk. Seni dinledikçe içim huzur doluyor. Teþekkürler.
Name: turgut
Country: new zealand Date: Sun May 18 04:44:03 2008
Comment: Omar hocam selamlar,benim adim turgut aslen Izmirliyim ama 6 senedir Yeni Zellandada yasiyorum.Milford Sound diye bilinen ,buranin 1 numarali turistik noktasinda kaptan olarak I Love You eserinizi ilk defa burda duydum ve asik oldum.simdi hergun teknemde caliyorum ve herkes soruyor ;nerden buldun diye?
Hakikatten I Love You eseriniz cok bambaska birsey ve dinleyen herkesi ucuruyor.
Hocam kendinize cok iyi bakin ,selametle
Name: Ali Ömer Oral (Homepage)
Country: Türkiye Date: Mon May 12 10:23:19 2008
Comment: Selamlar hocam…Web sayfama beklerim…Hoþçakalýn…
Name: Alexander
Country: Egypt Date: Fri May 9 20:47:39 2008
Comment: i dont know wut can i say … but i know ur the 1st one in make sensitive music in the world
Name: Fatima Zaky
Country: USA Date: Thu May 1 18:53:27 2008
Comment: Beautiful, passionate, effusions of a soul filled with desertscapes and myrrh-scented breezes. It is a Surah sweetly recited, and a tear that cannot be held back, the flood of emotion evoked being too great. Said Tekbilek, which level of heaven do you visit us from?
Fatima Zaky
P.S. Please send Ibrahim my love.
Name: Farid vaezi
Country: Tabriz-Canada! Date: Fri Apr 25 07:28:56 2008
Comment: Omer Arkadas,Men Tebrizden bir Azeri kardesi olarak sizi yaziyorum. Simidi Canada da Yasiyurum. Sizinle men bir tesaduf aseri tanisdim ve Tree of Patience albumunuzu aldim. sizin WHY parcaz meni fana yapdi, ve sizin icin bir poem geldi. Mende bir qenc kardes gibi sizinle baglandim, conki mende bir cicikde olsa Heqqe tapannardanim. I can’t describe many thing here, I’m just trying to find a way to come to your program in CA at Aug to meet you in person. Heqqe Emanet. I like talk u more, but…
Name: Sonia
Country: United States Date: Tue Apr 22 03:37:15 2008
Comment: I attended your performance at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN and it is an experience I will never forget. You and your ensemble’s music really touched my heart and so clearly portrayed the joy, playfulness, and love that you all have put in your music that I’m your fan for life. I hope that I’ll have a chance to see you in a concert again. Thank you for coming to our MTSU we are truly grateful!
Sonia Q.
Name: ismail yýldýz
Country: istanbul Date: Sun Apr 20 20:31:44 2008
Comment: sonsuz hürmetler abi
her sene olduðu gibi bu yýl da ispanya konserleri aylar öncesinden belli olmuþ ama istanbul henüz yok listede. hasretle bekliyoruz abi. sizi çok özledik.
Name: Conchi
Country: España Date: Wed Apr 9 15:19:21 2008
Comment: Estoy deseando que llegue el 27 de mayo para escuchar su concierto en Zaragoza (España). Cantará Manhem?…por favor…
De cualquier modo, con su dulce voz nos transportará por un espacio de tiempo a la felicidad.
Name: said
Country: oman Date: Sat Apr 5 16:12:01 2008
Comment: i like your music very much it really wonderful and make me relax
Name: MadeleineLapointe-Millar
Country: Canada Date: Sat Mar 29 22:05:49 2008
Comment: I have a half dozen of your wonderful CDs (several with Brian Keane. They are wonderful to listen to, dance to, trance to.
Thank you for being you and for making such special music.
Name: Ayesha
Country: USA Date: Thu Mar 27 16:18:45 2008
Comment: Mashallah dear brother….all I can say is you are truely gifted from Allah and we are so luckey to share in this gift. May all your dreams come true Inshallah
Name: Ebru Arda
Country: Australia Date: Tue Mar 25 14:16:29 2008
Comment: Bugun Opera House’da konserinizde bulundum- ellerinize ve nefesinize saglik cok guzel huzur dolu dakikalar yasadik sizin ve kadrodaki diger muthis muzisyen arkadaslarin sayesinde. Her biriniz muhtesemdiniz butun muzik enstrumanlarin hakkini verdiniz, enstrumanlari calarken yuz ifadeleriniz butun konsantre ve o an ki ruh halinizi ortaya seriyordu bunu gormek cok guzel sizlerin sayesinde enstrumanlari daha iyi tanidim. Muhtesem bir aksamdi tekrar tesekkurler basarilarinizin devamini dilerim. EA
Name: amina ammour
Country: Algeria Date: Sat Mar 22 19:51:50 2008
Comment: salam alikom
hello mr Omer I really like your music it’s great magic it really takes me to another world .
And it reminds of Istanbul because I love a lot
Good luck and I wish a lot of succes
Name: Halise Gunduz
Country: Australia Date: Tue Mar 18 06:13:08 2008
Comment: We were at your concert just recently at the Arts Centre in Victoria, Australia. Your music is amazing, listening to yor music live was excellent. We hope to see you again in Melbourne Australia many more times 🙂
Name: Serap Hazar
Country: melb, australia Date: Mon Mar 17 15:01:57 2008
Comment: Dun aksam Melbourne’da ki muhtesem konserinizi izlemek cok keyifliydi. Bizlere kaliteli muzigin nasil yapildigini hatirlattiginiz icin cok tesekkurler.
En kisa zamanda siz ve grubunuzun tekrar gelmesi dilegiyle, calismalarinizda basarilar.
Name: Mehmet SARI
Country: Türkey Date: Mon Mar 3 16:21:18 2008
Comment: Sizin gibi bir müzik adamýný geç tanýdýðým için hayýflanýyorum. Bir gün inþallah Kütahyaya gelirsiniz
Name: seyed samed
Country: turkýye Date: Sun Mar 2 07:43:20 2008
Comment: sahsýnýzý turkýyede gormek ben ve beným gýbý gormek dýnlemek ýsteyenler oldugunu dusunmekteyým…býr bardak çay istanbulda içmeye ne dersiniz…hoþca sefaca kalýn
Name: h.ahmet özcan
Country: Tokat-Türkiye Date: Wed Feb 27 21:32:28 2008
Comment: TRT2’deki Telvin proðramýný izledim ve kaydettim.sizi albümleriniz dýþýnda bu proðramla daha detaylý tanýma imkaný buldum ve eserleriniz benim için dahada anlam kazandý…saanat hayatýnýzda baþarýlar dilerim.Allah yar ve yardýmcýnýz olsun…
Name: Magdalena (Homepage)
Country: New Zealand Date: Tue Feb 19 23:11:43 2008
Comment: Listening to your music is truly inspirational. You are one of my all-time favourite artists! Thank you for your amazing dance music
Name: Bilal Kayhan
Country: Turkey Date: Thu Feb 14 09:23:44 2008
Comment: Allah’ýn en güzel selamý üzerine olsun. Bu kadar büyük bi baþarýyý yakalaman gerçekten çok ama çok güzel inþallah Allah daha fazlasýný nasip eder. Hele ki bu kitle inanýlmaz biþey. Her ülkeden her milletten insan var yüreðine ve nefesine saðlýk. Ankarayada bekliyoruz abicim.
Name: Ömer ORAL (Homepage)
Country: Türkiye Date: Mon Feb 11 13:03:23 2008
Comment: Hocam selamlar..Ýzmir’e bekliyoruz seni..Özledik..
Name: george santana
Country: US Date: Sat Feb 9 09:48:17 2008
Comment: I love your website. I am an amateur baglama saz player. I took lessons for a year from Michael Hysinger, who is also a gifted musician of middle eastern instruments. He was an acquaintance of Latif Bolat. Anyway, I hope you have a concert in LA sometimes.
All the best, George Santana
Name: Erika Veils (Homepage)
Country: United States Date: Mon Feb 4 00:47:03 2008
Comment: Omar is by far one of the most outstanding artist’s I have ever heard. As a Belly Dancer I enjoy dancing to his music the most. Thank you Omar for being so fabulous. You’re music always puts me in a trance.
-Erika Veils
Name: ibrahim ilkay itku
Country: Turkiye Date: Thu Jan 31 00:01:37 2008
Comment: Sevgili Ustadim,
inancým o ki Muzik,Rahman ve Rahim olan Allah’in dili ve “O” sizin vasitanizla yarattigi Ademogullarina sesleniyor.inaniyorum ki Dunyamýz ve insanogullari sizin araciliginizla gelen bu ilahi tinilarin vicdanlara ve yureklere sonsuz etkisi ile bir kez daha uyaniyor ve Hz Allah’in sonsuz merhameti ve guzelligi biz kullarina hatirlatiliyor.Nebilerin sonrada Erenlerin dedigi gibi Allah Sevgisi gonulleri dolduruyor insaAllah..O yuceler yucesi Yaradana sonsuz sukurler olsun.SE
Name: Paco
Country: Espana Date: Fri Jan 18 22:27:12 2008
Comment: Oir tu música es como escuchar los rumores del paraiso, pero oirla en un concierto como el de ayer en Sevilla es como vivir en el. Gracias por tu inspiración Omar.
Name: lela
Country: Slovenia Date: Thu Jan 17 14:01:55 2008
Comment: …beautiful music…;)
Name: giulia mion (Homepage)
Country: italy Date: Thu Dec 27 18:09:56 2007
Comment: Dear Omar, thanks for your inspired music, I am a belly dancer, when I dance whit your music my soul become all one whit the universe. Thanks for listen God’s voice…thanks for been an instrument. When I dance your music give me the power to make people leave emotions… It’s a dream have the pleaseure to make a live dan ce at your concert. Thanks! giulia
Name: Pilar
Country: España Date: Sun Dec 23 14:33:43 2007
Comment: Conozco la música de Omar Faruk gracias a unos buenos amigos, y la verdad que es una de las pocas cosas que al escuchar me transporta a otra época y me llega al fondo del alma.THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
Name: Eric
Country: USA Date: Fri Dec 14 23:54:42 2007
Comment: I love the music and the feelings.
Great website too!
Name: Geen Diddy
Country: usa Date: Tue Dec 11 16:45:07 2007
Comment: Hi Omar,i have been listening
‘i love you’ is great!
Name: Linda Latham
Country: USA Date: Wed Dec 5 20:22:26 2007
Comment: I lived in Izmir, Turkey when I was a child. Nothing has been able to take me back to that place until I hear your beautiful music. Thank you for sharing your gift.
Name: Jori Engelfriet
Country: Netherlands Date: Tue Nov 27 20:44:13 2007
Comment: Thank you for your great music.
Name: Montse
Country: Catalunya Date: Thu Nov 8 16:15:01 2007
Comment: Your music makes me feel at home.
Name: Viktoria
Country: Russia Date: Sun Nov 4 19:35:50 2007
Comment: Dear Omar! Thank you so much for fantasnic consert in Moscow! Thank you for your Heart!
Name: Sezo
Country: Germany Date: Fri Oct 26 19:58:00 2007
Comment: Sayin Omar Faruk Bey
tek kelimeyle harikasiniz sizden üstünü yok.
Hasan Issakut ve Ara Dinkjian ile yeni bir Projeniz
varsa cok iyi olur onlarda cok harika müzisiyenler bu kisilerle devam ediniz yolunuza
Dünya müzigi adina
Name: Uli
Country: Germany Date: Wed Oct 3 20:48:35 2007
Comment: Found your music just a short time ago, a deep impression , giving me and my love an unforgettable good time- thanks a lot!
Hope times will get better and the islamic world will be seen with a friendlier view in the western countries.
Name: Melissa Bartz
Country: australia Date: Mon Sep 17 22:47:31 2007
Comment: hoping Omar shares with us his talent in australia, would sooooooooooo love to see him live
Name: Emine Turay
Country: TURKIYE Date: Wed Sep 12 13:50:30 2007
Comment: In 2005,I watched you in Harbiye Theatre with my friends.Six of them came to the concert upon my reccomendation.I’ve been giving your albums as gift to my friends for many years,since the time that only few people knew about you in Turkey.
Name: Valarie Miles Rodriguez
Country: USA & Egypt Date: Wed Sep 12 10:49:33 2007
Comment: Dearest brother, Thank you so very much for your divinely inspirational music. It is such a great joy to build dance movements around any of your creations! SHUKRAN HABIBI!
Peace & light,
Valarie & Rejane
Name: Alev Gunay
Country: USA Date: Tue Sep 4 19:29:27 2007
Comment: You are such an inspiration to me. I feel blessed to have read your story after so many years of hearing your music both in person and over the air waves. My best to you.
Name: Selim
Country: France Date: Mon Sep 3 07:43:51 2007
Comment: Amazing. I really appreciate.
Name: Socrates Tsouplakis (Homepage)
Country: Greece Date: Tue Aug 28 00:44:21 2007
Comment: Thank you for your music . I hear about 15 years your songs and it was my first time i saw you here in Greece (thessaloniki) .
Name: georg
Country: greece Date: Mon Aug 27 12:42:26 2007
Comment: CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your work is amazing! I like traditional music and i admire ur work very much!i wish u always succes! plz can someone explain what the lyrics in “SULTAN OF HEARTS” meaning? from whirling album.i cant find it anywhere..
Name: Ma\’en
Country: Jordan Date: Sun Aug 26 00:43:40 2007
Comment: Amazing
Name: Esther
Country: España Date: Fri Aug 24 05:50:28 2007
Comment: Adoro tu música. Gracias por hacerme sentir bien cada vez que la escucho.
Name: ahmet tül (Homepage)
Country: Date: Thu Aug 2 10:23:35 2007
Comment: halaoðlu selamlar.burdaki herkesin selamý var.
Name: B. Eravcý
Country: Türkiye Date: Wed Aug 1 21:33:39 2007
Comment: The best musician in the world in my point of view. Your music takes my soul to different dimensions. Its just wonderful to see someone from my own country making music that is admirable from around the globe. I wish you the best. Hope to listen to you for years to come…
Name: souheil (Homepage)
Country: tunisia Date: Fri Jul 27 17:27:26 2007
Comment: hope to see and listen to moar faruk in tunus..
Name: Christopher Jackson
Country: Canada Date: Tue Jul 24 21:17:05 2007
Comment: I have just discovered your work, and will now begin to collect it. Mevlana Celalleddin Rumiyi biliyorum. Þiiri çok güzel ve benim için Sufi muziði çok ilginç. Biraz kompakt diskim (Ney muziði ile ilgili) var. Now I can add your CDs to my collection. I am a Professor Emeritus with interests in Medieval and Renaissance music of Western Europe, but also in World Music, especially Turkey, Indonesia. Even Canada’s Loreena McKennitt has now infused her Celtic music with Sufi inspiration. Thanks.
Name: Levent (Homepage)
Country: Turkiye Date: Mon Jul 23 22:20:17 2007
Comment: Hi Mr. Tekbilek. I was hearing your musics in some public places but was not known that these nice music belong to you. When i have learned i become suddenly your fan. You are a respectable and admirable musician. Thanks to Allah for sending so skillfull men to us.
Name: Gilney Barbosa Maia
Country: Brasil Date: Thu Jul 19 16:21:44 2007
Comment: beatiful music; espiritual.Impressionante e pura!
Name: fotinorod (Homepage)
Country: uk Date: Sat Jul 7 04:33:27 2007
Comment: Hello I am Lucy, I have found your website while searching for some info at Google. Your site has helped me in a big way. Bye
Name: Panos
Country: GREECE Date: Wed Jun 20 09:23:32 2007
Comment: Thanks for your music, God bless your soul. Wellcome to Thessaloniki, Greece.
Love, Peace, Light.
Name: Paloma (Homepage)
Country: Brazil Date: Mon Jun 18 17:45:32 2007
Comment: Your music made me travel trhought past lifes.
I felt like an egyptian or something.
Your music gets inside of me.
Hard to describe the feeling.
All I can say it is an amazing sound.
Name: ismail
Country: istanbul Date: Wed Jun 13 16:00:44 2007
Comment: aylardýr beklediðim istanbul konserini upcoming conserts bölümünde görünce çok sevinmiþtim ama birkaç gündür tekrar yok oldu o duyuru; iptal edilmemiþtir inþallah, sizi çok özledik abi. hürmet ve muhabbetle
Name: Adalberto
Country: Italy Date: Thu Jun 7 13:21:31 2007
Comment: I hope one day Omar Faruk could come and play in Rome, we have a world music festival in Villa Ada- Rome every summer.bye
Adalberto (symply a fan)
Name: ali ömer oral (Homepage)
Country: turkiye Date: Mon Jun 4 09:25:00 2007
Comment: selamlar omar faruk aðabey..umarým iyisindir..þu ana kadar dinlediðim en samimi müzik..siz müzikte bir devrimsiniz bence..umarým birgün beraber çalýþýrýz..yeni albümü heyecanla bekliyorum..
Name: fatos
Country: TR-DE Date: Sat Jun 2 15:28:09 2007
Comment: Almanya’ya ne zaman geleceksiniz. Dört gözle bekliyoruz sizi…
Name: Pat Herlehy (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Thu May 31 00:15:37 2007
Comment: I had the very honorable opportunity to tour your fabulous country with a soul revue. I am humbled by the shear intensity of your culture and music! I was turned on to your music by Cahit Barkay who was on the tour as well. Omar trancends all barriers and borders. God Bless! Mutasem!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Selim
Country: Turkey Date: Tue May 29 10:17:29 2007
Comment: harika bi insan olmakla beraber müziðinizde süper.bende karakterinizi buddah bardaki Ý love you parçasýna taþýmýþsýnýz helal olsun baþarýlarýnýzýn devamýý dilerim
Name: ahmed waheed
Country: egypt Date: Thu May 24 11:16:13 2007
Comment: why dont you make a concert in egypt?…i think it will be great…please think about that
Name: Dénis (Homepage)
Country: Netherlands Date: Wed May 23 11:24:09 2007
Comment: A bit late, but your concert in Rotterdam last year (4th of november) was just great! I think you peform with heart and soul and so do the other musicians. We were a little late and could not find seats. Luckily some people from your staff founds seats for us. Great music!
Name: Nesim Guvenis
Country: Israel Date: Mon May 21 09:01:24 2007
Comment: Petah-Tikva’daki konserinizle tum Israillilerin kalbini kazandiniz. Muziginizin, kisisel felsefenizin ifadesi oldugu asikar. Hakkinizda yazdiklarimi sitesinde bulacaginiz Bulten’in Agustos/2007 sayisinda okuyabileceksiniz.
Candan tesekkurler. Tekrar geliniz.
Name: Yolanda del Amo
Country: España -Madrid Date: Sun May 20 21:00:13 2007
Comment: Your music in for me.peace in my soul and recuperation of my sense
Name: Garnik (Homepage)
Country: Ermenistan Date: Sun May 20 15:19:46 2007
Comment: Merhaba benim sevgilim Omar Farruk. Benim ad!m Garnik, soyad!m Brutyan,,,Ben ermeni))))), ama ben chok sana seviyorum,, senin muziklar chok seviyorum,,,, Sizin muziklar chok gyuzel. Ben Ermenistanda ysh!yorum, ama Sana chok seviyoru,,, Sen en gyuzel muzikant kimin ben biliyorum, Allaha !smaralad!k
Name: Aysun
Country: TURKIYE Date: Tue May 15 07:02:51 2007
Comment: Yüreðimin saðýrlaþmýþ yoksunluðuna hayat verdiniz…sizi dinlemekle baþlayan serüvenim artýk yalanlardan ve riyalaran çok uzak…kendi serüveninizin baþladýðý topraklara gelirmisiniz bilmem ama gelirseniz emin olun mutlu edeceðiniz çok kiþi olacak..
Name: Steff (Homepage)
Country: BiH Date: Mon May 7 07:42:46 2007
Comment: Hello, just to say that there few of us expecting you in Sarajevo:)
Maybe maybe?:D
Name: elaine
Country: USA Date: Mon Apr 30 18:54:07 2007
Comment: I was introduced to Hu Allah in a bellydance class. I find Omar ‘s music very meditative and inspiring. I look forward to seeing a live performance in NYC someday.
Name: omer faruk
Country: turkiye Date: Sun Apr 29 15:01:04 2007
Comment: abi yaptigin muzige hayranim. ama turkiyede neden bu kadar az taniniyorsunuz? neden milletimizi bu muhtesem muziginizden yokun birakiyorsunuz? sizin gibi degerlerimizin daha cok taninmasi dileklerimle. Allah yolunuzu acik etsin. saygilar
Name: jad
Country: palestin Date: Thu Apr 26 18:19:29 2007
Comment: thank you
Name: Mensur Bey
Country: S?rbistan Date: Wed Apr 25 19:07:38 2007
Comment: ma?allah ne güzel muzi?i
Name: ercan
Country: turkey Date: Wed Apr 25 14:32:34 2007
Comment: really wonderful music ý love him and his music …Ýs there any other videos ?
Name: ethem
Country: turkey Date: Mon Apr 23 21:43:36 2007
Comment: new tekbilek videos on youtube you should watch
Name: Mary
Country: USA Date: Sun Apr 22 22:59:13 2007
Comment: Thank you, Omar, and your family and your band for personally bringing your beautiful, soulful music to Ashland, Oregon last night. It was a privilege and a pleasure to be there. Your deeply spiritual & beautifully exotic music, together with your wonderful graciousness, were magic. All blessings to you all. Sincerely, Mary Stone
Name: Tunca
Country: Date: Sun Apr 15 22:21:52 2007
Comment: Degerli Hocam,
Dun gece San Diego’da yine bizi mest ettiniz. Elinize, yureginize, gonlunuze saglik.
Hocam konsere 1 Iranli, 1 Taiwanli ve 1 de Amerikali arkadaslari getirdik konsere. Cok begendiler 🙂 Konser sonrasi fotograf cektirmek ve konusmak icin zaman ayirdiginiz icin de cok tesekkur ederim.
One Truth albumun ustunde artik sizin imzaniz var:) Cok mutluyum.
Sevgili esinize de selamlar, saygilar
Thank you very much for your great performance in
Name: Karen Trapane (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Sun Apr 15 20:49:01 2007
Comment: Saw your show last night at the World Beat Center. My appreication for music was inspired by your playing and singing. I truly enjoyed your performance.
Name: A.TÜL (Homepage)
Country: ceyhan/adana Date: Sat Apr 14 19:38:34 2007
Country: ceyhan/adana Date: Sat Apr 14 18:07:35 2007
Comment: halaoðlu adanada görüþemedik bende afganistana gidiyorum.ömrümüz senin gibi yollarda geçiyor.saðlýk olsun.yengeme ve çocuklara selamlar.ahmet.
Name: Ramadhan Meir Suissa
Country: Israel/Austral. Date: Sat Apr 14 16:53:26 2007
Comment: I absolutly love youe music!!!Thank you for the deep inspiration .i AM SORRY THAT I WILL MISS YOUR CONCERTS IN NEXT MONTH IN ISRAEL…I AM IS INDIA …..PLEASE COME BACK IN JULY!!!!!!!!!!Ramadhan
Name: Maureen
Country: chile Date: Fri Apr 13 18:36:19 2007
Comment: your music is a Blessing for me , also my inspiration to make my Job grow up with that Magic that has to be everywhere.I teach Egyptian Dance and I have found out that Omar Faruk ‘s Music is a powerfull tool for HealingDance as well: Thank You for all the THE***UTICAL EFFECTS and all that strenght that touch so deep inside the chakras of my students..and My soul ! GOD Bless YOU OMar Faruk…I want you to know that is too dificult to buy your cds from chile and I ‘d like to help if I could!
Name: Inmaculada
Country: Spain Date: Thu Apr 12 19:34:10 2007
Comment: Lovely music.
Omar, you must come to Canary Island.
Name: Barbara
Country: Canada Quebec Date: Sun Apr 8 11:43:37 2007
Comment: I Was sent this page by a great friend on msn i think it is wonderful romantic intresting keep them rolling
Name: Angeli Neter
Country: cosmopolitan Date: Fri Apr 6 11:21:05 2007
Comment: Thank you for your wonderful music, it is healing and inspiring. I wish you good health and a wonderful life. Angeli
Name: Roz, belly dancer (Homepage)
Country: United States Date: Thu Mar 29 19:15:28 2007
Comment: Wow! Your music is entirely inspiring! So beautiful, sensual, and mysterious. Full of energy and light! I love to dance to it! Namaste…
Name: artzey
Country: istanbul Date: Tue Mar 27 09:47:51 2007
Comment: i listining you now and amazing man!! thank you so much, congratulations….
Name: mesut
Country: belgium Date: Sun Mar 11 13:24:36 2007
Comment: Merhaba Omar Faruk bey, I like your style much. vesselam,
Name: Jose Luis Arista
Country: Mexico Date: Sun Mar 11 06:51:04 2007
Comment: It is a big suprise for me, to find this music that you have created all these years. Despite of in Mexico is not easy to find your works we will do my best for getting some CD’s. Thanks for your creativity and talent Best regards
Name: dilenci (Homepage)
Country: Turkey Date: Fri Mar 9 17:30:18 2007
Comment: Sizi kendimce yeni keþfettim.Müziðinizle Allah’ý hatýrlattýðýnýz için minnetarým.
Name: Rebecka
Country: UK Date: Thu Mar 8 14:01:58 2007
Comment: Hi Uncle! What are your future concert plans? Going abroad? Hope all of you are well! Big hug
Name: Kurtulus Citlak (Homepage)
Country: Germany Date: Wed Mar 7 19:54:34 2007
Comment: gracias!
Name: Oljefsa (Homepage)
Country: Date: Tue Mar 6 17:44:12 2007
Comment: Hi!
How are you?
Name: Tunca
Country: USA Date: Mon Feb 26 00:00:43 2007
Comment: I heart that you’re gonna come to San Diego in April 2007. I’d like to thank you for this desicion, you’ve made. I’m sure it’s gonna be a awesome night just like your previous concert.
Regards and best wishes
Ustad, gecen sene San Diego’ya geldiginizde sizi dinlemeye/izlemeye gelmistik. Bu sene de Nisan’da geleceginiz duyumunu aldim. Cok memnun oldum. Insallah bu sene de gelerek bizi sevindirirsiniz.
Saygilar, sevgiler
Country: MORROCO Date: Sun Feb 25 20:39:20 2007
Name: Sinner
Country: Egypt Date: Thu Feb 8 19:42:26 2007
Comment: Omar Faruk Tekbilek is – seriousely and honestly – the greatest instrumental musician I ever listened to. Just for the record 🙂
Name: Linda Jansen
Country: United States Date: Wed Feb 7 19:59:16 2007
Comment: I heard your music for the first time on Sirius radio. I am enraptured by your music. It is very inviting. Thank you.
Name: willmiller (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Sun Feb 4 07:12:10 2007
Comment: I`ve stumbled across your site. Nice!
Name: Bouchaib Hachkal
Country: Canada Date: Fri Feb 2 18:23:54 2007
Comment: i very enjoyed with the wonderfull music of omar faruk,it saves its oriental way.
thank you for this magical music
Name: þahin
Country: aydýn/ nazilli Date: Sun Jan 28 19:49:04 2007
Comment: ömer abi senin eserlerini çok seivyorum ama bir türlü bulamýyorum bana bir tane cd’nizden gönderebilirmisiniz mümkünmü abi bana bu konuda yardýmcý olabilirmisiniz eðer yardýmcý olursanýz sevinirim teþekkür ederim. Saygýlarýmla
Name: mete
Country: turkey Date: Sat Jan 27 17:09:07 2007
Comment: biz omer beyin müziklerine hayaranýz ancak onun eserlerinin görüntülü (live performance) veya konser videolarýnýda(concert videos) izlemek istiyoruz.Onu dinlemek artýk bize kafi gelmiyor.Artýk her sanatçýnýn mp4 formatýnda kilipleri var.sizden ricam bu istegimizi kabul etmeniz(visit and search tekbilek for live performance)
Name: Claudia
Country: Chile Date: Tue Jan 23 06:39:16 2007
Comment: Hola Mi nombre es Claudia y con tu música transportas a cualquiera a medio oriente.
Realmente se agradecen tus composiciones pues son muy buenas ya que agregas mucho pero mucho contenido a ellas y eso se agradece
Saludos desde Chile
Name: kadir , a.k.a. amigo, memis (Homepage)
Country: berlin germany Date: Wed Jan 17 02:15:33 2007
Comment: slm ömer abicigim,
bu kadar guzel parcalar nasil yazilabilir?
allah senin gibi üstadlarimizi basimizdan eksik etmesin abim.
bende kendi capimda dans sanatiyla ugrasiyorum
insallah bir günde seni live görmek nasip olur abim.
benim su anda göstermis oldugum tiyatro projemde senin i love you parcana guzel bir sey yaptim.
ellerine saglik insanin kalbinin derinligine
kadar gidiyor..saygilarimla Kadir
Name: ranya aly
Country: Egypt Date: Tue Jan 16 15:58:27 2007
Comment: thank you for the great peaceful music, it’s realy Beautiful music, great performance, straight from the heart!
praying and hope to come to Egypt 🙂
Name: Rebecka Mohell Tekbilek
Country: UK Date: Mon Jan 15 13:29:23 2007
Comment: Hi Dear Uncle! Hope you and the rest of the family are well. I’m living in london at the moment. Please let me know if you come over for work, would love to hear you play! Kucaklamak
Name: pablo montano
Country: USA Date: Wed Jan 10 20:18:59 2007
Comment: Outstanding musical genius. Please kep me posted if you tour California in 2007
Name: Enis
Country: Memphis USA Date: Wed Jan 3 18:13:53 2007
Comment: Ekim 2006’da Memphis’te konserinizi hayranlikla izledik. O gunden beri CDnizi arabamizdan eksik etmedik. Keyifle dinliyoruz. Basarilarinizin devamini dilerim.
Name: Hakký Özdemir
Country: Turkey Date: Sun Dec 24 03:08:09 2006
Comment: Hocam öncelikle müziðinize hayran kaldým. Müziðinizi þans eseri gecenin bir yarýsý dinleme fýrsatý araþtýrmaya baþladým ve burdayým. misafir defterinize yazýlan yazýlarý okuyunca bende acayip bir sevinç oluþtu,dünyanýn deðiþik yerlerinden insanlarý müziðinizle bir araya getirdiðinizi görünce çok sevindim.ilk fýrsatta bütün cdlerinizi alýcam ve þehrimde vereceðiniz ilk konserde sizi canlý olarak izlicem yaptýklarýnýz için size çok teþekkürler. Bursaya bekliyoruz kucak dolusu sevgiler…
Name: emir isovic
Country: Bosnia Herzegov Date: Thu Dec 21 20:27:11 2006
Comment: surely the best player of traditional turkish and islamic music ever!!! can’t listen to his whirling and one truth enouhg!
Selam hocam ve umariz bir gun bosna’da da konser verirsiniz! Allah’a emanet ol! Turkiye’miz sag ve guclu kalsin!
Name: Lara
Country: LOndon/UK Date: Thu Dec 21 15:39:17 2006
Comment: Thnk you very much for yr beautiful and peaceful and joyful music …It s pure bliss and does touch my heart ..
Pls pls do come to LOndon .
Name: Maureen
Country: Chile Date: Wed Dec 20 21:10:24 2006
Comment: Words aren’t enough to express all that happen to me, with this Music; It’s much more than listening to something nice …It is such an experience of Joy, Delight,Amazing Beauty, Deep Feelings and all the Inspiration I need to dance and live with all my bodies. Omar Faruk Teblikek is the most beautiful voice that I have ever heard before ..and the musician that I have to be thankful for being a messenger that helps me to remember that Heaven can be experienced on the Earth..Genuine Art
Name: AyseNur
Country: Switzerland Date: Wed Dec 13 21:06:59 2006
Comment: Dinlerken insanin icini huzur ile dolduran, maddiyata bagli bu dünyadan bizleri alip huzur diyarlarina götüren eserleriniz icin size sonsuz tesekkürlerimi sunarim…
Name: Gladstone Barreto
Country: Brasil Date: Wed Dec 6 17:34:32 2006
Comment: I consider Omar Faruk, one of the most important Musicians of the present time, because your music reveals signs for in the strangers and beautifully drawn. I had the opportunity of you know him in Brazil and to do a workshop in SESC – VILA MARIANA. Iam play Derback and for me it was an only opportunity. That God Always Blesses HIM
Name: nazým uzun (Homepage)
Country: turkey Date: Thu Nov 30 08:59:54 2006
Comment: ý ve been workýng as a tour guýde ýn turkey and ý ve been lýstenýng your musýc for a long týme durýng journey wýth my group always lýstenýng your albums ….. good examples to explaýn and show our cultural rýchness. thank you so much
Name: Valerio
Country: Italy Date: Wed Nov 22 16:23:23 2006
Comment: Simply wonderful! Must into the Ethnic environment 😀
Name: sinan özcan
Country: ney sevdasý Date: Fri Nov 17 12:22:13 2006
Comment: ömer abi seni neyimden daha çok seviyorum çünkü neyi senin sayende sevdim saygýlarýmý sunuyorum seninle açaba tanýþa bileçekmiyim bunuda merak ediyorum
Name: emilio
Country: españa Date: Wed Nov 15 18:41:18 2006
Comment: I can´t stop to speak about your music (good of course) since I have listen it. I´m your fan forever. I wish you come back to madrid soon. Gracias por tu inspiracion
Name: Taylor
Country: Canada Date: Tue Nov 7 08:30:26 2006
Comment: I was first introduced to Mr. Tekbileks music while visiting Dahab, Egypt in 97’. I will forever be grateful to the music shop owner who passed me “Whirling” and of course to Mr. Tekbilek for producing such wonderful sounds. Thank you.
Name: Frits en Marian (Homepage)
Country: Date: Mon Nov 6 20:34:19 2006
Comment: We enjoyed the concert on november 4, 2006 in Rotterdam very much. Great music, great message.
Name: M.Güven
Country: The Netherlands Date: Sun Nov 5 18:02:39 2006
Comment: Yesterday (4 nov.2006) I went to your concert and I enjoyed so much that I can ‘t explaned in words…..
Thank you and God bless you!!!
Name: Corzas
Country: The Netherlands Date: Sun Nov 5 14:13:26 2006
Comment: Yesterday 5 november 2006 I was at a concert of the master and his musicians in Rotterdam. Beautiful music, great performance, straight from the heart!
Thank you very much!
Name: Sahin Behcet (Homepage)
Country: austria Date: Tue Oct 31 13:28:03 2006
Comment: ich wünsche dir alles gute und viel erfolg…
Name: T. Özcan
Country: Hamburg Date: Sun Oct 29 15:54:55 2006
Comment: Ömer Bey lütfen Hamburg’a da gelin! Türkiye’de verdiginiz konserlerin hic birine yetisemedik. Bizi bu müzik ziyafetinden mahrum birakmayin!!!
Name: Onur D.
Country: Date: Mon Oct 23 09:14:08 2006
Comment: Bir kac sene once Cornell Universitesinde bir konserini dinlemek firsatim oldu. Muhtesem bir muzik, Dogu muziginin her rengini iceren modern bir kultur elcisi. Yurudugunuz yolda basarilar dilerim.
Name: Burak
Country: Hamburg Date: Fri Oct 20 20:57:26 2006
Comment: Gercek müzik bu iste… harika, gercekten harika bir sound var. Ilk firsatta bir konserinize katilmaya calisacagim. Basarinizin devami gilegi ile Hamburg dan cok selamlar.
Name: mesut
Country: Belgium Date: Wed Oct 18 08:05:53 2006
Comment: Omer abi, sen supersin, muziek muhtesem…
Name: ferah
Country: almanya Date: Tue Oct 17 21:17:19 2006
Comment: kismet olursa hollandada görüsmek üzere
Name: raul chami
Country: Argentina Date: Thu Oct 12 23:30:49 2006
Comment: Hello! My name Raul old musician too from arab music and jazz in spite of my old age I collect all records of Faruk I`m a truthfull fan’ and i like all his music every Cd is a Poem Congratulations Faruk and go ahead always!! RAUl
Name: Sinan Koçoðlu (Homepage)
Country: Turkiye/Turkey Date: Tue Oct 10 21:50:32 2006
Comment: We are waiting your concert in Turkey, especially in Ankara.I hope I will see you.Thanks for your music.
Name: Dénis (Homepage)
Country: The Netherlands Date: Sat Oct 7 11:21:12 2006
Comment: Hi Omar, I just got the tickets for your concert on the 4th of november in Holland. I’m looking foward to it.
Name: Mari
Country: ARMENIA Date: Fri Sep 29 16:12:16 2006
Comment: Very Nice Music!
Name: Suad (Homepage)
Country: Brasil Date: Wed Sep 27 04:09:37 2006
Comment: Continuando a minha conversa goetaria de saber como posso obter o cd Beyond the sky aqui no Brasil.Ha alguma distribuidora de cds no Brasil?
Name: Suad (Homepage)
Country: Brasil Date: Wed Sep 27 04:04:23 2006
Comment: Ola Omar sou aixonada pela musica Kolaymi do cd Beyond The Sky.Mas no Brasil não tem para comprar ja virei todas as lojas,gostaria de saber como posso comprar eu só trabalho com boleto bancario.
Atenciosamente Suad
Name: Eddie Diaz
Country: United States Date: Mon Sep 25 17:04:42 2006
Comment: Hope you’ll visit the San Francisco bay area In California, the near future.
Name: mohammed nasab (Homepage)
Country: syria Date: Wed Sep 20 14:38:36 2006
Comment: we love so Mr omar faruk and we loking for ur vist to (( shamsharef )) syria soon
Name: Khaled El-Sheikh
Country: Egypt Date: Fri Sep 15 16:58:46 2006
Comment: If u want to know the meaning of creation u must listen to the creative Omr Faruk.He represent the wonderful eastern music .thank u for ur great work.
Name: Indhalia
Country: USA Date: Wed Sep 13 18:16:28 2006
Comment: Your songs are truly delightful and inspirational to me. It is always an honor to perform to them. Thank you for your great work! Indy: New York
Name: Malin
Country: Sweden Date: Tue Sep 12 10:54:54 2006
Comment: I heard Hasret last evening on my bellydance lesson, and I fell in love in that song. You really make beautiful music! And I thank you for it, because this is the kind of music that makes me very happy and just makes me want to dance, dance and dance…
Name: enigma
Country: Tunisia Date: Sun Sep 10 10:41:20 2006
Comment: shame on me! 🙂 I never heard about u genius, “i love you” was the first track I listened to, and since, I’m addicted to your music. Wishing having u in Tunisia
Name: Erifily (Homepage)
Country: Greece Date: Mon Sep 4 13:17:56 2006
Comment: Thank you so much for coming to the Mama Africa Festival!
I danced all throught the night! Please come to Athens again soon!!!!!!!!!!
Name: sadýk erdoðan (Homepage)
Country: ankara Date: Sat Sep 2 12:21:11 2006
Comment: arkadaþlar yakýnda adresinden tekbilek hakkýnda herþeyi öðrenebilirisniz.
Name: Hakan Babacanoðlu
Country: Date: Sun Aug 20 14:13:00 2006
Name: nursi
Country: turkey Date: Fri Aug 18 11:57:56 2006
Comment: merhaba ben sitenizi çok beðendim ama hayatýnýzýn türkçe yazýlmasý daha iyi olurdu sizin gibi deðerli bir insanýn hayatýný öðrenmek çok iyi olurdu
Name: umeyr talha
Country: germany Date: Wed Aug 16 15:53:59 2006
Comment: ben ö.f.tekbilek’i çok seviyorum en çok sevdiðim albümü BEYOND THE SKY
Name: Bünyamin Kasap
Country: Austria Date: Tue Aug 1 18:01:37 2006
Comment: esselam
I have asked the same question,your manager tried to help me but (unfort) I couldn’t get the exact answer.I heard a very good album that I don’t know to whom it belongs. A woman sings with her charming voice.What is important for me that in one of the songs you sing a gazel saying “SULTAN”.that is really too important for me to know who she is.maybe if you give me an email adress,I can send you this can listen and decide.By this way you can make me happy.
Name: mete
Country: TURKEY Date: Sat Jul 22 20:18:35 2006
Name: mete
Country: TURKEY Date: Sat Jul 22 20:13:22 2006
Comment: Hayata bakþýmý deiþtiren insan;ömer faruk tebilek ben müziðin insalarda nasýl bir etki býraktýgýný onda gördüm .Onu dinleyen herkes eminm önünde saygýyla eðiiyodur.Artýk herkese ondan bahsediyorum,onu elimden geldiðnce anlatmaya calýþýyorum.Onsuz geçen yýllarýmý bir bakýma bos gecirmis zannediyorum.artýk ben onun SABIR AÐACININ-TREE OF PATIENCE bir meyvesiyim.En son albümü (tree of patýence)dinlemediðim günüm yok.benim bu albümle tekbilege olan hayranlýgým dahada arttý
Name: Erol
Country: Almanya Date: Mon Jul 10 16:33:55 2006
Comment: selam sen ne zaman almanyaya geliyorsun?
Name: hatice
Country: türkiye Date: Sun Jul 9 18:04:44 2006
Comment: boðaziçi üniversitesi’nde iscms workshop’ta karþýmda gördüðüm iki adam (hacý&faruk tekbilek)dünyanýn iliklerine neyle tutunan iki adamdý. ertesi gün koþarak geldim camil topuzlu’ya. nefesinize kocaman bir saðlýk diledim konser boyunca. “dakkat et aðlatýr” uyarýlýarýný ciddiye almalýymýþým:) o kadar uzun var olun ki -olursa-çocuklarým da sizin sýcaklýðýnýza erebilsin. çok güzel insanlarsýnýz.
Name: mustafa
Country: kurdistan Date: Wed Jul 5 19:40:22 2006
Comment: i have been listening to omar faruk for a while and i think it is one of the best musucian in the world and i hope i will be listening to him for long. a question to Mr Omer are u thinking to sing in kurdish because where you come from is mostly kurdish. thnks very much
Name: Mehmet
Country: Italia Date: Sun Jul 2 18:03:49 2006
Comment: Sono un studente in Universita di Roma La Sapienza, il tuo musica fa noi girare, é molto diverse e anche é molto divertente. Grazie a te!…
Name: mircea belei
Country: romania Date: Wed Jun 28 12:30:54 2006
Comment: congratulations!your music is divine…
Name: Caner
Country: Zonguldak Date: Tue Jun 20 18:41:36 2006
Comment: Müziklerinizi ilk defa samanyolu tv’de duydum.sonra okuldaki hocalar sayeainde mp3’lerinizi bilgisayarýma yüklerdim.Gerçekten çok güzel müzikleriniz var ama orjinal albüm,klip vs pek ortalýkta gözükmüyüyor.Ayrýca sitenin türkçe olmasýnýda arzu ederim
Name: cebrail haluk görgülü
Country: türkiye Date: Fri Jun 16 14:26:17 2006
Comment: müzikleriniz harika hele i love you devamýný beklerim
Name: Christopher L.
Country: USA – Kansas Date: Fri Jun 16 07:20:07 2006
Comment: Your music is a thing of beauty! I’d really love to see you perform some day.
Name: Safak
Country: England Date: Thu Jun 8 15:02:20 2006
Comment: Simdi bir arkadasimdan Madrid’den text mesaji geldi, aksam sizin konserdeymis, cok kiskandim! Londra’ya ne zaman geliyorsunuz?? Cok ozledik 🙂
Name: Raquel Benedi
Country: Ispanya Date: Tue Jun 6 00:12:52 2006
Comment: Çok iyi konçerto. Müziknin için tesekkür ederim.
Selamlar Zaragoza’dan.Biz seni seviyoruz.:)
Name: Abdulkerim
Country: Bosnia Date: Sat Jun 3 10:18:50 2006
Comment: Esselamu aleykum,
I think that you are the best musician on the world,please come to Bosnia in Sarajevo and make a concert for our souls.
Name: Mª Luisa Sanz Toro
Country: Spain Date: Fri Jun 2 10:46:17 2006
Comment: Yesterday, in Granada, God did a gift to me: to live your concert,to move to me a music, that goes direct to the heart. I only can say: Thanks
Name: bünyamin
Country: Austria Date: Mon May 22 14:18:29 2006
Comment: esselamualeykum
before two or three days i heard an album but unfortunately i dont know to whom the album belongs. language is -i think- in persian. a woman was singing with a influncive sound. what i concerned was a song in which omar faruk tekbilek sang something like “gazel”. he was saying “sultan” now if it is possible i want to learn what the name of the group is. i hope there is someone can help me… thanks a lot…
Name: Fevzi Vural
Country: turkiye Date: Thu May 18 17:37:58 2006
Comment: oncelikle sizin eserlerinizle tanismam bir arkadasim vasitasiyla oldu. Eserlerinizi dinledikce benligimi saran müthis bir duygu olustu. Bana dunyadan farkli anlamlar bulmama yardimci oldu. Kisaca ozume donmeme yardimci oldu. Bu kadar guzel eserlerinizin dunyaca buyuk ilgi gormesi ancak ulkemizde gerektigi ilgiyi görmemesi de beni ayrica uzdu. Basarilarinizin devami ile bizi o muhtesem eserlerinizden ayirmamanizi dilerim.
Name: Roberto
Country: Spain Date: Mon May 15 18:58:06 2006
Comment: I am your music’s fan for already several years, serious an enormous pleasure if sends me a dedicated picture from the great Omar to my mail bill. Knowing the difficult thing that it is in Spain to get their music, it is an entire honor to have his news. Sincerely Roberto
Name: rosario
Country: españa Date: Sat May 13 10:40:29 2006
Comment: I’m looking forward to seeing you soon, in Granada, 1st of june, I hope it will be a magnificent show, I admire you so.
Name: Abdallah
Country: Date: Fri May 12 17:35:03 2006
Comment: Please please please come back to New York City
Name: Serkan
Country: TRNC Date: Sun May 7 20:17:00 2006
Comment: Muzigin bana yasadigimi hissetiriyor Omer abi. Kalbimden biseylerin vucuduma yayildigini ve sonra da huzuru buldugumu seziyorum…. Seninle tanismak istiyorum, her nerede ve nasil olursa!!! Artik dualarimda bu bulusma istegi de var….Saygilarimla,
Name: Ahmed Gaber (Homepage)
Country: Egypt Date: Fri May 5 02:22:08 2006
Comment: i just want to send great collection of thanks for this wonderful artist and his fans . and i wish see a concert for Omar Faruk here in my country ” Egypt ” . thx a lot
Name: Marinela
Country: BULGARIA Date: Mon May 1 11:23:39 2006
Comment: If you hear this music you can’t forget it
Name: murat cinar
Country: italy Date: Fri Apr 28 17:05:29 2006
Comment: when do you think to make a concert also in Italy?
Name: Zoe Helene (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Sat Apr 22 23:50:02 2006
Comment: Very much enjoyed your inspiring concert at Boston University. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts with the world. We love you.
Name: Anas Siddiq (Homepage)
Country: UAE Date: Mon Apr 17 19:03:47 2006
Comment: its not been so long since I heared about you.I heared one of your songs recently its called (I love you). I tried so hard to find who is the amazing artist behind this touching song honestly i cant describe how amazing your music is from now on concider me one of your biggest fans may god bless you and your art is amazing
Name: daha (Homepage)
Country: turkiye Date: Sun Apr 16 11:59:41 2006
Comment: dinlerken kendinizden geçmemeniz imkansýz. harika eserler…
Name: tamra
Country: bosnia Date: Wed Apr 12 18:28:56 2006
Comment: please omar faruk
come in turkey in summer while i am there on holiday,i want hear your music soooooooo much live.the great music i heard and i cant wait go to your concert.
Allah bless you
Name: Dénis (Homepage)
Country: Netherlands Date: Thu Apr 6 09:25:44 2006
Comment: Omar, your music moves my heart. What more can I say. Will you be visiting Holland in the future?
Name: soraya (Homepage)
Country: greece Date: Wed Apr 5 12:04:41 2006
Comment: i would like to invite you to greece.
Name: Zehara (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Mon Apr 3 17:48:27 2006
Comment: I am a belly dancer in Massachusetts. I love your music and cant wait to see you perform!
Name: canan
Country: Turkiye Date: Wed Mar 29 13:25:33 2006
Comment: Ýnsan oðlunun Adem ile havadan oluþu kadar ortak müzik. din,dil,ýrk,yer,zaman gibi kavramlarýn yok olduðu an.iþte bu aný yaþatan müziðe aþýk biri var þimdilerde tanýðým (ö.faruk tekbilek)müziðin tüm mucizelerini bize gösteren bir adam. Kulaðýmda týlsýmlý ezgileri yüzümüzde garip bir tebessüm.Þimdi büyülü müziðin ardýndan gidiyorum Yüreðine ve nefesine saðlýk…
Müzik yapmak dua etmektir demiþti Abimiz. Duan daim olsun…
Aþk-ý muhabbetle kal 🙂
Name: eylul
Country: Turkiye Date: Wed Mar 29 12:37:23 2006
Comment: müziðinizle tanýþalý 1 yýldan az bir zaman oldu ama keþke dediðim anlardan biri daha keþke sizi daha erken tanýsaymýþýz…eserleriniz harika ama en güzeli bunu yaþayan kalbiniz…
tanrý bizi sizin güzel yüreðinizden mahrum etmesin 🙂
Name: Murat
Country: Türkiye Date: Sat Mar 25 11:33:21 2006
Comment: Ankara’dan selamlar…
Bizlere bu eþsiz ziyafetleri sizin vesilenizle ulaþtýran Rabbimize Hamd ediyor baþarýlý çalýþmalarýnýzýn devamýný diliyorum.
“Last Moments of Love” bizim ailemizin ezgisi oldu. onun için ayrýca teþekkür ediyorum… Türkiyede yapacaðýnýz konseri iple çekiyoruz…
Name: kyros
Country: Nederland Date: Thu Mar 23 21:44:32 2006
Comment: I just heard your music on de Greek satelite tv.very nice music,i feel like you are my brother.i am from Greece,Yunanistan.
Name: yucel
Country: nl Date: Sun Mar 19 10:30:27 2006
Comment: slm sizi blof le beraber gordum cok sevindim burada sizin yaptiginiz konserlere baktim gurur duydum ama neden turkce yok slm bu sayfa sadece amerikalilar icin mi saygilar bol sans
Name: Emre Yýldýrým
Country: Turkey/Ýstanbul Date: Fri Mar 17 04:36:07 2006
Comment: Ýstanbul Üsküdarda huzurlu bir seher vakti…okula gitmeden bir kaç dakika önce eþsiz müziðinizle rahatlýyor,bu güzel cuma gününe haftanýn sýkýntýlarýný atmýþ bir þekilde baþlýyorum…Varlýðýnýz için Allah’a þükürler olsun…Teþekkürler.
Name: ikbal
Country: us Date: Wed Mar 15 04:14:51 2006
Name: gurkan (Homepage)
Country: usa Date: Sun Mar 12 19:29:55 2006
Comment: Wonderful Music!
Name: gurkan agca (Homepage)
Country: usa Date: Sun Mar 5 18:01:34 2006
Comment: üstad DC’ye ne zaman geleceksiniz? bekliyoruz heyecanla..
Name: Ayoub Chakroun
Country: Tunisia Date: Sat Mar 4 10:33:31 2006
Comment: And I’d like to see you in Tunisia…..
You’re welcome…..Ayoub
Name: Ayoub Chakroun
Country: Tunisia Date: Sat Mar 4 10:32:06 2006
Comment: Hi!
I don(t know what to say !
Wonderfull, great , magnific, magic…….
I just can’t find the words!
When one of my friends, linving in Paris, give one of your Cds; I listned to it and until now,I’m just listening to your music almost everyday….
And all your listend to for example “the magic of the evening” or Last Moment” just fall in love mith your talent and graet Music!
Just go on,…and good luck! Ayoub
Name: Mohamed Elkomy
Country: Egypt Date: Tue Feb 28 02:52:51 2006
Comment: Man you are the best forever without any competitors, cuz there’s nobody can beat your music… really i hope you to come egypt and to enjoy us by ur musical jewels
Name: moussa
Country: egypt Date: Tue Feb 28 00:03:41 2006
Comment: u have a nice rythm and great music hope u can come to egypt one day and see u live
Name: JoY (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Sun Feb 26 17:51:13 2006
Comment: I love your music and I hope to see you live someday! Come back to the East Coast!
Name: Vlatko
Country: Makedonija Date: Fri Feb 24 16:02:06 2006
Comment: true music, real music! I hope I’ll see you in Makedonija, it would be a grait concert!?
Name: simon (Homepage)
Country: uk Date: Tue Feb 21 16:08:33 2006
Comment: hi, i saw a guy called jon ‘champignon’ egan who is currently in a band called dream machine (formerly with the ozric tentacles)perform live in london a few weeks ago. after some numbers he told the audience to ‘check out’ omar faruk.
so i have indeed ‘checked it out’ and i am really impressed.
i shall be buying some cd’s for sure!!!!
thank you for your excellent work and inspiration.
Name: Ziynet
Country: Austria Date: Sat Feb 18 17:43:27 2006
Comment: Müziginizden cok etkilendim, beni uzaklara götürdü…
Konserinize gelmeyi COK AMA COK isterim, ama su an Viyanada bir konserin planda olmadigini gördüm 🙁
Viyanaya gelmeyi düsünüyormusunuz?
Yüreginize saglik, basarilarinizin devam etmesi temennisiyle, baki selamlar…
Name: Ruthie
Country: USA Date: Fri Feb 10 23:07:32 2006
Comment: Experienced, for the first time, you and your group at the Getty Museum a few weeks ago. Like, WOW!, where have I been? I’m thankful to have had that special time on Sunday with you and the rest of the group. You know, just for the record, those of us in the audience actually wanted a lot more ovations, we didn’t want to let go. Thank you.
Name: bünyamin
Country: Austria Date: Sun Jan 29 09:01:05 2006
Comment: for about one months ago I found(or it was found) the album of omar faruk tekbilek named ONE TRUTH. it was my shame to find the album so late. now i really enjoy listening him and diving into deep waters with his music. i read the upcoming concerts links and wanted to see a concert in vienna but unfortunatelly couldn`t. and now i wanted to know if there will be any concerts in vienna or not. and also i hope there will. be with the love of Allah.
Name: Furkan
Country: Türkiye Date: Thu Jan 26 13:04:15 2006
Comment: S.A.
Ben 14 yaþýnda Konyalý bir gencim bugüne kadar birçok sanatçý ve eser dinledim ama Ömer Faruk Tekbilek’in müziðini duyduðum zaman ilk defa 36 parça üst üste dinledim ve hala da dinliyorum. Bence o Dünya’ya gelmiþ en büyük müzik dehalarýndan biri.O,Orta ve Yakýndoðu’nun korunmasý ve yükseltilmesi gereken yegane müzik dehasýdýr.Onunla birlikte çalmak bana ne büyük bir onur olurdu.Eðer mesajýmý okuyor ise üstada selamlar ve saygýlar.
Name: Ollo-San
Country: France Date: Sun Jan 22 18:47:58 2006
Comment: thank you for this beautiful music
Name: Anne
Country: Canada Date: Mon Jan 16 01:57:57 2006
Comment: I love your music and I enjoy it tremendously. I hope to be able to go see you in concert some day!
Name: LizarD (Homepage)
Country: Germany Date: Tue Jan 10 04:03:10 2006
Comment: Oh my godness, just checked out the BUDDHA BAR CD´s and my favorite after a few listenings is your song “i love you”. What a mess to hear those beautyful sounds! Its real god music for my ears!
GreetZ from Germany
LizarD / /
Name: murat arslan
Country: Türkiye Date: Wed Jan 4 12:55:17 2006
Comment: Merhaba, Bazý Kur’an surelerini (baþta Ya Sin olmak üzere) o eþsiz yorumunuzla okusanýz harika olur 🙂 Saygýlar…
Name: murat
Country: Türkiye Date: Tue Jan 3 09:46:09 2006
Comment: Müzüðinizle 7-8 ay önce tanýþtým, ben de müptelasý oldum. Türkiye’deki konserlerinizden maalesef haberim olmadý. Dört gözle tekrar burada konser vermenizi ve nasip olursa sizle tanýþmayý bekliyorum. Allah’ýn selamý her daim üzerinize olsun…
Name: Özgür
Country: Turkey Date: Wed Dec 28 15:09:48 2005
Comment: Selam üstadým;
Seninle ve müziðinle tanýþalý 5 sene kadar oldu Ömer abi. Onlarca müzik türü, binlerce þarký dinlemiþ biri olarak, müziðin bende anlatamadýðým bir boþluðu dolduruyor. Bunun için teþekkürler. Özellikle “Hasret”, “Kolay Mi” ve son albümündeki “Why?” kalbime derinden kazýnmýþ sedalardýr. Bu arada Ýzmir’de Raþit abimin yanýna kadar gelip, seninle yüzyüze tanýþamamýþ olmam üzüntü verici. Ona verdiðin Ney’e baktýkça bu diyarlardan gidiyorum sanki.. Sevgiler ve saygýlar üst
Name: Johanna Paola Vargas (Homepage)
Country: Colombia Date: Sat Dec 24 19:39:37 2005
Comment: Me gustaria estar en contacto con las noticias de este fabuloso musico.
Country: BARCELONA Date: Thu Dec 22 15:44:08 2005
Comment: He conocido este Año a este maravilloso hombre. Omar, tu música es fantástica, impregnante, llena de magia, y me ayuda mucho para mi meditación o simplemente escuchar con los ojos cerrados y evadirme. Ádemas de esto, tu música tiene color y olor… Es lo mejor que tengo en mi colección de discos. Ahora estoy pendiente de verte en directo aquí en BARCELONA… No cambies nunca… Eres un artista de verdad.
Name: ahu canseven
Country: USA Date: Wed Dec 21 17:09:51 200
Name: Mohammad Waked
Country: England/ Egypt Date: Thu Dec 15 22:31:24 2005
Comment: Dear Omar,
I have to admit that when I first came across your music it just felt right it felt like it naturally came from the heart to the heart…so good…so good…tranquilising indeed. Keep up the fascinating work and keep us posted if you decide to perform in London, I will certainly be looking forward to it.
Best Regards,
Mohammad Waked
Name: Duygu
Country: Turkey/istanbul Date: Fri Dec 9 08:48:19 2005
Comment: muziginizi ilk Best of Buddha bar albumunde dinledim,, butun dunya sizi dinlerken okadar gec kesfetmek uzdu beni, tebrikler cok basarili..
Name: Angeles Muiños
Country: España Date: Tue Dec 6 18:01:10 2005
Comment: Excelente!
Name: sevda (Homepage)
Country: turkey Date: Fri Dec 2 08:00:04 2005
Comment: my feelings cannot be explained while listening your music…but they touch my heart…peace be with you…
Name: Davut
Country: Turkey Date: Wed Nov 30 22:33:44 2005
Comment: Omer Faruk is the best..All of the best.When i listen or feel him music, i fly around the space…Without my trouble like clouds…
Name: François
Country: France, Paris Date: Tue Nov 29 15:34:04 2005
Comment: il fallait ajouter quelques chosesqui me restent.
S’il vous plait, venez en France. Ils ont besoin de vous, votre musique, vos emotions.
Please, comme to France. They are waiting you, they need you, they love you…
Name: Fethullah
Country: France Date: Tue Nov 29 15:29:03 2005
Comment: Cher Omar Faruk,
Les voix de tes musiques viennent de l’ame. Avec cela, je me sens bien, je me sens plus proche surtout avec de Dieu, Je me sens au paradis.
Que belle musique, tu fait!
Merci mille fois pour tous.
Mes salutations et mes respect profonds….
Cher la voix du paradis…..
Restez toujours comme ça, comme proche de Dieu.
Derniere chose, Je suis trés fier d’avoir un musicien turc comme vous, et aussi, pour le public turc, je vous remercie.
Bonne santé,
Name: Muhammed Tiryaki (Homepage)
Country: Tekirdað/Türkiy Date: Mon Nov 28 23:26:32 2005
Comment: Sevgili Ömer abi sayende hayat felsefemi baþtan aþaðý yenileme gayretine düþtüm. Seni tanýdýktan sonra yaþama daha beyaz daha aydýnlýk bakmanýn mutlu olmak için yettiðini keþfettim. Þarkýlarýnda bunu buldum. 1 ay içinde Türkiye’de çýkan ne kadar albümün varsa hepsini edindim. Hepsi mükemmel hepsi harika ama One Truth en muhteþemi. Keþke hep Yuval Ron ile çalýþsan.
Bu siteye þimdiye kadar senin içinde bulunduðun tüm albüm projelerini eklersen sevineceðim
Kolay gele:)
Name: Matté
Country: Rochester, NY Date: Sat Nov 26 15:06:19 2005
Name: Ali Ghoneim
Country: Egypt Date: Sat Nov 26 12:07:21 2005
Comment: I would like to thank u for that too sensitive music: ‘I love you’,’Long Wait’,’Ayasofya’,’La Ilaha Il Allah’,’Moment Of Doubt’,’Kolaymi’ ,more
Again Thanks I fly with it ,i feel it ,i cry with it
Name: Arcan Camsoy
Country: USA Date: Fri Nov 25 03:32:08 2005
Comment: Sevdiklerime 2 yildir ozel gunlerde verdigim favori bir hediyem var, sizin One Truth albumunuzun, ozellikle I love you single’i, Super, Harikulade…
Name: Francisco
Country: Spain Date: Thu Nov 24 09:52:06 2005
Comment: Strongly impressed. Yesterday´s night concert in Madrid was TERRIFIC. One of those concerts you wuold like to recomend everyone you love. Nobody should miss a Faruk´s concert if possible. Thanks Faruk for give us an hour of happyness. OLÉ.
Name: Gurkan
Country: USA Date: Thu Nov 10 09:03:45 2005
Comment: Abicim, canim, gercekten muthissin. Allah bozmasin, sana guc versin.
Name: Emily Parkinson
Country: Canada Date: Thu Nov 10 08:26:17 2005
Comment: Please come to Canada so we can listen to your beautiful music too! Lutfen! 🙂
Name: 3rifily (Homepage)
Country: Greece Date: Thu Nov 3 15:38:26 2005
Comment: Your music is wonderful!
Hope to see you again in Greece soon!!!
Thank you!
Name: ömer oral
Country: turkiye/izmir Date: Thu Oct 27 22:12:41 2005
Comment: merhaba omar faruk abi..ben izmirden ömer..2 tane mail atmýþtým,cevabýnýzý büyük bir merakla bekliyorum..saygýlar…
Name: mesut
Country: antalya Date: Mon Oct 24 23:05:41 2005
Comment: yaþadýgýn ve yaþattýgýn bütün güzellikler için sonsuz teþekkürler sana ey güzel insan, sanma ki boþluða daðýlýyor sesin, sanma ki sade kulaklarým duyuyor.Ne vakit darlansa yüreðim ya da ne vakit bi çýkmazda bulsam kendimi, tutup elimden ,beni kendime götüren, o mübarek ellerinden öperim, saðolasýn varolasýn caným aðabeyim.
Name: abdulkadir sengur
Country: Turkey Date: Sun Oct 23 12:29:33 2005
Comment: gecen digitally import. radyoda duydum muziginizi cok begendim. tebrik ederim ve basarilarinizin devamini dilerim,
Name: Tolga Turmen
Country: Date: Sat Oct 22 02:37:57 2005
Comment: Hello Faruk amca. This is me, whom by mean is Tolga :). I miss you and Hala so much, and i am hoping Pinar abla will bring us to see you soon. I love you. Bye
Name: Turkish Muslim
Country: Date: Mon Oct 17 16:11:48 2005
Comment: Abi muhteþem eserler vermiþsin. Sabahtan akþama kadar seni dinleyip huzur buluyoruz. Þu sitenin Türkçe versiyonunu da görsek muhteþem olacak…
Name: rina (Homepage)
Country: Date: Mon Oct 17 09:59:04 2005
Comment: ve?mo sa nám pá?ilo, ke? sme boli v bilbao kind, impulsive, compulsive, meditative, thanx for pleasure and beautifull moments..
Name: dima izzedin
Country: Syria Date: Sun Oct 16 09:57:14 2005
Comment: loooooooove your music
Name: Mohamad Hassan Labib
Country: Egypt Date: Sat Oct 15 00:05:35 2005
Comment: This man knows TOO much
Name: Tarana
Country: Spain Date: Wed Oct 12 11:40:55 2005
Comment: Hello dear Omar Abi
!Im the azeri girl you have seen in Logroño(spain) on 24th of april this year.Thanks again for this great and realy magic music i enjoy more and more day by day.I hope to see you again this year if God wants it.Inshallah.
God bless you and your family.
Name: Monique
Country: Netherlands Date: Sun Oct 2 19:21:02 2005
Comment: Dear mr. Tekbilek,
I am so lucky to be able to enjoy your heavenly music. I meditate and I write poems with your music on the background. You have brought me so much happiness. Çok tesekkürler, hocam, ve kolay gelsin!
Mutlu olsun!
Name: Michel Sismanoglu
Country: United Kingdom Date: Sun Oct 2 13:40:59 2005
Comment: Hello Omar,
I first met your work listening Gypsy Fire CD, with another remarkable man, Richard Hagopian.
Now,I am delighted to have your Website.
My love and blessings,
Name: ömer karakuþ
Country: türkiye Date: Wed Sep 28 13:20:48 2005
Comment: sitenizi beðendim.. baþarýlar.
Name: Cüneyt
Country: Ýstanbul Date: Wed Sep 21 08:49:24 2005
Comment: Omar Faruk Tekbilek’i yeni dinlemeye baþlayan biri olarak utancým büyük. Bu zamana kadar nasýl keþfedemedim diye dövünüp duruyorum. Bir ricam olacak, sitenizin birde türkçe versiyonunu hazýrlarsanýz çok sevinirim. Sevigilerimle…
Name: Jaime Rodriguez Armas (Homepage)
Country: Peru Date: Wed Sep 21 03:59:43 2005
Comment: Disculpa Amigo por el español pero no podia irme sin decir que soy uno de tus seguidores para toda la vida, tu sentimiento plasmado en esa flauta tanto el dolor como el amor lo siento quiero felicitarte por todos tus logros. y saludos desde Peru… sigue adelante sere unos de tus alumnos a la distancia.
Name: Aziz (Homepage)
Country: U.A.E Date: Sat Sep 17 12:15:56 2005
Comment: Mr Omar Faruk I will be happy to se your concert in U.A.E or (Dubai or Abudhabi)
Best Regards
Aziz Malekzadeh
Name: antonio danese (Homepage)
Country: italia Date: Fri Sep 16 22:25:43 2005
Comment: I love your cd, i bought all in selkuk efes. I hope to see your concert in Italy, very soon.
Congratulation Antonio.
Name: havva
Country: turkey Date: Thu Sep 8 08:42:52 2005
Name: sadik (Homepage)
Country: Date: Mon Sep 5 19:31:46 2005
Comment: türkiyedeki sevgili ömer faruk hayranlarý þuan bir site hazýrlýyorum.adý pinhan.arapça kökenli bir kelime saklý.gizli demek.bu site müzik sitesii olacak.erkan oður.kudsi erguner.ömer faruk.burhanöçal.okaytemniz.göksel baktagir vs. devam ediyor.eðer alinizde bu sanatçýlara ait bilgiler varsa bana ulaþtýrýsanýz isminiz ile sitede yayýnlanacaktýr.herkesew selamlar.
Name: Erkut
Country: Türkiye Date: Wed Aug 17 20:42:38 2005
Comment: Abi Adana’da biþe var,çok fazla iyi müzisyen çýkýyor.
Name: Mustafa Güven (Homepage)
Country: IST / TURKEY Date: Mon Aug 15 12:06:34 2005
Comment: Nefes kesen melodiler, düzenlemeler. Sadece müzikal bir dolgunluk deðil, tinselliðin mavi yolculuðu. Türk konuklarýn müziðinizden duyacaðý heyecan sonrasýnda sitenizi ziyaret etmesi pek muhtemel, türkçe ile desteklenirse hem kimliðinizi hem de müziðinizi çok daha yukarýlara tetikleyecektir diye düþünüyorum. Baþarýlarýnýzýn devamýný gönülden diliyorum.
Name: Düzsel (Homepage)
Country: germany Date: Wed Aug 10 18:39:11 2005
Comment: Way be…;-]
Name: cagri
Country: turkey Date: Sat Jul 30 22:01:08 2005
Comment: thank you for that great melodies. keep playing and don’t forget to visit ankara!
Name: Julián
Country: Cartagena Date: Wed Jul 27 12:31:46 2005
Comment: My congratulations for the concert offered in “La mar de musicas” festival. Thak you very much.
Name: Alsharif M.maree
Country: Madinah, hijaz Date: Mon Jul 25 04:32:55 2005
Comment: Dear omar
salamu alaikom from the city of light.
mashallah, i lesten to your music .. it makes my ears so happy ,may Allah keep you healthy and happy at all times.
Name: Barýþ (Homepage)
Country: Turkey Date: Thu Jul 21 18:30:44 2005
Comment: Merhabalar..Bu kadar çok enstrümaný virtüöz derecesinde çalmanýz beni çok þaþýrttý. Parçalarýnýzý büyük bir zevkle dinliyorum. Mystical Garden albümündeki Magic of the Evening parçasý çok hoþ. Sitenin türkçe bölümü de olsaydý iyi olurdu
Name: Mariano Otheguy
Country: Spain Date: Thu Jul 21 07:19:03 2005
Comment: I had the honour of watching Mr. Faruk playing in Cartagena, within the framework of the “La Mar de Músicas” festival.
I found your music incredibly deep, passionate and rich of flavors I am not used to here in Spain… nevertheless, there is a link between Spanish gipsy flamenco and your style of singing… it’s been like drinking from the glass of life.
Thank you very much.
Name: Celeste
Country: Portugal Date: Fri Jul 15 12:13:17 2005
Comment: I´ve started listening your music for about two years…since then never stopped…:-)
When will you come to Portugal for a concert??
Name: Nazlý
Country: Turkiye-Ýst. Date: Mon Jul 11 12:42:35 2005
Comment: Sizin müziðinize doyamýyorum…Bütün gün ofiste sizi dinliyoruz ve huzur içinde çalýþýyoruz; siz, þahsýnýza duyulan saygýdan binlerce kat daha fazlasýný hakediyorsunuz.Biz Türk gençlerine bu duygularý yaþattýðýnýz için teþekkür ederiz.
—-Y sobre todo me he sentido muy orgullosa por los comentarios en espanol; porq nuestra cultura es muy parecida…
Un beso muy fuerte para todo el mundo
Name: Alireza Jahangir
Country: Canada Date: Fri Jul 8 15:01:18 2005
Comment: Dear Faruk,
I heard you magical melodies from french CBC late in night while driving in a highway in Toronto, Canada. I was simply mesmerised by its beauty and depth. I bought your album called One Truth. I own close to 1500 CD and your CD is by far among the top 10. Please keep your creative power alive and make more beautiful music to heal the human souls in this time of religous darkness. Also I was wondering if you plan to come to Canada for a live concert. I know I will be there. T
Name: edlo
Country: España Date: Mon Jun 27 20:30:58 2005
Comment: Desde Sevilla (Andalucía) te doy las gracias Faruk, por saber transmitirnos y hacernos sentir el sonido del Universo.
Name: ulusman
Country: Nederland Date: Mon Jun 27 17:26:03 2005
Comment: Buyuk bir hayranlikla,ilk gunku heyecanla dinliyorum butun muziklerinizi,bir turk muzigi modern ve klasik enstrumanlarla ancak bu mukemmellikte yorumlanir…..basarilarinizin devamini dilerim.
Name: emre
Country: türkiye Date: Mon Jun 27 08:41:14 2005
Comment: Sayýn Tekbilek
Geçen sene Türkiye’ye geldiðinizde Tree of Patience isimli bir albüm hazýrladýðýnýzý ve hatýrladýðým kadarýyla 2004’ün sonu veya 2005’in baþý itibariyle piyasaya süreceðinizi söylemiþtiniz. Yalnýz siz piyasaya sürmeden albümün korsaný internette elden ele dolaþmaya baþladý. Acaba bu yüzden mi albümünüzü piyasaya çýkarmadýnýz? YEni albümünüzü ve Ankara’da konser vermenizi daha ne kadar bekleyeceðiz? Saygýlar
Name: Onur Acar
Country: TURKEY / Mersin Date: Tue Jun 21 14:48:51 2005
Comment: Merhabalar Omer Abi , ilk önce aðzýna ve eline saðlýk diyeyim.21 yaþýnda genç bir dinleyicinizim.Asagý yukarý butun sarkýlarýný dinledim.Hepsi mükemmel, diðer müzikler boþ geliyor sizinkilerden sonra.Turkiye ‘ yi de en iyi þekilde tanýtýyosunuz Dünya ya.Özellikle yolculukta çok güzel gidiyor þarkýlarýnýz.Yol hemen bitiyor..Tekrar tebrikler.Sizden heveslenerek bir Ney alýp uðraþmak istiyorum..Bir de Türkçe web sitesi yaparsanýz çok güzel olur..Daha çok eserlerle varolmanýz dileðiyle..
Name: Ravenmoon (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Mon Jun 20 21:10:48 2005
Comment: Your music is very beautiful and enchanting.
Name: Anýl Erol ÞAKACI
Country: Türkiye Date: Sat Jun 18 19:01:41 2005
Comment: Merhaba Faruk Abi. Ben 21 yaþýndayým; yaþýtlarýmýn çoðu pop müzik ve yabancý müzik dinlerken benim senin müziðinle tanýþmýþ olmam büyük bir lütuf. Profesyonel olarak halk oyunlarýyla uðraþtýðým için halk müziðine ve ortadoðu müziðine yabancý deðilim, ancak senin gibi ney çalanýný hiç duymamýþtým, bence bu çaðýn en büyük neyzenlerindensin. Neyin insan sesine en yakýn çalgý olduðunu biliyordum, fakat bunu sende gerçekten “duydum”. Ýyi ki varsýn, Allah yardýmcýn olsun, yolunu açýk etsin.
Name: Thanasis
Country: Greece Date: Fri Jun 17 13:45:29 2005
Comment: Omar Faruk is a wonderful artist, I consider him along with Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan the best Eastern Musicians. His music is indeed divine. I wish he comes to Greece more times, for here we always tend to admire anything western and deny our eastern roots. Tekbilek’s music can prove to us that the East has wonderful things to offer. Allah rahatlik ve saglik versin
Name: sadýk erdoðan (Homepage)
Country: turkey/ ankara Date: Thu Jun 16 14:47:49 2005
Comment: muhteþem bir müzik tarzýnýz var.bütün albümlerinizi dinledim.yalnýz albümleriniz türkiyede çok pahalý.biz 200.000 liralýk gazeteyi beþ kiþi okuyan bir toplumuz.neyse bende bütün albümleriniz var.birde niçin ankaraya gelmiyorsunuz ya..
Name: sadýk erdoðan (Homepage)
Country: turkey Date: Thu Jun 16 14:41:00 2005
Name: Selcuk Emre GORKEM (Homepage)
Country: TURKIYE Date: Wed Jun 15 14:37:58 2005
Comment: Sevgili üstadým. Albümünüzü satin aldim, dinler dinlemez internete kosup web sitenize bakmak istedim. Diger albumlerinizin isimlerini ogrenebilmek ve onlari da dinleyebilmek icin. Bu site vasitasiyla Adana’li oldugunuzu, hemsehri oldugumuzu ogrendim, size kendimi daha da yakin hissettim. Aldigim albumunuz, simdiye kadar dinledigim bütün albümler icerisinde en sevdigim en begendigim oldu. Boyle mukemmel bir eser yarattiginiz icin tesekkur ediyorum. Selamlar, saygilar
Name: JUAN Andres
Country: Date: Wed Jun 15 14:18:53 2005
Comment: HOLa la verdad es que su pagina esta buenisima y sus cd me parecen fenomenal,sus cds me sirven mucho en la copia de estilo del nay.
segui asi en la musica
Name: Tom McFerran (Ibrahim)
Country: England. UK. Date: Wed Jun 15 10:32:10 2005
Comment: Very, very beautiful, the music, it made me weep. Everywhere I look I can see His face, and Oh! how beautiful He is. Thank you, my brother.
Oh! Shems, what have you done to me? Ibrahim.
Name: gülsen (Homepage)
Country: germany Date: Thu Jun 9 10:49:37 2005
Comment: Gelecek hafta (16.6) Ist’da acik hava konseriniz var. Biz orada olamiyacagiz ama kalbimiz orada olacak.. Belki bir mucize olur bizde katiliriz(!)
Name: ahmed magdi (Homepage)
Country: Egypt Date: Sun Jun 5 13:32:49 2005
Comment: U R the most eastern newage best artist hope to see u in egypt or with sarah brightman in a concert
Name: zeynep
Country: turkey Date: Sun May 29 09:21:24 2005
Comment: you’re definietly the most successful and creative guy in the world!! Congratulations..
Name: sadettin
Country: turkey Date: Fri May 27 11:24:46 2005
Comment: Gunesli bir Bogaz’dan Istanbul’dan sewgiler/saygilar.Omer bey muziginizi dinlemek oyle buyuk bir keyif ki,hatta dinleyip tum problemlerden uzaklasmak ve bunu sizin muziginiz faydasi ile oldugunu bilmek apayri bir keyif.Sizden tek bir istegim var ki,Turkiye’ye kendinizi daha cok tanitmaniz,aslinda o kadar seveniniz var ki,sanirim herkes biraz daha fazla bilgi bekliyor//SAYGILAR , SADETTIN
Name: Micheal O Siadal
Country: Ireland Date: Fri May 13 09:48:03 2005
Comment: The man sure can play sweet music. Does any one know where Steve Shehan is from? Its certainly an Irish sounding name
Name: StavrosT
Country: Greece Date: Wed May 4 10:01:00 2005
Name: Mesut Ates
Country: germany Date: Sat Apr 30 10:25:17 2005
Comment: merhaba omar bey,
benim adim mesut,yasim 19,10 yildan beri kaval,mey,balaban ve zurna sazlarini ögrenmektegim,daha iyi bir teknige ulasmak ve daha saglam bir performans edinebilmem icin bana ne gibi bir tavsiyede bulunabilirsiniz???
Name: Kvon (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Fri Apr 29 21:11:53 2005
Comment: Hello Omar Faruk: Been a long time, just did some work with ANNATH, hope you are well and to hear from you sometime soon, be well…..Kvon.
Name: Eldha (Homepage)
Country: España Date: Mon Apr 25 19:07:45 2005
Comment: Gracias por la musica que nos regalas
La vivimos ayer en Logroño, La Rioja: España
Hoy la llevamos a la Escuela.
Name: Raquel
Country: Spain Date: Sun Apr 24 02:26:15 2005
Comment: Today I have been in the concert of Vigo.It was great, beautiful. Please, continue playing this peaceful music.
Name: zeliha karahan
Country: usa Date: Sat Apr 23 01:17:19 2005
Comment: Selam Faruk abi….senelerdir seni dinledim ve seneler gectikce, daha daha guclesiyorsun…Bravo…
Name: TugceTekbilek (Homepage)
Country: Germany Date: Sun Apr 3 19:36:55 2005
Comment: Sevgili Faruk Amcam.Hepimisden Selamin var we seni ben cok özledik.Iyisalah birgün New York a gelebilirim.Hepimis öpdük.Tugce Tekbilek
Name: Manu
Country: France Date: Sat Mar 26 15:52:41 2005
Comment: Félicitation Omar, votre music est majestueuse, j’espere de tout coeur vous voir en france. Cordialment.
Name: Tunca
Country: Turkey / USA Date: Sat Mar 19 05:49:24 2005
Comment: Ustad,
I love you and I love your song “I love you” the best. Thank you very much for these beautiful music. “I love you” makes me cry almost everytime so I can’t listen to everywhere or anytime. I was at your concert in San Diego… You made me cry with “I love you” again that night.
Thank you Ustad.
Tesekkur ederim Ustad. Omrun cok olsun.
Name: XarquS (Homepage)
Country: Andalucía-Spain Date: Fri Mar 18 01:17:48 2005
Comment: A la paz de Dios. Es verdad lo que dice usted: el flamenco y su música están emparentados; pero además, la forma de ser andaluza se parece al sufismo. Ibn Al-Arabí tenía razón. Que Dios nos bendiga con su música muchos años.
Name: Lynn Yaali-Benson
Country: Malaysia/ USA Date: Thu Mar 17 07:28:30 2005
Comment: I was looking for middle eastern music online and came upon your website. Your song “Call to prayer” almost brought tears to my eyes. I am far away from my home and have not heard anything even remotely close to the Azan, and listening to it meant alot to me. Thank you for making such beautiful music with messages of peace, especially at such turbulent times. And thank you for reminding me where I am from. Hope to see you in Seattle.
Name: Dani
Country: Date: Wed Mar 9 19:34:27 2005
Comment: your music is like sweet incense which clears the path to a heavenly light and feeds the heart with love.
Namasté Ustad
Name: celtictrees (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Wed Mar 9 17:52:04 2005
Comment: …..peace and sound make beautiful peace and beautiful sound. it’s a great world when this happens! music + ears = hope:love
Name: Mike
Country: USA Date: Tue Mar 8 01:42:12 2005
Comment: Beautiful music-I am transported the music gets inside me in a very unique way. It makes me want to know more – hear more – live more. Thank you.
Name: mert kezer
Country: U.S.A Date: Mon Mar 7 15:55:00 2005
Comment: ogrenimim icin bir suredir amerikada bulunmaktayim, bu sure zarfinda eserleriniz en buyuk guc kaynagimdi. her parcada bir seyler buldum turkiyeden ve bu bana ayakta kalma gucu verdi. size gercekten minnettarim, salicakla kalin….
Name: birkimse
Country: USA Date: Mon Mar 7 10:45:59 2005
Comment: 2004 yazinda seattle ‘da verdiginiz konserde neden sufi muziginden uzaklastip daha cok oyun havasi parcalarini icra ettiginizi merak ediyorum.aydinlatirsaniz sevinirim.
Name: Shabnam
Country: USA Date: Mon Mar 7 09:57:43 2005
Comment: Asalamualakum to both Omar Faruk and your maginificent ensemble. I must say that I have just arrived home from witnessing your musical magic live in San Diego and I am not only captivated, but I am intrigued as well. In Afghanistan, we say tashekur (similar to Turkish) as a means for expressing gratitude. I thank you for your art and your tremendous representation of Middle-Eastern music. You are incredible mashallah & quite sincerely, may we all share peace in light of faith and music.
Name: HARUN ELKIRAN (Homepage)
Country: TURKEY Date: Thu Mar 3 17:04:10 2005
Comment: Thank you very much for everthing… You are the greatest one who producing the Mystic (Mevlevi) Music.. Again, again, again thank you for your works… May Allah be pleased with you… :)))
Name: Ricardo
Country: Chile Date: Mon Feb 28 04:41:55 2005
Comment: Omar: your work has been a powerful inspiration for my life, i`m a photographer and muscician of Chile (South America).It would be incredible if some day you come here to make a concert.
A fraternal hug, and a big thanks
Ricardo Portugueis
Name: Merryn
Country: USA Date: Wed Feb 23 07:28:39 2005
Comment: Your music inspired me to dance and inspired my husband to drum. I listened to ‘Whirling’ everyday while I was pregnant with my son Daniel. Bless you and the music you make.
Name: güL$en (Homepage)
Country: germany Date: Tue Feb 22 14:07:12 2005
Comment: Hep uzaklardasiniz.. Gerci muziginizle hergün yanimizdasiniz fakat sizi ne zaman canli izleme firsati bulacagiz?! 😉 InsAllah cook yakin zamanda! Yüreginize ve muziginize saglik!
“Duna at Night” (from ‘One’-Album) ile.. güL$en 🙂
Name: sener
Country: Tr Date: Mon Feb 21 18:41:44 2005
Comment: love harika bi parça abi mukemmel. hala çok sýk dinliorum
Country: Ýstanbul/Turkey Date: Tue Feb 15 19:10:42 2005
Comment: Merhaba Ömer Abi,
Tek kelime ile harikasýnýz. Muhteþem eserlerinizi bize dinleme fýrsatý verdiðiniz için size teþekkür ederiz.
Name: Murat Tekbilek
Country: USA Date: Sun Feb 13 06:43:23 2005
Comment: You have blessed me first by bringing me into this world and secondly by being a great inspriation within it. You are not only the best musician but the best father anyone could ask for. I love you with a love only the listeners of your music can understand. Your mark on the world has been great but the biggest mark has been left up me. Seni cok seven oglun….Murat
Name: Deniz
Country: United States Date: Tue Feb 8 21:38:21 2005
Comment: I am so proud of you Babis. You are my inspiration and my idol. Your music touches the depth of my heart and soul. Seni cok seviyorum Babis!
Name: Omer Hilal
Country: Turkey Date: Tue Feb 8 13:09:40 2005
Comment: Ömer bey Türkiye’ye konser için tekrar gelmenizi dört gözle bekliyorum. Saygýlarýmla
Name: Kim
Country: USA Date: Sun Feb 6 00:28:12 2005
Comment: I am so exstatic at this moment. I have just been informed that you will be in San Diego March 6, 2005. The dates are not on this site though. When will it be updated so I tell my friends all over the country to go see you if you are intheir area?
Name: Marilyn Reihs
Country: USA Date: Wed Jan 5 00:43:58 2005
Comment: I am eagerly anticipating your performance on March 11th in Portland, Oregon.
Name: Jesse
Country: USA Date: Tue Jan 4 09:17:03 2005
Comment: i have to say you are quite possibly my favorite musician, i particularly enjoyed Wildflower on One Truth, it has inspired me to learn to play Saz (trying to find a teacher in my area has been dificult though). best wishes from California.
Name: Erkin K.
Country: Konya – TURKIYE Date: Wed Dec 22 01:08:59 2004
Comment: Faruk abi merhaba, Yaptiginiz muzigin dogus yeri olan Konya’da konser vermeyi dusunmuyormusunuz? Muziginizi ovmeme ve ne kadar buyuk bir sanatci oldugunuzu soylememe gerek bile yok herhalde.
Name: Felicia
Country: Sweden Date: Thu Dec 2 05:47:50 2004
Comment: I must confess…I’m hopelessly in love with your divine music…will you ever come to Scandinavia for a concert?
Country: usa Date: Wed Dec 1 23:02:49 2004
Name: ALi & Aristea (Turk & Greek)
Country: UK Date: Tue Nov 23 13:02:04 2004
Comment: We have checked your upcoming concerts and you don’t have anything in London, so we were wondering when would you be performing in London next time? Peace.
Name: Paul Davis (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Sun Nov 21 03:56:47 2004
Comment: Omar, thanks so much for your music. I have spent the day spellbound by “Don’t Cry My Love” from Alif, discovered on the compilation “Arabesque: Zoudge”, and just ordered the whole CD. This is gorgeous, deeply beautiful music, mournful, mysterious, mesmerizing, human, sublime. Never be afraid of where your musical heart leads you.
Name: mithat
Country: Date: Mon Nov 15 22:20:44 2004
Comment: Faruk abicim nasýlsýn buradakilerin tektek selamlarý var gözlerinden öper mübarek bayramýn kutlu olsun email adersim
kendinize iyi bakýn
Name: Syl
Country: Argentina Date: Sat Nov 13 04:41:30 2004
Comment: My fascination about the beauty of Alif is a slow and sweet death just to be born again. How can I remain in silence?
Name: Fatosh G
Country: England Date: Sun Oct 24 12:58:52 2004
Comment: I’m mad about your music.I’m keep missing your concerts.I couldn’t get hold of you in New York or in Istanbul.I have to know if there is any in London soon or please let me know when?life is too short,when you find something you love,never let it go….your music is like that to me.i can’t always check your website,all i want is to go to yoru concert,so let me know very kindly…thank youxxxxxxxxxxx
Name: Fatosh G
Country: England Date: Sun Oct 24 12:52:55 2004
Comment: Hellooooooooo,please come to England,I don’t wanna die before going to a concert of yours… Every time I listen to “I LOVE YOU”,BELIVE ME I LOVE YOU EVEN MORE…You are amazing,a genius in music…every time i feel down or lonely i will listen to you and feel lot better do you do that????????please keep giving us the best that music has to offer…thanks a million
sen 1 tanesinxxx
Name: Mucahit BAHAR
Country: Turkey Date: Wed Oct 20 20:52:53 2004
Comment: well,i am not sure about you will read this comment..but let me say when i heard your sound,your music,i just close my eyes and go to another worlds ..because of you,i am trying to learn ney,but its not my ney unfortunately…but i still hope that i will have my own ney and ,i will play it alonly and make myself go out of this world for a short while..i am honoured whe n i see your concert schedule..and insallah i will meet you after have listened to you in turkey..Allah is helping you ibelieve.
Country: paris Date: Mon Oct 18 01:55:59 2004
Comment: Bir muzik ustadisiniz.Turkiyenin sizin gibi insanlara daha fazla deger vermesi gerek.
Eserleriniz beni gercekten cok etkiliyor.Her duyguyu yasatabiliyorsunuz eserlerinizde ozellikle dini motiflere agirlik verdiginiz parcalar gercekten inanilmaz.
Benimde belki tum hayranlariniz gibi en sevdigim eser i love you.Bu duygu yogunlugunda bir parcayi bir insan oglu nasil olusturabiliyor hala aklim almiyor.Ustad sen buyuksun.Eserlerini bizden esirgeme.Allah yardimcin olsun
Name: Mickey Shields
Country: Ireland Date: Sat Oct 16 11:59:21 2004
Comment: An excellently presented site on an inspirational musician and composer. Fair play to the man/woman who puts this site together. Incidentaly Keane is an Irish name for those who are wondering
Name: Ceyhun&Fatih
Country: Türkiye Date: Thu Oct 14 22:15:08 2004
Comment: Ömer Faruk abi sizin yaptýðýnýz müzikle gurur duyuyoruz.Sizin de dediðiniz gibi ‘Müzik yapmak,dua etmektir’.Fakat Türkiye’de sanýrým yeterli ilgiyi göremiyorsunuz.Oysaki ürettiðiniz eserler ölümsüz ve yýllarca tekrar tekrar dinlenecek birer yapýt.Sizi herkesin tanýmasýný ve yapýtlarýnýzý dinlemesini istiyorum.
Name: fatma
Country: turkey G.ANTEP Date: Thu Sep 30 12:38:36 2004
Name: Mete Andýrýn
Country: Türkiye Date: Tue Sep 21 06:43:34 2004
Comment: Ömer bey memleketinizden Adana’dan kucak dolusu sevgiler,evrensel kabul edilen müziðinizin ve adýnýzýn Türkiyede bu kadar az bilinmesi insaný üzüyor açýkcasý,Kilyos’ta verdiðiniz konseri de izleme fýrsatýný bulmuþ olarak sizden Türkiye’deki konser sayýnýzý biraz da olsa artýrmanýzý rica ediyorum,son olarak sitenizdeki linklerde Türkiye ile ilgili hiçbir link bulunmamasý beni üzüyor ona da dikkat ederseniz beni sevindirirsiniz sonuç itibariyle çok fazla Türk dünya çapýnda tanýnmýyor.Saygýlar
Name: Betül
Country: BELCIKA Date: Mon Sep 20 20:04:10 2004
Comment: sevgili Omar bey,
sizi tebrik ederim, muziginizi dinliyen herkesi adeta uçuruyorsunuz.Malesef burada cd’lerinizi çok zor buluyoruz. Belçika’yada gelmeyi du§unuyormusunuz konser için? Ba§arilar…
Name: Cengiz HASGUL (Homepage)
Country: TURKEY Date: Sun Sep 19 19:56:38 2004
Comment: Selam Omar Bey yapmýþ olduðunuz müziði tüm dünya gibi bende takdir ediyor ve huzur içinde dinliyorum. Sizinle ülkemizde karþý karþýya gelmek ümidiyle saygýlar sunuyorum.
Istanbul ‘dan Cengiz
Name: Elaine
Country: USA Date: Sun Sep 12 15:14:25 2004
Comment: I discovered the music of Omar Faruk Tekbilek while taking a belly dance class in New York. I found the music really spoke to me on both an emotional and a spiritual level. It takes me to a place where I can touch on peace and resolution. I have given Mystical Gardens as gifts to two people already! I plan to see a performance soon in New York City.
Name: Inanç
Country: Iowa USA Date: Thu Sep 2 05:34:33 2004
Comment: En icten selamlar tum Dostlara
Sevgili Burhan Bey
Sizi ve yaptiginiz guzel muzigi en icten duygularim ile tebrik ediyorum. Pek cok ruha dokundugunuzdan emin olabilir, huzur verdiginiz icin dinleyenlerinize, mutluluk duyabilirsiniz.
Aziz Mevla Tum dunyayi, inanananlari inanmayanlari, tum canlilari korusun. Baris ve huzur diliyorum.
Name: Bruno (Homepage)
Country: Argentina Date: Wed Sep 1 14:21:42 2004
Comment: Hola. Vi vo en Argentina pero tengo una fuerte desendencia Arabe por parte de mi madre. SIento una fuerte conexción con la musica de Medio Oriente y las canciones de Omar llevan esa conexcion a su punto mas alto.
No hay fronteras para la musica
Name: Handan
Country: Türkiye/ Ankara Date: Tue Aug 31 22:21:53 2004
Comment: Sizin varlýðýnýzdan,müziðinizden haberdar olduðum için çok seviniyorum.Bütün eserlerinizi elde etmek istiyorum ama yabancý albüm gibi farklý fiyatla satýlýyorlar bu nedenle üzgünüm.Bütün bunlara raðmen bu sene tv programýnda bahsettiðiniz gibi konserlerinizi dinleyebilirsem ne mutlu bana.Yaptýðýnýz müzik için teþekkürler.Yetiþtirdiðiniz öðrencilere ve size baþarýlar.
Name: çetin
Country: antalya /türkiy Date: Sat Aug 28 14:08:56 2004
Comment: merhabalar faruk bey yapmýþ oldugunuz müzigin üstlenmiþ oldugunuz misyona karþý, derin duygular içinde olan bir hayranýnýz olarak sizi daha güzel eserlerle sizi dinleme þerefine ereriz umarým enkýsa zamanda sizi yakýndan görürüm inþallah saygýlarýmla ….
Name: çetin
Country: antalya/türkiye Date: Sat Aug 28 13:54:06 2004
Name: mithat
Country: Date: Sun Aug 22 13:53:42 2004
Comment: faruk abi nasýlsýn ben mithat su anda ferah abi naýmda onunda selamý var neneminde selam larý var gözlerinden öper
Name: Reem
Country: Kuwait Date: Mon Aug 16 10:00:09 2004
Comment: WOW…im just speechless,what an amazing music.
Name: zeynep
Country: swizerland Date: Sun Aug 15 13:10:15 2004
Name: Engin Korkmaz
Country: Türkiye Date: Sat Aug 7 13:38:17 2004
Comment: Hocam, Ýyi ki varsýnýz, tasavvuf müziðini bana sevdirdiðiniz için size çok þey borçluyum. Ýlerde ben de kendi müziðimi yaptýðýmda sizden aldýðým etki açýkça belli olacaktýr.
ben 19 yaþýndayým ve elimden geldiði kadar yaptýðýnýz müziði kendi neslime tanýtýp sevdirmeye geyret edeceðim. Bize hediye ettiðiniz bu mükemmel müzik için sonsuz teþekkürler.
Name: Katherine Zavartkay
Country: Hoboken, NJ USA Date: Thu Aug 5 20:55:28 2004
Comment: !hola y namaste! to Omar and ensemble, saw you at NYC’s Central Park last night, love you love you love you! peace and blessings to you always!!!
Name: Yolanda
Country: Spain Date: Thu Aug 5 16:28:07 2004
Comment: Moon, in the solitude of the night, you have shown your purity by means of Omar ‘s soul…thanks
Name: metin (Homepage)
Country: çorum/türkiye Date: Thu Aug 5 00:24:37 2004
Comment: Sevgili Omer Faruk Tekbilek…Eserlerinizi dinledikce icime bir huzur doguyor.Allah’a yakinlastigimi hissediyorum. Allah nefesinize kuvvet versin.Sizi seviyoruz.
Name: Omar El outassi (Homepage)
Country: canada Date: Wed Aug 4 21:41:39 2004
Comment: I read your website but I heared your music I mean I flew with it. I hope I can get one day to one of your concert.
Name: yusuf&gencay
Country: north Turkey Date: Wed Jul 28 01:23:32 2004
Comment: sizi içten tebrik ederiz.yaptýðýnýz müzik çok nitelikli ve evrensel.çalýþmalarýnýzý merakla takib ediyoruz.baþarýlar…
Name: Mustafa
Country: Türkiye Date: Sun Jul 18 19:47:24 2004
Comment: Þükürler olsun, varoluþuna ve seni keþfediþime.Dünyaya yakýþýr evrensel insan
Name: Özal
Country: Turkiye Date: Wed Jul 14 13:47:19 2004
Comment: Merhaba Ömer Bey, Yaptýðýnýz müzik gerçekten çok etkileyici ve çok güzel, tebrik ve teþekkür ediyorum, keþke sitenizin turkce kýsmý da bulunsaydý…
Country: Argentine Date: Sat Jul 10 18:01:49 2004
Comment: i COLLECT AL cd^s FROM OMAR his music it`s oriental poem`s and have level religious fropm the dessert. and mosques I like so much congatulations!!!! OMAR
Name: fatima
Country: Brasil Date: Sat Jun 19 08:25:00 2004
Name: abdullah kececi (Homepage)
Country: sydney Date: Mon Jun 14 14:41:59 2004
Comment: Hello Tekbilk,
I just wanted to thankyou very much for putting your heart and soul into the music you play. Your music is very moving and at the sametime its technically brilliant (ie the way you melt eastern music and western techniques and technology together is so fantastic.) Your music give me goose bumps and often think about my family in turkey, turkey in general.
Once again thankyou so much and i look forward to see you in concert in Turkey in the near future.
Name: iqbal
Country: italy Date: Sat Jun 5 21:26:25 2004
Comment: merhaba omar!!! thank you for the beautiful music you give to us!! thank you for offering us magnificent moments in our lives and taking us to our homelands when we are away!! i can just tell you that: Seni Allah bir yapti ve senin muzikasi yolay bizi Allahin yoluna!!
p.s. sorry for the dialect but that ‘s the only turkish i know!
Name: Sergio
Country: Spain Date: Thu May 27 12:06:04 2004
Comment: Thank you, Faruk for your concert of Madrid. It was amazing. Ole!
Name: Jon Yimin
Country: USA Date: Wed May 19 05:06:59 2004
Comment: In a time of turmoil that this world faces, your music seems to promise the sunrise everytime I listen to it. Just stunning. I hope that someday you come to pittsburgh.
Name: Mari
Country: Sweden Date: Thu May 13 14:28:49 2004
Comment: You’re the jewel of the crown called music…
Name: angel
Country: spain Date: Fri May 7 19:57:29 2004
Comment: If i can, i wanna go to Madrid or Lorca to see you. Thank you for your mystical music.
Name: B. Nilgün Öz
Country: Türkiye Date: Sun May 2 12:20:06 2004
Comment: Merhaba Faruk Bey,
“Alif” isimli albümünüzü ilk kez 10 gün önce Kapadokya’da, çalýþtýðým restorasyon bürosu tarafýndan restore edilen bir konakta dinledim. O günden beri de inanýlmaz bir zevk alarak dinliyorum. Sizi çok tebrik ederim!! Yakýnda Türkiye’de konser vermeniz dileðiyle..
Name: carme garcia
Country: Spain Date: Thu Apr 29 20:03:09 2004
Comment: I ‘ll try to go to your concert in Barcelona, sala Bikini. I love your music.
Name: N.Sahin-Berber (Homepage)
Country: Switzerland Date: Sun Apr 18 15:50:31 2004
Comment: Mukemmel! Kutlarim!
Name: Ahmet AKINCI
Country: DYARBAKIR Date: Thu Apr 15 00:38:13 2004
Comment: hey man you are one of the uniqe in the world it made me shocked when i listened first, it gives me pleasure like wen i listen o PINK FLOYD… God bless you…….
Name: Biray
Country: USA Date: Thu Apr 8 01:06:33 2004
Comment: Ben bu kadar buyuk bir sanatci dusunemezdim…
Ta ki OMAR FARUK TEKBILEK’i dinleyene kadar …
Ne tevazuu ve ne sanat …!!!!
Name: Kaela
Country: USA Date: Fri Mar 26 03:38:54 2004
Comment: Thank you, Faruk, for all your wonderful work. It leaves me speechless. You have inspired many dances in me.
It would be wonderful if you’d ever get to perform in the Midwest of US.
Thank you, again.
Name: Ali
Country: Lebanon Date: Fri Mar 12 07:12:23 2004
Comment: Your the man Tekbilek!
Name: Cle Lewis
Country: USA Date: Sat Mar 6 01:54:37 2004
Comment: Thank you for music that I can play over and over and over again and feel nothing but joy in the hearing of it. Come west! There is no “arena” like Colorado’s Red Rocks Ampitheatre. Your sound wouls simply soar here!
Name: Alex Wouters
Country: Netherlands Date: Thu Mar 4 15:43:07 2004
Comment: When i put your music on while i am driving in my car towards the sea, i feel like flying.
Also i love to play along with my percussion at home listening to this great music.
Name: olcay kologlu
Country: turkey Date: Fri Feb 27 22:00:53 2004
Comment: ”I Love You”yu Muazzez Abacidan duydugum zaman kulaklarýima ininamadim. Sanki dusunulmeden cok aceleye getirilmis, kasete bir an once girmesi icin uydur kaydir soz yazilmis hissi uyandi bende.Neden arabesk diye sormadan
edemedim .Kendimi.Yazik!
Name: batur
Country: Turkey Date: Thu Feb 26 15:17:26 2004
Comment: Sevgili Tekbilek,
Oncelikle olus***ugunuz müzik kalitesinden dolayi kutluyorum.. Ornegine az rastlanýr calismalarýnýz var. Hayraninizim..
Son gunlerde Muazzez Ersoy ‘un yeni cikardigi album “Seni Seviyorum ” sizin muzigini yaptiginiz “I Love You ” isimli bestenizin aynisi..Bilginiz var mi bilemiyorum ama, yayinlanan muzik kliplerinde sizin adýnýz gecmiyor. Muazzez Ersoy ‘u kiniyorum. sizin adiniz gecmeliydi. Bilgilerinize…
Basarilarinizin devamini diliyorum.. Saygýyla
Name: emre kaynarca
Country: turkey Date: Wed Feb 25 10:34:57 2004
Comment: Ben I love you isimli parcanýzý her zaman bikmadan dinleyen biriyim ve onun bir basyapýt olduguna inanýyorum. Cunku o parcanýz sadece kulaga degil, ruha yonelik. Ayný parcayý Muazzez Ersoy’un arabesk fantazi tarzý bir muzik ve genel geçer basit sozlerle icra etmesine inanýn cok uzuldum. Çunku parça içerigini, ruhunu, etkileme gucunu kýsaca herþeyini kaybetmis.
Name: Olcay Kologlu
Country: turkey Date: Mon Feb 16 11:50:27 2004
Comment: Sevgili tekbilek,Borusan konserine sadece Borusancilar ve davetlileri gidebildi. Oysa biz sizi hep bekledik. Yaz baslarinda yapilan Istanbul Festivali bizler icin firsat olabilir. Konser listenize bakinca kiskanmamak elde degil. Kendi degerlerimizi baskalari bizden daha fazla degerlendiriyor.Yeni web siteniz guzel olmus.
Hep sevgiyle kalin
Olcay Kologlu
Name: mockery
Country: bulgaria Date: Wed Feb 11 16:23:36 2004
Comment: LoL i lofe u Omar F. T.:Pppp Love Respect Truth.mp3 rlz 😛 gl
Name: Felix
Country: Portugal Date: Fri Feb 6 03:38:23 2004
Comment: I find your music and i love.
Good Work.
Name: omer ipekci
Country: turkey Date: Sat Jan 31 00:00:36 2004
Comment: A big fan you have here, but not without a wish.
I would like to find lyrics to your songs but can’t find them anywhere. I think it would be good to put them at least in the website.
Name: Özgür Çetin
Country: Turkiye Date: Tue Jan 27 08:45:29 2004
Comment: Selamlar,
Müziginizi yillardir begeni ile takip eden bir dinleyicinizim. Ancak Muazzez Ersoy’a verdiginiz I Love You parcanizin Turkce soz yazilarak katledildigini düþünüyorum. Keske boyle bir sey yapmasaydiniz.
Bir de sitenizin Turkce versiyonu olsa cok iyi olur kanaatindeyim.
Ýyi Calismalar
Name: antony halavatzis
Country: greece Date: Fri Jan 23 12:16:17 2004
Comment: hello from greece. omar the only thing that i can say is u r just magnificient….one and only.. your mysic goes straight in to our souls… i hope that one day u will come in greece to make a concert.. i cant wait… thank u for making us happy.. 🙂
Name: jade
Country: Date: Sat Dec 27 15:18:31 2003
Comment: Sevgili Tekbilek,
Bizler sizi yillardir bekliyorduk .. Birakin sadece Istanbul u sizin ciddi bir hayran kitleniz var tum Turkiye de. Dolayisiyla sizin muziginizi anlatmak veya tanitmak icin senfonik orkestraya ihtiyaciniz yok. Zaten bu konsere sirf Borusan cilar gitti ve bizler bilet bile bulamadik. Kotu bir his, sizi yillarca beklemek, ardindan konsere girememek :(. Israil de bir çok konser vermissiniz, lutfen Turkiye de de birkac konser yapin, tekrar gelin ne olur.
Name: Recep Pehlivan
Country: Australia Date: Sat Dec 27 13:30:33 2003
Comment: Im still wondering how ive missed Omer Faruk Tekbilek all these years.Ive allways been on the search of Turkish music in different formats and with innovation and its allways been there but i have missed it.(My new born baby falls asleep every night to Ara’ya) even she knows good music from bad 🙂
Best wishes with future projects.
May Allah bless you
Name: Rahal
Country: Germany Date: Sat Dec 27 13:01:01 2003
Comment: Many years ago a syrian friend got a present by his son: the album “crescent moon”. Some days later as we were having tea, talking to each other and listening Omar Faruk Tekbilek’s music, I was infected and fascinated by these tunes. Meanwhile I have listened to nearly every album of Omar Faruk and I’m looking forward for the day when he gives a concert in germany or nearby…
…at this day I’m going to invite my friend to participate live from this enchanting music!
Name: Gia Curtis
Country: USA Date: Thu Dec 25 23:18:41 2003
Comment: I hope you can help my son find an instructional video or get him in contact with a ney teacher. Your music is out of this world—I love it!
Name: Abu Dharr
Country: USA Date: Mon Dec 22 01:18:45 2003
Comment: Sufism is the main meal for the soul, your music is the sweet desert.
Thank you, jazakallah
Name: emre kaynarca
Country: turkey Date: Fri Dec 19 08:27:46 2003
Comment: Sevgili omer faruk bey
Hazýr Turkiye’ye gelmiþken turneye çýkmayý hiç düþünmüyor musunuz? Ýstanbul dýþýndaki hayranlarýnýz(özellikle ankara) bunu dört gözle bekliyor…
Country: TURKEY Date: Thu Dec 18 13:35:10 2003
Comment: Sevgili ,saygideger dostum ,
uzun zaman sonra seni tekrar gorecegim icin seviniyorum Turkiye ‘de
Her sey gonlunce olsun .Aksam konserde gorusmek uzere
Sevgiler Saygilar
Dearest Respected Friend ,
It will be great pleasure to see you again here in istanbul ..
I wish a prosperous future to you .See you at concert tonight .
Warmest regards
H.Cigdem Yorgancioglu
Name: Murat Özgür
Country: Austria Date: Thu Dec 18 09:18:59 2003
Name: Gürcan
Country: Germany Date: Sat Dec 13 10:45:25 2003
Comment: Dear Ömer Bey, i love your songs and also try to play some of them but it´s really hard to play so lovely and utopian like you…
May Allah be with you!
Gürcan Mert
Name: Ducler
Country: Brazil Date: Fri Dec 12 19:18:15 2003
Comment: Listening songs like “Imaginary traveler” and “Red Skies”, I can leave my mind to travel, and discover lands that I never saw before. Congratulations.
Name: Paul van Hagen
Country: The Netherlands Date: Thu Dec 11 13:00:46 2003
Comment: Since my holidays in Turkey I have learnt to appreciate Middle-Eastern music. Your music is astonishingly beautiful.
I hope I can visit one of your concerts in the Netherlands soon.
Name: Cumali
Country: Türkiye Date: Wed Dec 10 15:10:45 2003
Comment: selam Ömer Faruk keþke avrupada tanýndýðýnýz kadar türkiyede de tanýnsanýz, ama þuna inanýn sizi tanýyan sayýlýda olsa dünyaya bedel çünkü; gerçek sanatçý dinliyorlar son sözüm sizin için notayý aðlatan demek istiyorum.
Name: karin (Homepage)
Country: the Netherlands Date: Wed Dec 10 11:59:18 2003
Comment: hello, i want to wish you good luck and have fun with the Dutch band Bløf! bye
Name: Serkan (Homepage)
Country: Australia Date: Tue Dec 2 00:13:34 2003
Comment: Merhab Sayin omar abi australia konserleriniz bitti yeni ogrendim ve sizi yeni tanidim. Ben en cok Turkiyenin sizi tanimamsindan uzuntu duyuyorum boyle bir yetenegin 100 yilda bir gelecegine inaniyorum. Australia 2004 de gelmeye dusunuyormusunuz ve ne zaman?
Name: Karim Dinoulis
Country: Egypt Date: Sun Nov 30 20:19:11 2003
Comment: just like all ppl have mentioned..ur music touches hearts!!
keep it up !!
Name: Pinar
Country: USA Date: Sat Nov 22 07:28:24 2003
Comment: I love you, Baba! I am so proud of you! Allahima yuz bin sukurler olsun ki sen benim Babamsin! Seni cok seviyorum, Babis!
Name: Franklin Constantine
Country: California, USA Date: Sat Nov 22 02:11:49 2003
Comment: Dear Mr. Tekbilk: I have been listening to your beautifyl music and songs for last few years and I love it. Your music has a message to tell and a style all of its own. Recently I purchased your album “Alif”. I am particularly interested in obtaining the turkish lyrics for the following songs:
Track No.1:Dulgar
Track No.2: Gardener
Track No.6: Dont Cry for me
Can you or somebody send me the lyrics for the
songs? Thanks a lot.
Franklin Constantine
Name: Abbudi
Country: The Holy Land Date: Fri Nov 21 06:37:17 2003
Comment: Greets…
Name: Adem Yiðit (Homepage)
Country: Türkiye Date: Thu Nov 20 22:50:34 2003
Comment: Yeni Albümünüz Hayýrlý Olsun.
Name: Nuri
Country: Australia Date: Thu Nov 20 05:19:14 2003
Comment: Upon hearing a very interesting topic being discussed on the airwaves in Melbourne about Islam, your music “Kolaymi ” was constantly being played in the background, rather than listening to the topic I was overwhelmed by the most beautiful music that I have listened till this day. I cannot emphasise enough how deep your music penetrates into ones soul and hope you continue to inspire other musicians in the same manner.
May the Blessing of ALLAH be you and look forward to seeing you here
Name: Barýþ Coþkun
Country: Turkey Date: Tue Nov 18 00:09:15 2003
Comment: Dünya sizi Turkiye’nin sizi tanýdýýðýndan çok daha iyi tanýyor. Turkiyeninde sizi tanýmasý dileðiyle. yaptýðýnýz müzik muhteþem. müziðinizi nesiller boyu devam ettirebilmeniz dileðiyle.
sevgiler saygýlar
Name: esmani onur ekinci
Country: Turkey Date: Tue Oct 28 14:42:01 2003
Comment: sevgili omer faruk tekbilek yaptiginiz muzik gercekten muhtesem. basarilarinizin devamini diliyorum.umarim yakin bir zamanda turkiyeye gelir ve konserler verirsiniz. ramazan ayiniz mubarek olsun.sevgiler……
Name: Yesil
Country: Netherlands Date: Fri Oct 24 13:04:36 2003
Comment: Selam,
Dun tesaduf eseri Fransiz TV5 televizyonunda bir programda dinledim ilk olarak muziginizi. Beni cok etkiledi. Umarim ileri zamanlarda sizin eserlerinizi daha cok dinlemek firsati olur.
Name: Peter
Country: USA Date: Mon Oct 20 21:01:11 2003
Comment: This is one of the best cd I have ever bought. Thank you for the great sounds.
Name: Uygar Karamuz
Country: TURKEY Date: Fri Oct 3 16:28:23 2003
Comment: (Ýstanbul – Türkiye’den Uygar Karamuz yazýyor)
Deðerli Tekbilek;
“I love you” isimli parçanýzý ilk defa bugün bir tesadüf eseri dinledim. Bu siteye girip sizi az da olsa tanýma imkanýna kavuþtum. Bundan sonra albümlerinizin daimi takipçisi ve müþterisi olacaðým.
Çok deðerli çalýþmalarýnýzýn baþarý ile devamýný diliyorum. Siz, her yerde, her türlü iyiliði ve güzelliði haketmiþ bir insansýnýz.
Saygý ve selamlarýmla…
Name: Julián
Country: Cartagena-Spain Date: Thu Oct 2 08:43:12 2003
Comment: Hace poco que he conocido tu música y es maravillosa… cuando vengas a españa para dar un concierto iré a verte. Thank you for you music.
Name: Audra
Country: USA Date: Mon Sep 29 05:35:13 2003
Comment: I am a bellydancer. Love your music!!
Name: Peter
Country: us Date: Thu Sep 25 19:58:34 2003
Comment: Can’t wait to see you in London
Name: Ismar
Country: USA/BOSNIA Date: Wed Sep 24 22:56:39 2003
Comment: Dear Faruk,
Yuo have changed the way I look at music forever… after much self-convincing I came to raw understanding of form and dimension like I never seen before. Especially in “I love you” I found the peace. I’m proud of you.
Name: Fernando Rodrigues
Country: Brazil Date: Thu Sep 4 18:52:21 2003
Comment: I like so much your musics and I play Derbak… BEST REGARDS TO YOU
Name: Hasan
Country: turkiye Date: Sun Aug 24 17:30:27 2003
Comment: ilk mesajýmýn uzerinden 1,5 yýl gecti hala sizin muziginizle sevgimi yasýyorum,degisen hicbisey yok.Hala cok seviyorum.
Name: AurorA
Country: Germany Date: Fri Aug 22 00:29:29 2003
Comment: Saygi deger sayin Tekbilek,
ben sizden bir albüm ariyorum, ama ne yazikki sayfanizda bulamadim.
“Paris – Budhabar” albümünün ikinci parcasi “I love you Budhabar” ‘i ariyorum… Eger mümkünse bana bir mail ile bu albümü nerede bulabilecegimi yazarsaniz, beni cok mutlu edersiniz…
Cok tesekkürler… sizin gibi müzisyenlere Türkiye’nin cok ihtiyaci var!
Name: Osman KARA
Country: ist./turkey Date: Wed Aug 20 11:05:46 2003
Comment: Sizi duymadan önce Neyzen Tevfiði dinlerdim.Neyzen Tevfiðin neyinde biraz inancýn biraz da isyanýn sesi vardýr.
Çok cüretkarca olacak, affýnýza sýðýnarak soruyorum. Müziðinizde isyanýn,kuþkunun týnýsý yok mudur?.neyinize üflemenize hep ayný hisler mi sebep olur.?
çalýþmalarýnýzý ilgiyle izliyorum.
Name: Ceren
Country: Türkiye Date: Thu Aug 14 11:00:12 2003
Comment: Sizin müziklerinizle Allaha tekrar aþýk olmak, Mevlanayý, Þemsi hatýrlamak, barýþ ve dostluðu, aþký ve ateþi yüreðimizde hissetmek o kadar kolay oluyor ki…
Her bir naðme nasýl dokunuyor kalplere bir bilseniz…
Saygý ve sevgilerimi gönderiyorum, Allaha emanet olunuz.
Name: Lemi (Homepage)
Country: Switzerland Date: Tue Aug 12 12:03:26 2003
Comment: Sayin Tekbilek, sanatiniz ile henuz yeni tanistim. Tanistigim icin cok mutluyum. Umarim birgun Isvicre’de konser verirsiniz. Basarilar, mutluluklar…
Name: Antonio
Country: Spain?USA Date: Tue Aug 5 21:40:20 2003
Comment: Dear Omar. I could enjoy your concert one year ago in my own city Córdoba, Spain. Thanks for those wonderful moments. When are you coming to Louisiana, US? All the best!
Name: joseph rynd
Country: usa Date: Mon Aug 4 06:33:40 2003
Comment: Aloha!!!…Much Love and respect to the peaceful warriors weilding these masterful expositions of prayer and Love…J’ai Ma!!! J’ai Ma!! J’ai MA!!!!
Name: Tarek & Marianna Bayatrah
Country: Australia Date: Tue Jul 29 06:58:21 2003
Comment: Dear Faruk, We had the pleasure of listening to your wonderful performance on Friday last 25 July in Sydney. What a concert. Both my husband and I wanted to thank you for such beautiful music. We were very moved. We listen to your music all the time and we like to promote your CDs to all who visit our home.
Congratulations you are truly a unique artist.
We will definitely attend your next concert in Sydney.
Tarek and Marianna Bayatrah
Country: Isvec Date: Fri Jul 25 15:40:36 2003
Comment: Sevgi- ve saygideger Ömer Faruk bey Amerikada yasamaniz mesafe olarak algilaniyor, hakikati ise nerde olursaniz olun daima varliginizi hisetmek mumkun. Tesadufen tanistigim muziginizle ebediyen manevi yoldasim oldunuz. Sevgiyle
Country: Almanya Date: Fri Jul 18 03:42:30 2003
Comment: Ömer Faruk Bey sizin gibi degerli sanatcilarin varligi ile gurur duyuyorum.Tesadüf eseri eserleriniz ile karsilastim ve daha sonradan bulabildigim bir cok albümünüzü edindim.Inanin sahaserler yapiyorsunuz.Sizin Amerikada yasadiginizi biliyorum ve oradaki kesime yabanci ülkelere cogunlukta hitap ettiginiz icin sayfaniz ingilizce tabanli.Sizden rica ediyorum lütfen Sayfayi yapan kisiyle görüsüp sayfaniza Türkce bölümde ekleyiniz.Böylelikle Türk kardeslerimizin sizi daha yakindan tanima imkani bulu
Name: Gina Marie Mangiamele (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Thu Jul 17 22:11:27 2003
Comment: I had the opportunity to meet your son, Murat. What an innovative young man. He shared with me your background and music and invited me to visit your web presence. I am so glad I did. Congratulations on a successful music career. Contiue the quest.
Name: aysel geladin
Country: romania Date: Sun Jul 6 10:00:27 2003
Comment: you are the best in tradionaly turkish music
Name: Rebekah Hamilton
Country: USA Date: Wed Jul 2 08:19:41 2003
Comment: I teach a course on world religions in literature, and I can’t wait to play your music for the class!!
Name: Elena
Country: Macedonia Date: Mon Jun 30 15:08:10 2003
Comment: First I would like to say Thank you very much Mr. Omar for your music. That what have you done is something that I can’t describe with words. You are moving my body and my feelings up to the sky, very high. It’s happened all time. Your music is gift from God for me. Every time when I feel my self lonely and sad I just turn on your music and there is no more loneliness and sadness…Sorry for my shorts words but that is everything what can I say in this moment.
Best wishes to you
Elena…. <
Name: Ali M. Chartabian
Country: USA Date: Sat Jun 21 00:46:08 2003
Comment: I have always enjoyed your mystical music. I have had the pleasure to attend 2 of your concerts, and they were great experiences. Please Keep me informed of your upcoming events. I do not want to miss them. good luck and keep up the fantastic work.
Name: Kerem (Homepage)
Country: Turkiye Date: Fri Jun 13 17:11:53 2003
Comment: Ýstanbul’da bildiðim güzel bir mekan var. Ve ben bu mekanda sadece sizin müziðinizi dinliyorum
I know an excellent place in Istanbul and I listen to your excellent music only.
Name: Dilek Hoss
Country: Turkey/USA Date: Fri Jun 13 02:03:16 2003
Comment: I just love your music, and love to dance with it.
Not many people understand the deep meaning and the richness of the melodies you bring to life, but I do and just appreciate it. Thank you for the hard work.
Name: Jesus Cuevas Cardona (Homepage)
Country: Mexico Date: Tue Jun 10 15:20:06 2003
Comment: I love your music. I want to thank you, not just for your great music, but the help you game in make my own music. You make several neys for me. I just love my flutes.
Thanks again
Name: olcay
Country: Berlin-Germany Date: Mon Jun 9 14:36:11 2003
Comment: Merhaba Omar bey,
tamamen tedadüfen ulasabildigim eserlerinizi cok begenerek dinliyorum. Ama bunun aslinda pek de tesadüf olmadigini düsünüyorum. Ruhumun eserlerinize ihtiyaci varmis meger. Türk müziginde yasanan yozlasma döneminde(pop) bu kadar mistik ve ruha hitap eden eserlere imza attiginiz icin cok tesekkürler. Guestbook unuzdaki e-mail lerin nereden geldiklerini görünce inanin tüylerim diken diken oldu. Sizinle gurur duyuyorum.
Ne olur Berline geliniz!!
Name: Cengiz
Country: Hollanda Date: Tue Jun 3 16:03:57 2003
Comment: Askiniz daim olsun.
Name: Cengiz
Country: Hollanda Date: Tue Jun 3 16:02:19 2003
Comment: Muhterem OmerülFaruk agabeyimiz,
Inaniyorumki Hz. Mevlana’nin tarif ettigi ilahi Askin nagmeleri, Dede efendilerden, Aka Gunduz Kutbaylardan, ve sayamadigim diger üstadlardan sonra 21’inci yüzyilda sizin kendi icinizdeki Ask ve bu Askin vermis oldugu ilham sayesinde insanliga ulasmaktadir. Bu yaziyi yazarken aklima, OmerülFaruk agabeyimiz kendi tarzinda bir Mevlevi ayini bestelese ne muhtesem bir saheser olur fikri geldi. Müthis bir ayin besteliyeceginize bütün varligimla inaniyorum. <
Name: can gürbüz
Country: Berlin-Almanya Date: Tue Jun 3 15:07:11 2003
Comment: Selamlar… Ben Berlinde yasayan biriyim… kendi capimizda müzikle ilgilenmekteyiz.. Feyzi Hak Tealadan, Mercan-dede, Kudsi Ergüner, Laco tayfa, Misirli Ahmet ve siz saygi deger Omar Faruk Tekbilek gibi sanatcilari da kendimize örnek alan insanlariz.. Bildigim kadariyla Amerika`da yasiyorsunuz, fakat olur ya belki yolunuz Berlin`e de düsüyordur.. Sizi burda agirlamak ve hatta müziginizi, muhabbetinizi ve kelaminizi paylasmak isteriz… Saygi ve selamlarimla…
Name: Murat Yucel
Country: Turkey/Australi Date: Tue May 27 14:34:50 2003
Comment: Guzel muziginizle dunyayi guzellestirmeye devam edin. Sevgiler
Name: Esra
Country: Turkey Date: Mon May 26 23:53:37 2003
Comment: Dear Omar, your music is like a river flowing towards a sea of peace and tranquillity, or like a dew drop ready to fall from a leaf..It gives me so much calmness that I listen to your songs over and over again..Please consider Turkey more frequently while giving concerts. With my best wishes..
Name: Kurt Türker Kara
Country: Denmark Date: Sun May 25 03:55:51 2003
Comment: Degerli Faruk efendi. Müziginiz icin tesekkür eder, ileri yillar icin basarilar dilerim.
Kurt Türker Kara
Name: ömer oral
Country: türkiye Date: Wed May 21 20:31:51 2003
Comment: mükemmel…
Name: daniel ryba
Country: israel Date: Mon May 19 11:15:13 2003
Comment: never b 4 heard such music .but i loved it very much.
Country: Date: Sun May 18 21:55:27 2003
Comment: seni seviyorum ömer
Name: Ali (Homepage)
Country: Turkey Date: Sat May 17 21:47:31 2003
Comment: Sayýn Tekbilek…
Tek kelime ile aradýðým müzik tarzý ve müzik kalitesi.Su ana kadar birçok enstrumantal kaset dinledim,arayýþ içindeydim ve tam anlamý ile aradýðýmý bulamamýstým.”One Truth” albümünü aldýmve sabah akþam onu dinliyorum.”Roman” parcasýnda oynuyor,”I love You”da hüzünleniyorum ve daha bir çok duygu bir arada…güzel bir sentez.Diðer albümlerinizi de en kýsa zamanda edineceðimi söyleyebilirim.Ankara Üniversitesi Sanat Tarihi son sýnýf öðrencisiyim.Sizin için yapabilecek birseyim
Name: nashi
Country: japan Date: Sat May 17 09:08:24 2003
Comment: nothing but pleasure! i love your music, its like an oasis in the desert.
Name: ismail
Country: istanbul Date: Fri May 16 15:48:06 2003
Comment: selam,
Sizin muhteþem müziðiniz beni de çekti..yaklaþýk 5 aydýr kendi kendime ney üflemeye baþladým..þuan ise kursla birlikte ilertmeye çalýþýyorum.amacým sizin gibi muhteþem melodiler çýkartmak.iyi ki varsýnýz.Türkiyeye gelseniz artýk?
Name: Sihaam
Country: Canada Date: Sun May 11 01:32:37 2003
Comment: Thank you for sharing your talents with us. You are truly a musical genius!
Name: gemcia
Country: Turkey Date: Sat May 10 23:38:27 2003
Comment: Istanbul Ortakoy sahilinde, bir cd dükkanýndan sokaða yayýlan müziði (one truth albumu “I love you” )takip ederek, tesadüfen tanýþtýðým müziðinizi zevkle dinliyorum… Allah yolunuzu açýk etsin.
Name: Adem Yiðit (Homepage)
Country: Türkiye Date: Sat May 10 16:22:02 2003
Comment: Canan, talihsiz bir mesaj atmýþsýn bence.Hem, Ömer Faruk Tekbilek,-teþbihte hata olmaz- Þarap gibi.Yýllandýkça geliþiyor, daha da beðeniliyor.Emînim ki daha nice eserlerle ve nice senelerle bizlerle birlikte olacak, Allahýn Ýzni ile.Unutmadan, Trabzonda olduðum için Türkiye konserinizi kaçýrdým.Çok üzgünüm…En kýsa zamanda tekrar bekliyorum.
Name: Canan (Homepage)
Country: The Netherlands Date: Fri Apr 25 22:03:26 2003
Comment: Ben sizi yeni tanidim, eserlerinizi yeni yeni dinliyorum. Cok hosuma gidiyor…ama sizinde yaslandiginizi duyunca uzuldum genc nesillerimizin yetismesi gerekiyor bu yuzden, bilmiyorum nekadar onem veriyorsunuz bu konuya. Eminim ki sizin gibi basarili bir sanatci bu konularada onem veriyordur. Sakin farkli algilamayin sizin bu basarilara imza atmaniz bile okadar gurur ve sevinc verici kiinsallah butun cdlerinizi arsivime alacagim cunki hepside birbirinden guzel. Sadece dance to eternity isimli al
Name: Kemal OZEN
Country: Turkiye Date: Fri Apr 25 14:43:53 2003
Comment: Omar Bey, oncelikle size tesekkur etmek istiyorum bu kadar guzel muziklerle bizi hayal alemlerinde gezdirdiginiz icin, muziginizle 1999 yilinda tanistim, daha sonra butun internette sizinle ilgili sarki bilgi ne var ise ulasmaya calistim, bir baktim ki Akbank jazz festivalinde buraya geliyorsunuz, ne sansliyim ki o konserde sizi canli dinleyebildim, Basarilarinizin devamini ve sizi türkiyede daha sik görmeyi diliyorum , Yeni One albumunuz de hayirli olsun, lutfen turkce de bir site, ara sira siz
Name: Vanesa (Homepage)
Country: Spain Barcelona Date: Tue Apr 15 18:31:54 2003
Comment: Omar, I do travel with your music and my imagination to the origin of all things. You have a gift, thank you for sharing it with us.
Name: Patrick Egan
Country: U.S.A Date: Sun Apr 13 06:21:41 2003
Would like to know more about his colaberation with Celtic music
Name: zehra
Country: istanbul Date: Fri Mar 28 21:34:25 2003
Comment: sitenin ingilizce olmasi güzel fakat bizim dilimizi (türkce:)) de kullanmaniz daha sevindirici olurdu.
Name: Beste Kocgazi
Country: Germany Date: Tue Mar 25 16:38:19 2003
Comment: Sayin Tekbilek,
Dünya standardlarinda bir müzisyen, dünyayi zenginlestirecek, insanlari birbirine yaklastiracak bir müzik…ne mutlu bizlere, siz varsiniz…bize sirf eserlerin icinde zaten sakli olan duygulari degil, kendi hislerinizi de katarak bir sanat sundugunuz icin sagolun, var olmaya devam edin…
Name: Þeyma
Country: Türkiye Date: Sat Mar 22 09:51:30 2003
Comment: Selamun Aleyküm
Gerçekten müziðiniz çok etkileyici çünkü bir nebze olsun dünyadan uzaklaþýp bizi o yanýk sesli ney ile baþka boyutlara taþýyorsunuz.Bize adeta ney’in çektiði acýlarý anlatýyorsunuz yüreðimiz acýyor, içimiz sýzlýyor ama tüm bunlar bizi Allah’a yaklaþtýrýyor.Sizden Allah razý olsun.Sizi kendi vatanýmýzda görememek çok acý ne yazýk ki hep iyi iþler yapanlar vatanlarýndan uzak kalmak zorunda kalýyor ve bu da bizi gerçekten üzüyor.Allah yolunuzu açýk etsin.Allah’a emanet olun…
Name: Vanessa
Country: México Date: Fri Mar 21 06:27:07 2003
Comment: Hello, days ago I started to listen to this music and I found it so beautiful and expressive, is like being in another world, it takes you to another time, I only can say thank you for this music, gracias por esta música
Name: george vargiamedes (Homepage)
Country: greece Date: Fri Mar 14 17:35:46 2003
Comment: i am a pontic lyra player(kemence of the regions of the south coasts of the Black Sea or Kara Deniz).
I’m a great fan of your work. Your music is fantastic, especially your last album, Alif.Continue to inspire me and my friends who are also playing traditional mysic, from Greece and Middle East .
Name: Yesim Arslan (Homepage)
Country: Turkiye Date: Fri Mar 7 10:34:45 2003
Comment: Sayin Tekbilek,
Kendi ulkemden cikmic sizin gibi yetenekli bir sanatciyi yabanci arkadaslarim araciligiyle tanimis olmam ne aci… Umarim bu yaz Turkiye’de konserler verirsiniz. Tebrikler, selamlar…
Name: Jenny
Country: USA Date: Thu Mar 6 03:41:41 2003
Comment: I just wanted to say that I just love Omar Faruk’s music. I just found out he’s Turkish which made me even happier since I am half Turkish. I am just in awe of his talent. Thank you for composing such great art.
Name: Iakovos Petropoulos
Country: GREECE Date: Tue Feb 25 09:41:40 2003
Comment: Omar you are one of the best neyzen ever. thank you for the music that you provide us.
Please come more often in Greece if you can.
Music makes the people of the two nations come together (Greece – Turkey.
Name: Mevlüt Tanriverdi
Country: germany Date: Sat Feb 22 23:58:30 2003
Comment: Sizin gibi bir insanla ayni asirda yasadigim icin cok memnunum. sevgilerle.
Name: Angelique
Country: USA Date: Wed Feb 19 17:25:12 2003
Comment: I danced to your music live about six months ago in Buffalo, New York and I have to say you are one of the most talented musicians this country has ever seen
Name: David Altemose
Country: USA Date: Wed Feb 19 00:30:04 2003
Comment: Hi Faruk, It was great to see and hear you last Sunday night. Please, send me information on buying a ney from the Turkish maker you mentioned.
All my best,
David Altemose
Name: Ernes (Homepage)
Country: Germany Date: Thu Feb 13 20:42:45 2003
Comment: Müzik Dünyasina Bir Yeni Cag Astiniz Ve Zenginlik Gitirdiniz.
Müthis siniz!
Cok Üzüldügüm Ofra Haza Ile Calisma Yapamadiniz Diye
Ama Zehava Ben Ve Glykeria Ile Gerceklestirdiginiz Projeler Kalbimde Büyük Bir Yer Aldi!
Insallah Yakinda Rita Ve Natacha Atlasida Esliginizde Dinliyebiliriz!
Büyük Saygilarimla,
Name: nuno
Country: portugal Date: Thu Feb 13 10:38:19 2003
Comment: well lately ive been listenin to your songs a lot they just take me to another world, make me have hope for life, they are really helpfull thks.
you are coming to spain in march i wonder if you ever thought of coming to portugal, that would be amazing =)
Country: Date: Wed Feb 12 08:42:55 2003
Name: Ferruh Artunc
Country: Germany Date: Fri Feb 7 17:54:23 2003
Comment: Sayin Omar, ilk önce yaptigin müzikden dolayi en icten tebrik etmek
istiyorum, bunca sene demek ki böyle bir müzigi özlemissim
ve karsima sizin o muhtesem plaklarinizla vücud buldu.
Almanya`da yasayan bir türk olarak sizi burada bir konserde
görmek büyük hayalimiz. En kisa zamanda bekliyoruz.
Ellerenize saglik.
En büyük saygilarimla
Dr. Ferruh Artunc
Name: Marli
Country: Brasil Date: Wed Jan 22 19:23:08 2003
Comment: Dear Omar
The album Alif is Love, a encounter between muses
and a special man , between Karadeniz and Akdeniz.
“Go to silency
in felling the smell
with a light form
a eternal meeting
Name: mustafa erol (Homepage)
Country: istanbul/TURKEY Date: Mon Jan 13 00:01:05 2003
Comment: Belki sizinle olan ilk itibatým ama ben inanýyorumki sizinle bir gönül baðýmýz var.Her daim her yerde ve herkese sizi dinletiyor ve dinliyorum.Müziðiniz mesleðim gereði bana muazzam bir ilham veriyor.Kulllandýðýmýz materyallerde ayný.Lütfen sitemi ziyaret edin.Selam ile..
Name: The Usual Suspect
Country: Date: Thu Jan 9 03:34:16 2003
Comment: O me muzik, ne his, ne goz yaslari. Turkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin yetistirdigi en buyuk muzisyensiniz siz Omar bey. Turkiye sizle ne kadar gurur duysa azdir. Ben duyuyorum mesala. Al-Fatiha yi donlerken goz yaslarimi, dindar olmama ragmen, durduramadim.
Name: theodore
Country: greece Date: Fri Dec 27 15:05:52 2002
Comment: This music is the best paradigm about the common sense of musticism in the christian orthodox and muslim religion and also indicates the common beginning, the ‘one truth’ in the musical tradition of the eastern world, of the really civilized world. I wish I could add the voice of my kanun to your next concert in Greece.
Name: Ersin Akyuz
Country: England Date: Tue Dec 24 00:01:25 2002
Comment: Dear Omar,
You are an “ustad” and an “effendi”. I first your music from some Sufi friends 4 years ago. Enjoyed your concert in Union Chapel. The venue was nice but the tickets and collections organisation sucked. You must choose a different venue next time. One question: I have all your Cds but was not familiar with 2 songs from your songs in the concert: Haydar, Severim Seni Ben. can you please let me know where I can obtain them or they in an upcoming work?
God bless.
Country: US Date: Mon Dec 16 07:43:19 2002
Comment: SEVGILER.
Name: Dogan&Utku
Country: Turkiye Date: Fri Dec 6 22:11:53 2002
Comment: eserlerinizle tanisali cok fazla olmamasina ragmen,biz de biraktiginiz etki yadsinamayacak kadar fazla,ancak albumlerinizin fiyatlari ve Turkiye’de sýk konser vermemeniz cok uzucu..sizin gibi degerleri ulkemizde gormek isteriz..en yakin gelecekte istanbulda gorusmek dilegiyle,esenlikler
Name: Samira Ammounah
Country: England Date: Tue Dec 3 00:40:05 2002
Comment: Greetings of peace, love and light to you Mr Tekbilek.I had the real pleasure of attending your concert at Union Chapel and was transported out of this dunya!It was an enchanting evening and I was totally captivated and uplifted by the whole experience.Alhamdulillah for giving me this wonderful opportunity.Bless your heart.My heartfelt and loving salaams to you and all your musicians.
Name: Jebag Barlas
Country: Turkey Date: Fri Nov 22 18:24:39 2002
Comment: Sizin müziðinizle 1996 senesinde tanýþtým. Magic Bone, inanýlmaz bir eser. Tabii daha sonrasý bütün eserlerinizi dinledim. Istanbul konseriniz muhteþemdi. Tekrarlamanýz gerek, acilen. Son albüm Alif bugün elime geçti, herhalde bu albümde de inanýlmayacak yapýtlarýnýz vardýr…
Name: Halil Basaran (Homepage)
Country: England (UK) Date: Mon Nov 18 14:18:22 2002
Comment: I first heard you on Gypsy Fire album with Richard Hagopian. Excellent. Sorry I will miss your London concert on 29th but will be Disneyworld Florida. Keep up the good music
Name: David Blincow
Country: Holland Date: Thu Nov 7 14:06:14 2002
Comment: Hi there,
I was first introduced to your music while sitting at the Cafe Nostalgia on a warm summer’s evening last year in Palamutbuku, Datca in Turkey.
The tape was playing Laundry Girl from Alif.
Who’s that, I asked the cafe owner. The rest is history.Thank you for your beautiful and inspirational music. Are you planning to tour Europe next year or some time in the near future ?
Kind regards,
Name: ismail
Country: istanbul Date: Wed Nov 6 09:42:33 2002
Comment: Taksimde istiklal caddesinde yürüyorum,Tüm taksim ”I Love You” yu dinliyor.mistik bi hava var sokaklarda..sordum kim bu? mýsýrlý bir müzisyen..ismini aldým cd nin..Çünkü türkiyede 25 milyona satýlan bir cd yi alamazdým..Maalesef bende korsan ömer faruk tekbilek aldým..bunu genelde yapmam ama cd fiyatý konusunda belki bir iyileþtirme yapabilirsiniz..
Þimdi sizinle ilgili tüm siteleri aradým ve hayat hikayenizi okuyorum.Bunu da bir sitem olarak alýn ingilizce biliyorum ama türkçe bir site
Name: emrekaynarca (Homepage)
Country: TURKEY Date: Mon Nov 4 13:06:25 2002
Comment: Sevgili ömer faruk bey, sizin gibi büyük bir müzisyeni Türkiye’de görememek ve eserlerine zor ulaþmak insana üzüntü veriyor. Türkiye’deki hayranlarýnýzýn ortak sýkýntýsý bu. Sizi en kýsa zamanda Türkiye’de görmek(özellikle ankara’da) bizi çok sevindirir. Muhabbetle kalýnýz…
Name: pamela
Country: italy Date: Mon Nov 4 09:44:17 2002
Comment: Meraviglioso, incredibile, intenso, intimo…
Name: Yýldýrým Karslýoðlu (Homepage)
Country: Türkiye Date: Sat Nov 2 19:37:09 2002
Comment: Merhaba Ömer Faruk Aðabey;
Müziðinizle bize ulaþtýrdýðýnýz birbir türlü rengi, ruhumuzun derinliklerinde hissetmekteyiz. Üzüntümüz, ülkemizden uzaklarda olmanýzdýr. Tesellimiz ise, sizin gibi bir gönül insaný ile ayný kökleri paylaþýyor olmak…
Sizi ve aile efradýnýzý en derin hürmetlerimle selamlýyorum.
Baþarýlarýnýzýn devamlý olmasý dileðiyle…
Yýldýrým Karslýoðlu
Name: Dr. Zsolt B. Kozma
Country: Hungary Date: Tue Oct 29 20:21:31 2002
Comment: I love Your music! It makes me to fly and whirl, plants lofty thoughts into my mind, elevates me into shining heights close to God! Thank You!
Name: Layla Katrina (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Sun Oct 13 06:39:40 2002
Comment: I am just finishing my website on Belly Dance and Dance Meditation, and have posted a link to your site. Your music is beautiful, I have most of your cds and have been dancing to your music almost as long as I have been dancing. This is a great website, the introduction is wonderful. Thanks so much for your beautiful music. Please visit my site when you can. Layla Katrina
Name: Shaide Halim (Homepage)
Country: Brazil Date: Fri Oct 11 23:29:21 2002
Comment: Hi Omar,
I’m your biggest fan from Brazil. Congratulations to your wonderful work!!!
Shaide Halim
Name: ömer
Country: türkiye Date: Wed Sep 25 14:21:40 2002
Comment: hocam selamlar,ikinci mail’imi yolladým,sizden cevabýnýzý bekliyorum,saygýlar…
Name: rulapan
Country: Indonesia Date: Thu Sep 19 06:40:42 2002
Comment: Omar is the man. The greatest music player I have ever known.
Name: katiuska hanohano (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Tue Sep 17 22:47:24 2002
Comment: Aloha Omar,
Is an honor to say hello to my fellow musician.I hope the future will bring me the fateful opportunity at heart to be able to work and add my Voice with you and your magnificent work!From this professional female Singer and admirer of your musical world journeys.
Name: yama rahimi (Homepage)
Country: usa Date: Tue Sep 17 21:11:22 2002
Comment: i have so far heard only one song and i’m already a big fan. divine music. can’t wait to hear more.
Name: omer
Country: turkiye Date: Mon Sep 16 16:23:18 2002
Comment: sevgili üstadým,size olan hayranlýðýmý anlatmam çok zor,ben 20 yaþýndayým,sizin tarzýnýzda müzik yapmak için çabalýyorum,2 senedir ud çalýyorum,beste çalýþmalarým var,size ulaþmak istiyorum,bana yol gösterin lütfen,mail atarsanýz çok mutlu olurum,sizi saygýyla selamlýyorum…
Name: Brook
Country: USA Date: Mon Sep 9 22:42:00 2002
Comment: Faruk’s music is simply amazing: for technical ability, for emotional power, for depth, for creativity, for never loosing a connection to roots.
Name: peg
Country: finland Date: Sun Sep 8 21:50:43 2002
Comment: ilkönce pariste claude challe in buddha bar inda dinledim…turkiyede cd lerinizi ararken satici sizin misirli oldugunuzu söyledi…ama aradigimi buldum…one truth…simdi sira öbur cd lerde….
Name: Mala Karim (Homepage)
Country: Australia Date: Thu Sep 5 12:38:11 2002
Comment: How fortunate some countries are to have you visit. We must close our eyes and allow the music to carry us away, to the centre of our hearts.
Thank you for all the music.
Name: john brozak
Country: Canada Date: Fri Aug 30 20:56:44 2002
Comment: Well done site to go with the Beautiful music that you create.
Name: Celeste
Country: USA Date: Wed Aug 14 06:56:42 2002
Comment: I listen to different kinds of music, and it takes me to different places. But when I want to come home I listen to Whirling. Thank you.
Name: Terri
Country: Australia. Date: Thu Aug 1 01:00:56 2002
Comment: I’ve just been introduced to your beautiful music. How would I describe my feelings when listening to your music…I can’t, not in words. I know I’m at peace with myself.
Will you ever tour Australia, please do, you will have a place to stay for ever.
Name: kristien
Country: Belgium Date: Wed Jul 31 15:57:10 2002
Comment: Merhaba Omar
When are you coming to Belgium?
The music you bring to the world is magnificent!
Thanks for the lovely moments!
Name: Adem Yiðit (Homepage)
Country: Turkiye Date: Sat Jul 20 13:34:14 2002
Comment: Oncelikle, Turkiyede CD’lerinize ulasabilecegimiz bir firma, Telefon, var mi onlari ogrenmek istiyorum.Turkiyede Ne zaman konser vereceksiniz? Bu da ikincisi..
Ayrica sizin icin, Ufak bir beyit yazmistim.Begeneceginizi Umuyorum ;
derûn-i ruhudur her bir mahlûkun
her beste-i güzidesi Omer Faruk’un
Saygi Sevgi ve Selamlarimi Gonderiyorum Sakaryadan. Basarilarinizin da Daimi Olmasini Diliyorum..Ayrica Bir Chat Ortami Olusturulsa cok cok iyi olur diye dusunuyorum.Sizden Mah
Name: Adem Yiðit (Homepage)
Country: TURKEY Date: Sat Jul 20 13:28:33 2002
Comment: Selamun Aleykum – Hello Everyone,
Herseyden Once, bu siteyi yapanlardan Allah razi olsun, sagda solda, bir garip sitelerde detayli bilginize ulasabilmek icin gozlerimiz kan canagina donuyordu.Bu site cok cok iyi oldu.Muziginiz hakkinda yorum yapmam cok abes olur, benden Evvelki arkadaslar cok iyi tasvir etmisler zaten.Bu arada sizin CDlerinize Burada Ulasamiyorum, Yalnizca Alif’i Trabzonda D&R Music Markette bulabildim.O kadar..
Name: cnr
Country: Netherlands Date: Sat Jul 20 00:55:00 2002
Comment: You understand the language of the soul, and with your music we begin to understand; may God’s blessing be upon you dear friend.. 🙂
Name: Emine
Country: France Date: Wed Jul 17 01:14:41 2002
Comment: selamlar omar efndi
sizi dinlerke kendimi baska bun dunyada hisediyorum, ilk defa bir musik bana boyle bir duygu verdi anlatilmaz bir duygun…
her zaman sizi dinliyorum omar efendi, mukemmelsizi, o kadar kelimeler eliyorki haklima ama hiç birini size layik bulamiyorum…..o kadar deyerlisiniz benim için
insallah bir gun parise gelip bir konser verirsiniz seni çok bekliyorum.
Name: juanma
Country: spain Date: Sun Jul 14 11:43:01 2002
Comment: I love Omar Faruk Tekbilek, he is one of the greatest musicians in the whole world. His music is special, and it transmits a piece of peace, it’s like touching the sky just with a finger
thanks faruk
Name: Seydi (Homepage)
Country: Almanya Date: Tue Jul 9 11:17:06 2002
Comment: Selamün aleyküm Omar aðabeyciðim
Öncelikle bu Sitenin hazýrlanmasýnda emeði gecen bütün Dost’larýnýza canu gönülden teþekkür ederim.
Yapmýþ olduðunuz eserlerin hepsi güzel seçilmiþ ve derlenmiþler, bu eserler insanin Ruhunu okþuyor ve Dünyayý gözlemekte Yüce Rabbimin varlýðýný güzel bir þekilde sergiliyor.
Ýnsanlarýn Takdirini ve Sevgisini Ahirette’de Allah (C.C) mükafatsýz býrakmaz inþaAllah.
Baþarýlarýnýzýn devamýný diliyorum muhterem aðabeyim…!
Selam ve Dua
Name: Seydi (Homepage)
Country: Almanya Date: Tue Jul 9 11:15:14 2002
Comment: Selamün aleyküm Omar aðabeyciðim
Öncelikle bu Sitenin hazýrlanmasýnda emeði gecen bütün Dost’larýnýza canu gönülden teþekkür ederim.
Yapmýþ olduðunuz eserlerin hepsi güzel seçilmiþ ve derlenmiþler, bu eserler insanin Ruhunu okþuyor ve Dünyayý gözlemekte Yüce Rabbimin varlýðýný güzel bir þekilde sergiliyor.
Ýnsanlarýn Takdirini ve Sevgisini Ahirette’de Allah (C.C) mükafatsýz býrakmaz inþaAllah.
Baþarýlarýnýzýn devamýný diliyorum muhterem aðabeyim…!
Yüce Rabbim
Name: Sedat (Homepage)
Country: Almanya Date: Tue Jul 9 11:10:12 2002
Comment: Selamün aleyküm Omar aðabeyciðim
Öncelikle bu Sitenin hazýrlanmasýnda emeði gecen bütün Dost’larýnýza canu gönülden teþekkür ederim.
Yapmýþ olduðunuz eserlerin hepsi güzel seçilmiþ ve derlenmiþler, bu eserler insanin Ruhunu okþuyor ve Dünyayý gözlemekte Yüce Rabbimin varlýðýný güzel bir þekilde sergiliyor.
Ýnsanlarýn Takdirini ve Sevgisini Ahirette’de Allah (C.C) mükafatsýz býrakmaz inþaAllah.
Baþarýlarýnýzýn devamýný diliyorum muhterem aðabeyim…!
Name: Ferah/Gülen Tekbilek
Country: Germany Date: Mon Jul 8 19:09:42 2002
Comment: Senin gibi bir insanin kardesi olmak,bu ölümlü dünyada Allahìn bizlere verdigi en büyük mükafat olduguna inaniyorum.
Name: Rebecca (Homepage)
Country: USA Date: Sat Jul 6 16:26:53 2002
Comment: Thank you for your beautiful music.